Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 863

This whole day's shooting schedule, due to director Sun's improvisation, caused the whole staff to be busy until more than seven o'clock.

As a female owner, Sihan has a part in the whole process, and it's nearly nine o'clock when she comes home from work.

Le Tong greets her in the courtyard, "tired?"

Holding her daughter half a head taller than herself, Letong is also distressed. She pecks her face and rubs her hair lovingly.

"No, now give me a glass of wine. I can be a Wusong after drinking it." Sihan shouts spiritually and lowers her head to kiss Letong.

But the fact is that the fighting plot added temporarily by director Sun has made her toss back and forth, up and down. Now, her whole body is as sour as a broken frame.

However, I do not know when to start, she also began to report good news to her parents.

Although both daddy and Mommy are still very young, she knows that she has grown up and can't always ask her parents for candy just like when she was a child.

Of course, she thinks that she can't help her parents share anything like her brother and brother, but at least, don't add to their worries. She can solve her own problems within her ability.

Le Tong is amused by her funny movements and pats her ass, "are you hungry? Your brother specially cooked the dishes you and Xiao Bao like to eat today. He went in to wash his face and eat. "

Niu Niu didn't expect that her brother, who was so busy these days, would cook in person. He has not had such a good interest for a long time.

After entering the door, Niuniu greets daddy and Xiaobao in the living room, but there is no sign of Dabao. Xiaobao understands something from her eyes and points to the direction of the kitchen silently.

Niuniu crept to the kitchen door and saw the figure in the kitchen who was busy and didn't know what to do. She took a few eyes and walked quietly behind him. She stood on tiptoe and covered his eyes. She growled in a thick voice, "robbery!"

It seems to be a big treasure with no defense, but she hugs her descendants in front of her body with a backhand. Junlian suddenly enlarges in front of her eyes, with the tip of her nose against the tip of her nose, "robbery? What do you want to rob? Well

Both eyes and tone are full of ridicule and banter.

Niuniu is soft all over. I don't know whether it's because of the whole day's drama or because of Dabao's deep and crisp voice. In a word, the thief who wanted to "rob" turned out to be a little white rabbit who automatically sent to the wolf's mouth.


Niu Niu's soft body hasn't had time to squeeze out more words. Her mouth has been tightly sealed. She doesn't know what's going on in the pot. They are kissing in the atmosphere of happy grunting and strong meat smell, but no one thinks the time or place is wrong. Only because, when love is strong, all the environment atmosphere is nothingness, the rest is only two people who love each other.

After a long deep kiss, he put his arms around the little white rabbit hanging on the wolf's neck. He heard the wolf say in a satisfied lazy voice, "rob me?"

Little white rabbit was forced to nod helplessly!

Secretly clench your teeth, you will never be so arrogant again, holding an electric mosquito swatter to rob cattle!

The three people waiting for food in the living room didn't seem hungry at all. They stayed in the kitchen for more than ten minutes, and no one came to urge them. No one asked them until Niuniu came out with the fragrant tomato and beef brisket, and Xiaobao stood up in a hurry. "Roar, finally there's food to eat!"

Although Dabao's cooking skills are still highly praised by everyone during the meal, Xiaobao, who is responsible for cleaning up the dishes with his father after the meal, tells Letong, "mummy, don't let my brother cook in the future!"

Yue Tong is very strange, "why? Didn't you just eat three bowls of rice and boast that it was delicious? "

"He's too slow for me to be hungry!" Aojiao said, holding chopsticks and bowls, striding to the kitchen.

His words, caused Letong and Ji Rui bursts of sullen smile, even Ji family recognized the most stupid Niu Niu understand, but can only pretend not to understand the appearance, lowered his head red ears, holding a cup of tea silently.

Fortunately, we all know that Niu Niu is thin skinned, and no one has done anything on it since she laughed. But Dabao, as the client, came out after the young master finished washing the dishes, glanced at him and said, "Xiaobao, when you bring your girlfriend back, the kitchen will let you, and the rice will be cooked by you!"

Niu Niu, who happens to be drinking tea again, sprayed it directly this time!

The young master with long hands and long legs stretched out his hand and pinched Niu Niu's face. "You're so stupid

It seems that the young master is very sorry for his stupid sister, who is always aggrieved by his shrewd brother's behavior.

No matter how thick skinned Niuniu is, she can't help being teased and ridiculed by her younger brother, who is nearly two years old. What's more, she is actually very thin skinned.

When the mother can't see it any more, she hastens to settle down, "Xiaobao! Your sister is 18 years old and an adult. Besides, that's your brother! "

Xiaobao stares at Dabao, snorts coldly, picks up his own iPad, lowers his head and plays the game in a dull voice.

Dabao also knows that the young master has been used to fighting against injustice for his sister since he was a child. He clearly dislikes him, but he doesn't think it's wrong. He just smiles and stretches out his long leg to gently lift his foot. Then the young master gives him a wink again.

When Niu Niu recovers from her embarrassment and shyness, she remembers the contract Tian Fang gave her. She quickly gets up, takes out the contract from her bag and presents it to her parents.

"Daddy and mummy, sister Fang said I was lucky to sign a company. Today, she contacted an entertainment company for me. This is a contract. Let's see what's wrong."

Letong and Ji Rui are not surprised at all. They calmly look at each other and take the contract, but they don't look at it. Instead, they directly pass it to Dabao.

"Dabao, you've always been in charge of Niuniu's affairs. Look at it."

Dabao took the contract and quietly turned it over.

Niu Niu felt a little strange. When she signed the contract with sun Dao last time, both her father and mother, her brother, and even Xiao Bao, who was still in Beijing, were very nervous. They looked at the contract over and over again several times, and asked the lawyer to give some advice. It took a lot of days to sign the contract.

"Fangfang has mentioned this to me several times, but she didn't find a suitable company before, so I didn't mention it to you." Dabao seems to see her confusion and explains it calmly.

"Oh... Have you heard of this company?" Niu Niu, who is ignorant, has only heard of Tian Fang's former owner Xingtu entertainment.