Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 858

Niuniu came home. It was more than nine o'clock at the door, and the light was on in the living room. The driver stops the car outside the yard. Niuniu gets out of the car. After chatting with Tian Fang, she looks at Tian Fang driving her car out of the alley. Then she goes to the fence and pushes the door in.

The door of the room just opened at this time, and Dabao strode forward.

"Brother..." Niuniu threw herself into Dabao's arms.

In the early spring, the night was warm and cold, especially in the courtyard with many trees, and the wind was bleak. Dabao held her cold face and gave her a kiss, hugged her and walked quickly to the house.

"No bar?" Niuniu shakes her head.

After entering the room, Dabao first asked her if she wanted to have supper. When he learned that she was full, he pushed her into the bedroom and asked her to take a bath before coming out to chat.

When Niuniu comes out of the bath comfortably, Dabao sits on her bed with his laptop on his knees. He doesn't know whether he is busy or brushing the web.

"Brother, let me tell you..."

Niu Niu wiped her hair with her head on her side, and went to bed with her legs raised carelessly. She sat down next to Da Bao with her knees crossed.

Dabao moved the computer in one, and the computer moved to the bedside table. Black eyes staring at the little girl sitting beside, quietly waiting for her below.

Niuniu talked to Dabao about how the two elders opened a small kitchen for her in private. Dabao didn't comment on it, but asked, "what do you think?"

Niu Niu leaned her head on his shoulder, thought about it, and said, "in fact, the people in this circle are not as complicated or as bad as I thought."

Dabao rubbed her head, gently put her thin shoulder around her, and said meaningfully.

"Girl, no matter where you are, there are good people and bad people. What's complicated is not the circle, but the people's heart. So, if you don't understand something or can't cope with it, just pretend to be stupid and wait for Fangfang to help you solve it, you know? "

Dabao never thought that one day, he would say this to the little girl as an elder. Because he subconsciously believes that no matter how old she is, he can protect her well, and does not need her to face complex and dangerous people.

It's rare that Niuniu didn't agree with Dabao. Instead, she straightened up, looked at Dabao and said, "brother, I'm not a child. I have to face everything by myself, right?"

Dabao met her with firm eyes and nodded.

"Yes, you have to learn to face it by yourself, but you can take it slowly. Besides, you don't need to face it alone. There are us behind you."

Niuniu said nothing more. She lifted Dabao's arm and put it on his thigh. She put her hands around his waist and closed her eyes comfortably.

Dabao swept her head and asked softly, "how about lying in bed?"

"Well?" Niu Niu snorted.

"I'll pinch it for you and lie down." From Tian Fang's telephone report, Dabao is not difficult to guess what happened to the little girl that day.

A person who has never suffered much will feel tired even if she stays in the studio for a whole day. What's more, she is busy in front of the camera and after the camera, saying that she is not tired is a lie.

"I'm not tired..." Niuniu muttered, reluctantly let go of his waist and slowly moved to the bed.

Dabao rubbed her shoulders with both hands. It was obvious that her shoulders were much stiffer than usual. Eyes floating up a pity, this girl, obviously tired muscles are stiff into this, hard mouth!

"And in the evening? Is there anything interesting that happened during the meal? Let me hear about it? "

Dabao pinched her hands from her shoulder to her back. Remembering that she hadn't mentioned anything about dinner, he asked tentatively.

In fact, when Niu Niu went in to take a bath, he had already called Tian Fang, and Tian Fang basically reported all the things about the dinner.

Dabao thought that after she came out, the girl would mention something about the dinner. But she didn't mention it. Was she afraid of worrying?

Niuniu buries her head in her arms and doesn't say a word. Dabao estimates that she is pretending to be dead. She adds some strength to her fingers and presses them heavily on her spine.

"Ah Niuniu screamed, turned to stare at Dabao, "Ji Yu, did you murder?"

Dabao smiles and kisses her lips. "I've murdered you. Where can I find my wife?"

Niu Niu's face turned red and she flopped back into her arms to pretend to be a dead dog.

Dabao's hand regained its proper strength. Even his voice was soft and imitated. He could drip water, but the content of his words was full of ridicule.

"Don't you want to tell me it's because there's a handsome guy at the dinner?"

Niuniu turned her head and glared again, "where is it?"

Dabao patted her fart with a smile. "Since there is no one, why don't you tell me

Tian Fang did tell Dabao about the dinner, but Niu Niu told him by herself, and the meaning was obviously different from others.

Niu Niu couldn't hide it, so she reluctantly told sun Dao and Fang Kai that she had been a spokesperson at dinner.

When Dabao heard her say how to get out of the siege, he pinched her face and said, "it's not bad. It's much smarter than I thought. Sure enough, my wife is an expert in secret!"

Since Niuniu turned 18, they got along in private, and Dabao often talked about her wife. At first, Niuniu blushed and protested, but after a period of struggle, it was ineffective and even made him worse. After that, Niuniu learned to accept it. Now, she has basically adapted to it and is immune to it.

"I'm so nervous that I'm in a cold sweat!" Niuniu nunuzui accidentally confessed her advice.

Dabao had a smile on his face, but he was deeply in love with her.

There is a moment of impulse, want to embrace her and say, girl, really can't, don't shoot it, penalty we can afford!

Fortunately, the reason is still there, the words did not blurt out.

Then, he heard the little girl say, "however, nervousness comes back to nervousness. After that, I feel a sense of quickness. It's just like other people's successful promotion. I feel a sense of accomplishment! I wonder if it's just like you and Xiaobao like to work in Jishi, full of excitement and conquest? "

Come on, don't say anything!

This girl seems to really like this job!

"After that, no one asked you to drink or anything?"

After Niu Niu came back, he went to smell it, so he was sure that she didn't drink a drop of wine, and this judgment was confirmed in Tian Fang's phone call just now.