Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 862

When Tian Fang comes back from seeing Xiao Bao off, Sihan just goes through a set of shots and sits down chatting with Fang Kai. With a smile on their faces, they seem to have a good conversation.

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

Tian Fang walked over and dragged a chair to sit down between them.

It's not that she doesn't know what to do, but that she has to help the elders of the Ji family take good care of this young lady. Don't make an affair carelessly. Then she can't afford to go!

"Fangkai is talking about my brother!"

Sihan is honest and betrays Fang Kai.

"What? Did brother Kai speak ill of master Ji? "

Fang Kai shook his head with a smile. "It's not bad news, it's good news!"

Sihan said with a smile, "if you let Sun Dao see my brother or younger brother earlier, sun Dao would probably choose them instead of him!"

Tian Fang looked at Fang Kai in surprise, "yo! We, the great film emperor Fang, used to have such inferiority complex? "

Fang Kai put away his smile and said formally, "it's not inferiority, but the gene of Sihan's family. It's really good. Sister Fang, you're the agent. If you throw her brother and younger brother into the circle, don't you leave all the hot fried chicken in seconds?"

Tian Fang was stunned for a moment, and then gave full play to her rich imagination. According to Fang Kai, she quickly made up her mind. Then she had to admit that if the Ji family brothers really entered the performing arts circle, they could become popular overnight by their appearance and figure.

Fang Kai naturally noticed the wonderful expression change on Tian Fang's face. He looked at her with great interest and asked, "what's up? Am I right? "

Tian Fang nodded, "you're right, their family's genes are so good!"

No matter Ji Rui and Letong, the middle-aged couple, Ji Yu and Ji Huan, or Sihan, the adopted daughter and future daughter-in-law of the family, if you take any one out, you will be able to kill the whole audience, no matter what your temperament or appearance is. It can only be said that God loves this family so much!

Fang Kai chats with Sihan and Tian Fang for a while. He doesn't leave until his assistant comes to him.

Tian Fang went to sun Dao and said a few words. When she came back, she took Sihan back to the car.

Sihan knows that she has something to say to her, but she doesn't ask much. She gets on the bus, sits down and quietly waits for Tian Fang.

Tian Fang closes the car door and turns to see Sihan's serious posture. She can't help laughing.

"Ha ha, Niu Niu, what are you doing? How can you look like you are facing the enemy? "

Sihan picks up eyebrows, "it's not like I'm facing the enemy. Is it you?"

Tian Fang quickly raised his hand to surrender. Master Ji often said politely that he would let her bear with his less intelligent sister and daughter-in-law. But in Tian Fang's opinion, where is the little girl stupid?

It's so smart that I don't want it?!

"Well, well, I don't talk nonsense." Tian Fang said, looking down, he took out a large stack of documents from his bag and handed them to Sihan.

"It's a contract. You see, there's no problem. Just sign it."

Niu Niu took over the document with a puzzled face, "is it a spokesperson?"

"No, you can see for yourself." Tian Fang doesn't seem to want to explain much.

Niu Niu opened the cover and glanced at the big black words on the top. She was surprised.

"Sister Fang, I'm going to sign the company?"

Tian Fang nodded, "well, I think it's better for you to sign a company like this. Whether it's gossip or momentum, it's better to deal with the company's operation. "

Niuniu has no objection to this, but it has been nearly half a year since she promised sun to play the heroine. Neither Tian Fang nor her family has mentioned asking her to sign a company. She doesn't have any idea about it. She just thinks that it's OK to have Tian Fang as an agent to work alone.

So, when the crew occasionally asked her which company she signed, she always said, "I didn't sign, so sister Fang took me with her."

Then, others looked at her with the same look as a monster.

She didn't think much about it. Anyway, she believes that since her brother let Tian Fang be her agent, it means that Tian Fang has the ability to work alone with her.

"Sister Fang, isn't it good to be like this now? It's hard for you to sign the company, isn't it? "

After getting along with Tian Fang for such a long time, Niu Niu vaguely knows that it was not easy for her to get to the middle position in Xingtu. During this period, she naturally suffered a lot of pressure and exclusion. So, she worried that if she signed the company, Tian Fang would face the same experience as she had in Xingtu.

Tian Fang is really moved by this kind girl. Unexpectedly, when she wants to sign a contract with the company, what she first thinks about is not her own interests, but her own as a broker.

"Fool, what can I do for you. In a word, you can rest assured that this company is a good one and will not take the dignity of artists and brokers for granted. "

Niu Niu's understanding of entertainment companies is zero.

Therefore, Tian Fang said that, she was not good to tangle, just half doubted to bow to continue to see the contract.

At this time, a cry came from outside the car, "sister Fang, where is sun Dao looking for Sihan? Is she there?"

Tian Fang stretched out her hand to cover the contract and put it back in her bag. "Take this contract home at night and show it to your family. If you have any problems, we'll talk about it in the evening."

Sihan nods, pulls open the door, gets out of the car and trots to sun Dao.

"Sihan, here, I want to add a play between you and Fang Kai. Do you have any opinions?"

Although there are fighting scenes in this film, it's a cover for a literary film. Therefore, if we want to add fighting scenes, director Sun will respect the opinions of Sihan and Fang Kai.

Sihan is not in a hurry to answer. Instead, she lowers her head and looks at the script carefully. However, sun Dao thinks that she doesn't want to. After all, an 18-year-old pretty girl is always fighting and killing. It's hard work and it's bad for her image. It's normal to disagree.

"If you think it's hard, you can also find a stand in during the fight. You just need to fill in some positive scenes."

Sun Dao kindly left her a way out. Of course, if this person were someone else, he would not be so understanding, but Sihan was the woman he had worked very hard to get. Moreover, he patted his chest and assured the family of President Ji Da that he would let her have all her tails. Therefore, this kind of dangerous lens, she does not need the real body is also possible.

Sihan didn't seem to hear sun Dao's words. She pointed to the script and asked, "Sun Dao, is it here?"

Sun Dao looked down, nodded and said yes.

Sihan looked thoughtful and kept silent for a while. Then she said, "well, I also think it's impossible for a man to succeed so easily with a woman's character. This pair of lovers are always happy. It's really more attractive to have a little fight."

Guide sun breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of the question of doubles, "that this paragraph, is to use doubles?"

Sihan shakes her head firmly, "no, I'll do it myself!"