Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 860

But Sihan never cried or lost her temper once because of sun's abusive remarks. When she was scolded, she sincerely asked the director and the elders around her for advice. Over and over again, she repeatedly repeated the scene that sun scolded her as dog shit.

Even Fang Kai, who has been immersed in the performing arts circle for many years, is deeply admired for his strong and self disciplined psychological quality, which is neither too confident nor too self abased, does not vent his anger on others, and solves problems from his own root.

Not to mention that she is an 18-year-old girl, even if she is 28 years old, it is not easy to have such a mind and way of doing things.

I have to say that Ji Jia really taught her very well.

This kind of Sihan makes Fang Kai, who lived at the bottom of the society since childhood, change his outlook on the people and things in the upper society. In addition, Fang Kai also has a new view of the rich family, a species that can only be seen from afar.

He Yinyin was choked by Fang Kai, and her face turned pale. When Fang Kai went out, she gasped back and turned her mouth again. "Look at his strength, isn't it that he can have a smooth journey with sun's help? In front of us, I'm afraid it's cheap to climb all over the beds of directors and investors. "

After all, neither sun Dao nor Fang Kai can afford to offend her.

As for Sihan, although she has a strong background, the so-called background is only heard, isn't it? It's no big deal to gossip!

As a result, the gossip in the dressing room was basically spread throughout the whole drama group at noon, except for the parties.

Sihan takes the lunch box from the driver and eats it while she lowers her head to think about the scene where she just ate ng twice in a row. Tian Fang goes to the crew to get the lunch box, but her face is a little different from the previous one.

At first, Sihan didn't care much. She just picked most of the meat from her lunch box and went to Tian Fang.

"Sister Fang, help me to eat. I want to keep my weight, but my mother always makes so much meat for me."

At the beginning, Letong was actually prepared with Tian Fang's lunch box, but Tian Fang said that the food in the crew should not be too special and not good-looking. As a result, Letong only cooked for one person, but the amount of food was enough for two or three people.

Sihan is also smart. She always pours vegetables and meat to Tian Fang on the pretext of losing weight.

Tian Fang is more and more fond of the Ji family.

She has a lot of contacts with rich people, but few people like Ji family are so approachable and can take good care of other people's feelings.

Probably because of this reason, Tian Fang is no longer just an agent who cares for Sihan, but a child of her own.

Sihan had eaten half of her meal before she felt something was wrong. Usually Fang elder sister, when eating, her mouth can't stop, eating and talking, but today, how can her ears be so quiet?

Sihan looks up at sister Fang and finally finds that her face is not right. The way she ate was not right. It seemed that what she ate was not delicious food, but the murderer she hated.

"What's the matter with you, sister Fang? In a bad mood? " Sihan holds the lunch box, moves her butt, and asks in a low voice in front of Tian Fang.

There are a lot of people here. Sihan doesn't dare to talk too much with Tian Fang.

Tian Fang rolled up her eyelids and gave her a steady look. Then she took a deep breath and shook her head to deny, "no, I just think of you. Brother Zhihao said I'm fat again. I can't breathe."

Sihan people are simple, but not simple and stupid.

Having been in touch with Tian Fang for a long time, I know that she is an open-minded woman, and her relationship with brother Zhihao is stronger than Jin Jian. They got their certificates at the end of last year and planned to get married in the Mid Autumn Festival this year. How can they get angry for the topic of whether they are fat or not?

What's more, Tian Fang stayed with her all day in the production group during this period of time, and saw that she had lost a lot of weight and was still fat.

"Elder sister, if you have anything to do, you can tell me. Is it true that some people say that I got the role only because I was fascinated by sun Dao by his beauty?"

In this case, Sihan heard a lot from the beginning. At first, she was angry, but she was numb.

She gradually understood that it was better to take time to explain or to explain to these people. It's better to shape the role with practical actions.

Facts can shatter lies more than any explanation. She wants those who spread right and wrong to know that Sihan is favored and appreciated by sun Dao by her own ability, not by her beautiful face!

Tian Fang took a deep look at her and thought, it's true that some people say that you are addicted to all kinds of things by your beauty, but the object is not sun Dao, but your dear father!

Those people's gossip, Tian Fang did not have the heart to tell this simple little girl, afraid of dirty little girl's brain.

"All right, all right, Niuniu, just ignore those people and concentrate on filming."

Tian Fang quickly pulls back the little girl's thoughts. Master Ji always says that his younger sister is a little stupid. But in Tian Fang's opinion, the girl is not only not stupid, but also smart and clear-cut!

Although it's not good for her to misunderstand others that she's gossiping with sun Dao, it's better than to let her know that others are gossiping about her gossiping with her father?

Sihan only thinks that what Tian Fang hears this time is worse, but she doesn't expect that even the protagonist has changed. He also wisely comforted Tian Fang by saying, "don't worry, sister Fang. I won't care about those gossips. You can relax your mind. I will prove to them with practical actions. I'm not the worst artist you've ever brought!"

Sihan is also working in the production group. These days, she realized that Tian Fang has a lot of fame in the performing arts circle. Although the artists she used to work with didn't reach Fang Kai's level, they are still in the rising stage, which is close to Fang Kai's level.

However, she, an agent who has already gained some fame, comes to be a new rookie who doesn't know anything. It's hard for others to guess that she must have offended some big tycoon, so that she got into such a predicament.

Sihan doesn't care how much she is criticized by others, but she can't help thinking about Tian Fang's bad gossip.

So, whether for her own sake or for Tian Fang's sake, she vowed to make a name for herself in this movie. Even if she couldn't make it as popular as Fang Kai when she played "fire", at least she could let people remember that there was an actor named Sihan!

Instead of like a meteor, "whoosh" from the audience in front of you, blink of an eye will not be a trace.

In order to fight for this breath, Sihan then devoted herself to the shooting more seriously than usual.