Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 861

In order to fight for this breath, Sihan then devoted herself to the shooting more seriously than usual. Sun Dao is naturally very satisfied with this. In front of the whole crew, he praises and praises Sihan, and hates he Yinyin who spreads gossip.

And Tian Fang, when Sihan stands in front of the camera, she takes the phone and goes to one side to report all the crazy gossip and the source of the drama to Ji Yu.

Ji Yu is sitting in Ji Rui's office, discussing with his parents and Xiao Bao about Ji's new business.

"Dabao, you are fully responsible for this. We won't take part in it. First, we don't understand it. Second, we have to guard Ji's stall." When his family member Ji Rui made it clear.

Xiaobao also echoed, "brother, I'm not involved in this. Of course, you can tell me where you need my help."

At this time, Dabao's phone rang. Seeing that it was Tian Fang, he answered the phone in front of his parents and brother. When he heard Tian Fang's detailed and clear narration, his face was covered with frost, and his voice was so cold that the air around him could seep out ice debris. "OK, I know! You'll find someone to accompany Niuniu tomorrow morning, and we'll meet somewhere. "

Xiao Bao and his parents look at each other. Although he knows that the phone call must have something to do with his sister, he doesn't quite understand why the content of his brother's words is so common, but his tone and face are chilling.

"What's the matter? Is that stupid sister being bullied again? "

This is the only reason Xiaobao can think of that he can make his brother change his face. Never, can let elder brother change face so quickly, except elder sister, no one else.

Dabao put the phone on the table and said, "no, it's just some ignorant flies barking and bumping."

Xiaobao sneered, "tut... Flies... A candle and a basin of water can make it die without a burial place."


The next day, Niuniu went out to the studio early in the morning as usual. Tian Fang asked her for half a day's leave last night, so she made plans to go to the studio by herself.

I know that when she got on the bus, Xiaobao, who was supposed to go back to work with her parents and brother, came up with a cat.

"Why? Xiaobao, you got on the wrong bus! "

Niu Niu, a silly girl, thought her brother had read the wrong license plate. Daddy has always been used to keeping a low profile. Several cars in and out of the house are practical models of similar styles, but the license plates are different. It's not surprising that Xiaobao made mistakes.

Xiaobao pushed her and motioned her to give him a seat.

"Pig, can you move over a little bit? My legs are long and the place is too small to sit comfortably."

Although Niu Niu was full of question marks, she moved most of her position to her seemingly domineering brother.

"Uncle Hui, drive!" Xiao Bao sat down and told the driver in front.

Niuniu is still out of the situation. "Are you going to work somewhere else? Are you on my way? "

Xiaobao is not yet 18 years old and has no driver's license, so he needs a driver to pick him up.

Xiaobaobai glanced at her, "yes, I'm going to work!"

Niuniu was convinced that the car had been driving out of the city, but she had some doubts. "Xiaobao, where are you going to do business? It's all out of town! "

Xiao Bao didn't want to talk to her any more. He put his hands around him and pretended to be asleep with his eyes closed.

Niuniu knew that she was despised, and she didn't dare to say anything again. Until she saw the studio from a distance, she couldn't help pushing Xiaobao's shoulder. "Brother, I'm on the set. Where are you going to do business?"

Xiaobao opened his eyes helplessly, stretched out his finger and played on her head, "stupid! You're smart out there, aren't you? It's dealing with people who use up their IQ, right? How can you be as stupid as a pig in front of me! Alas... "

Niu Niu's performance in the drama group, whether Dabao or the other three members of the Ji family, all think that she handles it very well. Of course, while being greatly surprised, they all think that this silly Niu Niu of our family has really grown up.

But I didn't expect that when she grew up, it turned out that she was only aimed at people who had nothing to do with the outside world.

Niuniu touched her head and laughed, "in front of her family, you can't take your brain, but you can't face others outside!"

Xiaobao shakes her head helplessly, but she can't deny that there's nothing wrong with her.

In front of the family, really do not need to take so much fancy ideas, with the most real face is to get along.

Watching Xiaobao get out of the car with her, Niuniu realized with surprise, "brother, did you come to see me today?"

Xiaobao mercilessly gave her a white eye, "otherwise, do you think I'm too busy to come out of the river?"

The younger sister and brother walked into the studio together, talking and laughing. Because Xiaobao also appeared on the day of the opening ceremony, and his beautiful appearance was unforgettable, when the crew saw him, they all said hello to him, "master Ji, come to see your sister filming?"

After greeting, the staff always felt that something was wrong. When the sister and brother hugged their shoulders and went to guide sun, the staff member said to his assistant, "Hey, it's wrong! Didn't he Yinyin say that Sihan was sneaked by boss Ji yesterday? But her brother and brother are both surnamed Ji? I don't think so. In fact, Sihan's surname is Ji, right? "

Her assistant listened to her analysis and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Then he Yinyin, will she die miserably? You see, the rumor just came out yesterday, and master Ji came to refute it today... "

When Xiao Bao arrived, although he didn't say anything, most of the people in the crew were human spirits, and they woke up just like the staff member and assistant. Those who only listened but didn't participate in the communication and didn't say too much would have no worries, while those who broke their mouths and talked too much would be in danger, For fear of being called and scolded by master Ji on the spot or secretly.

More than half of the crew spent the morning trembling. It was only at noon when Tian Fang came back and master Ji left that they were relieved.

After contacting Dabao, Tian Fang, who has been busy all morning, is stunned when she sees Xiaobao in the set. When she reacts, she knows that the boy knows what happened yesterday. Then she is worried and runs to warn everyone.

When Tian Fang comes back, Sihan and Fang Kai are discussing the acting of the next group of clips in front of the camera. Tian Fang sends Xiaobao out. Seeing no one around, Tian Fang says.

"Master Huan, don't worry about your sister?"

Xiaobao shook his head. "Of course not. Isn't there sister Fang watching? I can't worry about it. I just come here to have a look at my sister's acting and brush my sense of existence when I have time! "

Tian Fang laughs but doesn't speak. She doesn't know how to break the heart of the proud young master.