Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 853

How did Niuniu persuade Dabao?

In fact, it's very simple. She just said to Dabao, "brother, I have consulted Dr. Fu. He said that according to my weight, if I lose 10 Jin in three months, it will never cause any harm to my body."

Dabao listened as like as two peas, and knew that she was determined to do something. She did not talk to her much. After hanging up, he immediately called out Fu to the doctor. The answer was exactly the same as what Niu Niu said. He only replied to Tian Fang.

Of course, although he agreed to Niuniu's weight loss request, he did not dare to let Tian Fang go to those dietitians who specially designed weight loss programs for artists to design programs for Niuniu. Instead, he gave it to his most trusted person, his mother Letong!

Niuniu came home the same day, and Letong, who was so efficient and fast, had already got the weight loss plan from a trusted professional dietitian. When she gave it to Niuniu, the little girl was shocked.

"So fast?"

Yue Tong pinches her little fat face. "Of course, I don't want to see who's going out."

Niuniu hugged Letong and gave a loud kiss, "thank you, Mommy!"

Yue Tong said pitifully while holding the soft meat on her face, "Alas, it's a pity. In the next few months, the small face with the meat will be gone."

Niuniu raised her hand to touch her face and comforted her with a smile. "It's OK. I'll bring it back after the filming."

Little girl this period of time efforts, Letong all see in the eyes. I know that she is eager to do her best. As a mother, even though she knows she is very hard, even if she loves her, she can't not support her!

Therefore, Letong and aunt Guan have been preparing meals for Niuniu in strict accordance with the nutritionist's plan from this day on. Niu Niu, who has never brought a bento to class, takes a weight-loss Bento carefully made by her mother after breakfast with her parents every morning.

Although this diet lunch is all vegetarian, it's made by Letong. It's a vegetarian lunch full of color, flavor and flavor. Tian Fang often eats big fish and meat, but always covets Niuniu's vegetarian lunch.

Niuniu has entered the fifth day of weight loss, while Dabao has not been in r city for the past five days.

"Brother, why are you on such a long business trip?"

Before going to bed, Niu Niu lies on her side and looks at Dabao's face projected on the big screen.

"Well, the company has expanded its new business. It has a lot to deal with and takes a long time."

As for which field of business to expand this time, Dabao didn't mention it, and Niuniu couldn't take the initiative to ask. After all, even if she asked, she might not understand.

"Oh... Then you should pay more attention to rest, and try not to drink too much wine when socializing. Two days ago, I asked my classmates to send me some Amomum honey from her hometown. It's said that it's very stomach nourishing. Next time you go on a business trip, remember to bring some."

Niuniu vaguely knows that Dabao had a serious illness when she was a child, but she doesn't know exactly what it was. But as long as Dabao is on business or socializing, she will surely tell him to drink less and rest early.

These sounds like the general nagging of an old lady, but they are the words that make Dabao warm.

"Well, I know. Do you feel dizzy, tinnitus and soft after eating diet for several days?"

Dabao had a teasing smile on his face. He was really worried.

They are three brothers and sisters. They were carefully raised by mummy when they were young. Although the food is not the best, it is absolutely the best. Because there is a good cook mummy, all of them are foodies. It's not equal to killing her to let her go on a diet.

"Brother, you don't have to worry about that. Those vegetarians that mommy cooked are delicious. I have a good appetite these days. I'm so worried that I think I'm fat instead of thin. "

At this time, Dabao, who is sitting on the hotel bed with his knees crossed, really wants to fly home through the screen and touch the girl's face and body to see if she is really fat instead of thin.

If that's the case, it's a pleasure for him.

Because he always felt that the feeling of meat was very good!

Unfortunately, when she was 11 or 12 years old, she suddenly rose like a bamboo shoot. After that, she kept a thin and tall figure.

"Is that fat or thin?" Dabao couldn't help asking.

"Of course I'm thin! Lost a kilo

Niuniu pinched her face and said, "but Mommy said she can't see it at all. I still look good and healthy now!"

In this way, Niuniu has been eating in strict accordance with the requirements of the nutritionist. By the Spring Festival, more than a month before the film began, she just managed to lose five pounds.

Dabao and Letong, who were very distressed when they heard that she was going to lose weight, watched her lose weight a little bit, but her body didn't get worse. On the contrary, they seemed more healthy and strong, and their heart was completely relieved.

The Spring Festival is still as lively as usual. Although the three brothers and sisters grow up, they still go home as if they were children. They fight together and go crazy together. Occasionally, they play coquetry on Letong, who is a mother. Letong, who is a mother, suffers a lot from President Ji, and is left out in the cold. At the same time, it is hard to avoid eating a stomach of dry vinegar.

So he said, "next spring festival, you can go out for a holiday by yourself, otherwise, I will go out for a holiday with your mother, and you will play at home!"

The words of President Ji Da, the head of the family, were rejected by the other four members of the family for the first time.

Some big babies said, "no, mom must accompany us during the Spring Festival! Daddy, you can't be too greedy or too overbearing. We are not jealous when Mommy accompanies you all day and all night. What are you jealous when you accompany us during the Spring Festival

President Ji had nothing to say, so he had to ask his wife for help.

But he forgot that when a mother chooses between her husband and her child, she always chooses her child!

"Mr. Ji, what do you care about with some kids when you are old?" Sure enough, Mr. Ji's help and protest got a scornful glance from his wife.

After the Spring Festival, the family watched Xiaobao go back to the capital.

Xiaobao, a senior of this year, will graduate in one semester. Now in the internship stage, he is actually staying in Beijing to help Yang Sheng run some businesses. Originally, he also made plans to stay in Beijing to help Yang Sheng for several years after graduation. His parents, including Dabao, have no objection to his plan.

However, after the Spring Festival, he stayed and went back to work.

Niu Niu felt strange, asked him, he said, "Sister Liu's boyfriend was forced to recall to the country by her uncle and entered the Yang family, so my uncle didn't need my help."

Niuniu didn't think much about it, and she didn't have much free time to think about it, because, soon, she will be in the group filming.