Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 857

Tian Fang is deeply afraid that this meal will eventually become an uncontrollable event for Sihan in the past, now and in the future. Holding tea, she thinks about how to turn the conversation elsewhere without any trace, but not to offend sun Dao.

But Sihan said to sun, "Sun Dao, I have to rely on the director to design the script and the background to set off some beauty and artistic conception. There is no technical content to speak of. It's different from Luo Jie and Taoge, who are full of drama as long as they go to the front of the camera. When they act in a play, they can't be seen to be acting. They are just the people in the play. Even I am such a stupid rookie who can't do anything. Now when I see them, I subconsciously open my mouth and want to call them mom and dad. "

Tian Fang is very happy!

Isn't Sihan a smart girl? He humbly responded to sun Dao's praise, but also threw the topic on elder brother Luo without any trace. Even Tian Fang could not do it by himself.

It seems that Ji Dashao and Ji's family are afraid that Sihan is too simple to be calculated and bullied. Are they worried in vain?

Sure enough, the conversation and attention of the people all over the table turned to Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao, who were praised by many people. Naturally, they were very beautiful. Looking at Sihan's eyes, they were as kind as parents looking at their daughter.

Sihan's hand is under the table and she stealthily wipes the sweat on her palm.

It's said that the tiger father has no son. As an adopted daughter, Sihan can't inherit her blood and smart brain from Ji ruiletong, but she has lived with four smart people since she was a child. She has heard and heard about their ways of doing things and talking. Although Sihan can't learn all about them, she has learned a little bit.

In an emergency, you just need to wander your brain a little more to learn from your family's usual ways of dealing with people. It's more than enough to cope with such a scene.

Where does Tian Fang know that Sihan's seemingly relaxed response just now is really nervous to death? Look at her approvingly, come over and praise in her ear, "girl, well done."

Niu Niu smiles shyly at her, takes advantage of other people's focus to the two elders, picks up the cup and pours a big cup of tea.

Tian Fang was a little confused. "Are you thirsty?"

Where did she know that when Niu Niu was nervous, she would drink as much as she could to hide and recover her nervousness.

"Well..." Niuniu answered stiffly, emptied a cup of tea, filled herself with another cup of tea, and drank it up.

The attention caused by the episode of endorsement was calmed down by Niu Niu's beautiful words.

Next, we'll talk about several veteran actors who are very talented and experienced. Naturally, wine is indispensable for such a large group of people to eat.

Not long after the dish was served, someone took the lead in offering a toast to the director, screenwriter and producer. Then, naturally, someone offered a toast to Sihan. As the youngest and the most junior actor, Sihan would lose face if she didn't drink. Tian Fang held a glass to drink for her, but Sihan said.

"Sorry, brothers and sisters. I'm very allergic to alcohol, so I can't touch alcohol. Well, I'll take tea instead of wine. Thank you for taking care of me! "

Sihan clearly remembers that she promised her brother not to drink, and the least offending way to refuse once and for all is alcohol allergy.

Although others may not believe it, even if they don't believe it, they will certainly not force it again. After all, if this reason is true, it will cause human life.

When a little girl said that, people didn't dare to force her. They touched the cup with her and thought that she had drunk. No one really wanted to tear her face with this popular little girl.

However, the crowd gave up the toast, and a voice came from the nearby table, "it's alcohol allergy. Who knows if it's true? Or, it's just that you don't drink until you look down on people and don't give them face? "

The voice is delicate and angry. People don't need to look at it at all. Just by the voice, they know that it's he Yinyin, who plays the No.2 actress.

Compared with Sihan's friendliness, he Yinyin seems not to be popular with everyone. Now when they hear her stirring up the flames, no one takes over. They just go back to their own places and continue their own topics and wine parties.

He Yinyin had no fun. Maybe she couldn't save face. She took her glass and poured a full glass of wine. She went to sun Dao and Sihan and said, "Sihan, you and I are new people in the cast. Let's have a drink to sun Dao."

It has to be said that her move is very poisonous. If Sihan doesn't respect sun Dao, it doesn't matter if you are really allergic to alcohol. In other people's eyes, she is playing a big card, even the director doesn't pay attention to it.

But if she had a toast to sun Dao, it would appear that she did not give face to other staff before.

This time, Sihan's quick wit can't be transferred. She is worried in her heart. She wrists her hands and looks at Tian Fang. Before Tian Fang takes action, sun Dao reaches for he Yinyin's wine cup, takes two cups of tea and puts them into he Yinyin's and Sihan's hands. Then he picks up the cup, touches he Yinyin's cup and Sihan's tea cup.

"Well, what kind of wine do the two girls drink? Just tea instead of wine! Otherwise, it will become an old uncle of mine who is relying on the old to bully the little girl. "

He Yinyin originally wanted to embarrass Sihan, but this time she was easily solved by sun Dao's helping hand. But Sun Dao was not one of those staff who failed. She had to touch a cup with sun Dao, drink all the tea and reluctantly return to her seat.

After all, Niu Niu is still a little girl. She has a big heart. After a thrill, she eats happily. Occasionally, she talks a few words. Most of the time, she listens to some funny gossip from a group of elders and learns something from it.

After dinner, a group of people said that they wanted to catch up with each other and continue to find a place to drink and sing. This time, Niu Niu asked sun Dao for leave without Tian Fang's warning, saying that she wanted to go home to do her homework.

Sun Dao didn't stop her, and waved to let her go.

"Well, go home and do your homework. Others, go on! "

Just get in the car, Tian Fang can't help but pinch Sihan's face.

"Niuniu, you almost scared me out tonight! Fortunately, you are smart enough! "