Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 854

The day before the shooting, the crew held a simple opening ceremony.

Sun's films have always been extremely mysterious, and most of them will not release some stills or gags until the late shooting or editing stage. This time is no exception. Apart from the director, the stars and related staff, no media friends were invited to attend the ceremony.

Sun finally brought in three investors for the film. One of them was present today, and everyone called him boss Qi. Ji Rui, one of them, did not attend the opening ceremony, while another mysterious investor did not.

Dabao and Xiaobao are responsible for the Ji family's delivery of the female leading actress Niuniu to the opening ceremony. Because the Ji family has never been involved in the entertainment industry, apart from sun Dao and Fang Kai, who plays the male leader, who know clearly the origin of the three brothers and sisters, other people only judge whether they are rich or expensive by their momentum and style. They know that this is not something ordinary people can afford, But I don't know their specific background.

Seeing that sun Dao and Fang Kai are very polite to Dabao and Xiaobao, all the staff understand that these two handsome guys, one is Yu Shao, and the other is Huan Shao. Even sun Dao is afraid of their three points. Now he has a taboo, and secretly has a reverence for the actress Sihan.

Sun Dao was also very kind to Sihan. After he asked the staff to arrange the roast pigs and fruits, he waved to her with a smile and said, "Sihan, come here and serve incense together."

On the question of whether Niuniu should change her stage name, several members of the Ji family once discussed it together. Finally, they agreed that it's OK to extend Sihan's stage name.

Dabao and Xiaobao's eyebrows are five or six points similar. People with a clear eye can see that they are brothers. But Sihan has no trace of being similar to them. The female No.2 seems to have a better personality. After finishing the gossip, she looks for an opportunity to get close to Sihan and says, "Sihan, who are those two handsome guys?"

Sihan thought there was nothing to hide, "my brother and my brother." After a sip of the drink, she glimpsed the stars in the eyes of No. 2 girl, then added faintly, "they are all girlfriends."

Niuniu doesn't have confidence in herself, but she doesn't want to add unnecessary trouble to herself, her brother and Xiaobao.

Female No. 2 is he Yinyin. Her face is slightly red and embarrassed. She hides her unnaturalness by saying, "ha ha, they are so handsome. It's strange that they don't have a girlfriend, right?"

Not far away, Tian Fang, who was chatting with other staff, came up and patted Sihan on the shoulder. "Sihan, go and accompany your brother."

Other people don't know Sihan's identity and background, let alone her temperament. However, Tian Fang has been with her for several months and knows that she is not very good at dealing with those false faces. Therefore, seeing what he Yinyin said to her from a distance, she rushed to help her.

Niu Niu toward he Yinyin sorry to smile, owe lean, "excuse me."

"Sister Fang, I heard that you have terminated your contract with Xingtu. I found a young lady to wait on you."

Tian Fang is also a well-known agent in the circle. She once had a bad time with he Yinyin for her artist before, so when she saw her, she immediately changed her sarcastic face.

Tian Fang glanced at her coldly, "whether Sihan is a young lady or not has nothing to do with you. In short, my ugly words are in front of me. Don't provoke her, otherwise, I don't know how to die."

Although Tian Fang can't show the great backer of Ji's openly, it's necessary to give early warning with a few cruel words!

He Yinyin is one of the three investors, which is recommended by boss Qi to sun Dao. It is said that he Yinyin is the niece of boss Qi. So it can be regarded as a rich daughter.

After the ceremony, Tian Fang and Sihan left in the same car.

"Sihan, he Yinyin, you should pay less attention to her. She, relying on her family's small money, makes Princess disease from time to time. "

Both Tian Fang and Sihan are based on the idea that people don't offend me and I don't offend. After all, Sihan, even if she has a background, is a brand-new newcomer like white paper. It's not a good thing to make too many enemies.

Therefore, Niu Niu listened to Tian Fang's command and nodded her head obediently to show that she knew.

Dabao and Xiaobao look at each other in the driver's seat, but they don't ask much.

After returning home, Dabao and Xiaobao asked people to check the background of the eighteen generations of he Yinyin's ancestors that night. Both brothers are self-conscious. They know that they are a bit reckless. But it's about Niu Niu's personal safety, which endangers her future, and they are not familiar with that circle, so it's a good way to find out the details of the people around her in advance.

The film was shot in two parts. The first part was shot in a rented video studio on the outskirts of r city, and the second part was shot on location. The front and back parts took about a month.

The studio is about an hour's drive away from Ji's home. According to Tian Fang's original meaning, she comes to Ji's home every day to pick up Sihan and take her home at night.

However, Ji's family insisted that the driver take them to the studio. Later, Tian Fangcai learned from Sihan that the driver, not only a driver, but also a bodyguard, had been responsible for the transportation and safety of Sihan and her brother since childhood.

At the beginning of the film, there are some fragments of the female owner's life on campus, which is a relatively easy part for Sihan, who has no experience in filming for the first time.

However, neither sun Dao nor Tian Fang dare to expect too much from Sihan. Even after months of observation, both sun Dao and Tian Fang admit that Sihan has a talent for acting. But it's the first time for her to stand in front of the camera and play opposite roles with people she doesn't know. Therefore, director Sun has made psychological preparations. The first group of shots must go through countless ng to pass, and even be ready to find a stand in.

The first scene is the first encounter between the schoolgirl and the schoolboy in the alley outside the school.

The female owner in the film is a girl with great skill and sense of justice. On the first day of school, when she was shopping for lunch outside school, she met a thief who robbed her wallet. The female owner with strong sense of justice threw the lunch and rushed towards the thief. At the same time, the male owner who was also buying bread not far away saw a girl rushing towards the thief regardless of her personal safety, but waiting for the male owner to rush, The woman owner has caught the thief's arm, a beautiful fall over the shoulder, the thief fell on all fours!

Originally thought to ng countless times of lens, actually, once passed!

Both sun Dao and Fang Kai are scared by Sihan's neat and straightforward skills!