Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 856

After Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao's guidance and guidance, they remake that set of scenes in the afternoon. After ng twice, they finally satisfied sun Dao and a pair of "parents" and passed the test smoothly.

After four o'clock, director Sun announced that today's drama had been finished and the work would be finished early.

It's a lot earlier than expected, which makes the staff very excited. I don't know who's making a fuss. It's the first day of shooting today, so sun Dao can invite us to have a big meal.

Sun Dao was very strict in the process of shooting, and he looked like a cold faced demon. But after work, he was a casual person. After being coaxed by others, he almost didn't think much about it, so he waved his hand and announced happily, "OK, no one is allowed to be absent when I have dinner tonight, and anyone who has a date will give me a good push."

Sihan doesn't have any consciousness at all. She doesn't think she has anything to do. It's natural for her to go to dinner with everyone.

"Sun Dao, Sihan has to go back to make up her lessons!" Tian Fang quickly pulls her to sun Dao to ask for leave.

This kind of dinner occasion is usually full of fun and noise, which makes people dizzy. Apart from friendship, it has no other practical significance.

But the problem is that Sihan is not a small artist. Her strong background and her cold position make her unnecessary.

But Sihan doesn't have the consciousness of Tian Da's agent. She knows that Tian Fang is just making excuses for her, but she is really taken care of by all the staff and seniors today. Therefore, she wants to sit down and get together.

"Sister Fang, my lessons are not important. I can move them."

Tian Fang turned her head and glared at her secretly. Little ancestor, your homework doesn't matter. You are tight! I promised your brother that I would send them home before six o'clock!

Sihan read full of resentment from Tian Fang's eyes, knowing that she might have caused trouble for her again.

"I'll call home and ask. If I can, I'll go with you."

Sihan doesn't want to embarrass Tian Fang. She takes out the phone and pulls it out. She says she's calling home, but actually she's calling Ji Dabao.

"Brother!" She picked up the phone and went to a corner.

"Niuniu, it's over? How are you doing today? "

Dabao made at least ten phone calls today, most of which were answered by Tian Fang and three or four by Niu Niu.

"Well, very well. So director Sun said that he would invite everyone to dinner... "

"So?" The voice of the person on the other end of the phone is as usual, but Niuniu obviously feels that the temperature around her has dropped a lot.

Niu Niu bit her lip. "Brother, I want to have dinner with sun Dao. People from the same crew will be together for two or three months in the future. I want to get familiar with you."

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, and then there was a very rhythmic sound of finger tapping on the table. Niuniu was afraid to give out her voice, waiting for the other party's decision quietly.

"All right, you go. Remember to follow Fangfang all the time. Don't leave by yourself. And no drinking! "

"I see. Thank you, brother!" Niuniu was so happy that she almost jumped up.

In addition to sun Dao, Luo Qingru and Jiang Tao, the rest of the cast are mostly young people in their twenties and thirties. Sihan 18 is the youngest one in the group.

In addition to her beautiful appearance and gentle temper, she naturally became the center of a group of people's ridicule and attention.

More than 30 people packed a large private room and sat down around three tables. Sun Dao naturally sat at the main table. Sihan was forced to sit down by him. On the other side of sun Dao, Fang Kai was sitting.

Sihan and sun Dao have met many times in private. Although their ages differ by more than 30 years, their relationship is actually very good. They have a lot in common when they sit together.

"Sihan, if you can, you'd better not interrupt Lao Tan's class. As for the class time, I've already said hello to Lao tan. During the shooting, he will try to accommodate you."

Luo Qingru, a few seats away, listens to sun Dao's words and asks Sihan curiously.

"Girl, do you want to learn acting from Lao tan?"

Sihan nods. In the play, Luo Qingru always addresses the female master as a "daughter". Therefore, after a day, the two people who have completely entered the role are quite used to this address. No matter what they call or what they should call, there is no sense of abruptness, as if this is the original address between them.

"Yes, after taking director Sun's play, I'll go to Mr. Tan's class."

Sihan didn't mention that she went to Miss Tan to learn acting for a certain brand a few years ago. In her opinion, in front of the big group of seniors, the endorsement is nothing at all. Therefore, she didn't want to mention it at all.

But if she doesn't mention it, it doesn't mean others don't pay attention.

Among them, there is a person who is not only very good at performing arts, but also very good at fashion.

"Sihan, how do I think you are very similar to the spokesperson of youth series of an international famous clothing brand? Moreover, if I remember correctly, that spokesperson seems to be Sihan."

Tian Fang is afraid that Sihan will be flustered when Fang Kai mentions it. She just wants to help her out, but she hears Sihan say it lightly.

"Well, yes, that's me!"



In succession, there were low voices and doubts.

"Yes, that's Sihan. Last year, Sihan pushed this endorsement in order to cope with the college entrance examination. However, this year, she signed an appointment with them and will start shooting the first season's advertisement in a while."

Tian Fang see Sihan said this matter, also don't mind shaking out the next trend, anyway, sooner or later these are to let people know.

Of course, it will inevitably cause some people's envy and envy, but this is also inevitable. Since there is publicity capital, why should we shrink back and become a turtle?

"Sihan, I remember that you started from the youth series?"

Fang Kai has met Sihan several times before, but he has never mentioned it before. Tian Fang is not sure whether he really appreciates it or has ulterior motives.

"Yes, brother foncaire, have you seen it?"

Although Sihan has no desire to show off, it is always a pleasure to be appreciated.

"Yes, your first commercial, playing violin on the rocks by the sea, was quite well shot. It's just a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks." Fang Kai's eyes are full of appreciation.

Before Sihan could jump out of the euphoria, director Sun cheerfully agreed, "yes, Sihan's advertisement is really good! Of course, it's not that the latter is not good, but the angle and idea of that episode are very unique. I just pestered ah Mai after watching your advertisement, and wanted to find you to play the flower season for me. "

At this point, Sihan understood how Sun Dao could find such an unknown little girl.