Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 855

After making these amazing shots that surprised the director and the people present, Sihan made several more shots of staying with her parents.

Compared with the smooth and amazing scenes of the first group, Sihan seems to be a little stiff and unable to let go of these emotional scenes.

Fortunately, the middle-aged actors in her opponent's play are very famous old actors. I don't know what director Sun has told them or whether they smell something unusual from Sihan's special treatment. Anyway, the two old actors are kind to Sihan. Even if they accompany her to be directed, they still have no complaints.

If it's a warm play, Sihan won't be too afraid, because she has always had a good relationship with Letong's mother and daughter. Just think of the old actor as Letong.

But it happened that the play was a quarrel. Her parents blamed her for changing the Department of the University. She was scolded a few times. When she was rebellious, she couldn't help contradicting her parents.

This kind of intense emotional catharsis, regardless of the feelings of the other party, is a very strange emotion for Sihan, who has always had a very harmonious relationship with her parents. Therefore, the scene of quarreling with her parents and throwing things in the play can never show the feeling she should have.

After the play has been played several times, Luo Qingru, the actor who plays mother in the play, puts forward a suggestion to the director.

"Sun Dao, how about this? This group of shots should be moved to the afternoon, and the afternoon shot should be moved now, OK?"

Sun Dao casts a question in his eyes, and Luo Qingru pulls Sihan's hand. "I'll go and cultivate my feelings with my daughter..."

Originally thought Luo Qingru angry Niuniu, Leng Leng, soon understood that the other side this is to privately with her to play.

"Sister Luo, I'm sorry for the delay." Sihan also has the self-knowledge as a newcomer. She has always been modest and polite when she sees the people in the cast these two days. In addition, she is very beautiful, and she seems to be very clever. She doesn't have the appearance of pretending to be forced. Most people are prejudiced against her, and their perception of her has gradually changed a lot.

"Silly girl, which actor hasn't tried this kind of situation? Come on, let's take the script and have a chat in the shade of the tree over there! "

The work of the staff is still going on. In the shade of the tree, Sihan and Luo Qingru sit opposite each other. She basically recites the plot and dialogue in the script. Listen to Luo Qingru carefully analyze the plot for her, so as to lead her into the play. Listening to this, she silently closes her eyes, and tries her best to draw a three-dimensional picture of the whole plot according to Luo Qingru's description.

Tian Fang has been staying by. To be honest, Sihan, as a newcomer, will encounter such and such problems, which she expected. But Luo Qingru is very proud. She takes care of Sihan for the first time, but Tian Fang is surprised.

"Mother and daughter" in the play, Tian Fang will step by step to one side, midway phone rings, in order not to hinder Sihan them, Tian Fang glanced at the phone display and quickly connected the phone.

"Ji Shao, what's the matter?"

Tian Fang's voice is very low, but Sihan still picks her eyebrows with her eyes closed. Her ears can't help but stand up and catch Tian Fang's words closely.

"No, Sihan did very well and went well. Ji Shao doesn't have to worry about it."

"Lunch? The driver just went out to buy it. "

"I don't know when to take photos in the afternoon. I'll give you a call when we can finish work."

It's not until Tian Fang says goodbye to Dabao and hangs up on the phone that Sihan's expression relaxes.

Luo Qingru sees all this in her eyes, reaches for her shoulder and says with a smile, "Sihan, if you don't think you can imagine quarreling with your parents, or you can try to think that you are not quarreling with your parents, but quarreling with your brother?"

The Ji Shao mentioned by Tian Fang on the phone is Sihan's brother, and Luo Qingru knew it on the day of the opening ceremony. From Sihan's reaction just now, she should care about her brother more than her parents.

Niu Niu opened her eyes and looked at Luo Qingru seriously for a while. She seemed to have figured out something. She nodded and said, "OK, I'll try."

Here, Niuniu makes different expressions and movements according to Luo Qingru's suggestion time and again. Not far away under the sun umbrella, he Yinyin is biting the straw and drinking hot milk tea. She snorts coldly with slanting eyes.

"Well, what are you going to be? It's just an installation, isn't it? "

The assistant behind her pinched her back, saying that birds of a feather flock together. The master is the virtue, and the assistant is the same.

"Sister Yin is not angry. I'll talk to boss Qi about it. How many days can she have it?"

He Yinyin has been in this circle for two or three years. Relying on her uncle's influence, she has made several plays with small investment and small production. Of course, in the hands of those little directors who are not well-known, she has easily won the role of female leader.

So, this time, she also thought that he was the only heroine.

However, in the end, director Sun only gave her the role of No.2 woman. Moreover, although she played in the play from time to time, she played the role of soy sauce, and there was no light at all. In addition, Sihan did not pay attention to her at the opening ceremony, but also made her embarrassed. Seeing Luo Qingru's special care for Sihan, he Yinyin hated Sihan even more.

The assistant's words may not come from his heart, but just casually, so as to appease his employer's weak and hurt heart.

He Yinyin, however, wrote it down quietly.

Luo Qingru and Sihan even have lunch together. In the middle of the lunch, Jiang Tao, the actor who plays his father, once a big movie star, also runs over several times for the same purpose as Luo Qingru.

Thinking that the two elders were working so hard, Niu Niu felt so guilty that she didn't even dare to waste too much time to eat. After finishing her last meal, she filled most of the glass. The sailor wiped her back and picked up the script to consult the two elders modestly.

"Oh, ancestor, what's your hurry? Wipe your mouth first and have a rest for a few minutes. Sister Luo and brother Tao won't blame you, will they?" Tian Fang takes a tissue and hands it to Sihan, smiling politely at the two elders.

"Yes, it's good for a little girl to be self-motivated, but you can't ignore her body. You're full. Get up and walk for a few minutes. I'll have a chat with your sister Luo."

Sihan gets up obediently and walks slowly with Tian Fang to guide sun.

Sun Dao was sitting with Fang Kai and some of his staff to chat. Seeing Sihan coming, he kindly said, "Sihan, take your time. You don't have to bear the burden. Your performance today is many times better than what we expected!"