Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 852

Of course, she also understands that old artists like Miss Tan have come to the point of being critical of performance. It's a matter of course to have high demands on the image and details of the actors.

If Niu Niu is another artist, since the teacher says she wants to reduce her weight, Tian Fang will not blink an eye. With a wave of her hand, she says, "then you can reduce ten jin."

But Niuniu is no one else. She is the daughter of Ji's group. The young master of Ji's family asked her to act as an agent for Niuniu. The first thing he said was to keep Niuniu intact!

Now, if Tian fangruo really dares to let Niuniu cut down ten jin according to Miss Tan's idea, she doesn't know whether she will be chased by the Ji family young master to cut down ten blocks until she cuts off ten jin of meat from herself.

"Niuniu, I think it's better to follow the meaning of director Sun. But director Sun said nothing! "

After Tian Fang officially became Niu Niu's agent, she didn't go around to help Niu Niu get along with other artists in the past, and she didn't get any work for her. The first thing she did was to visit Sun Dao and Mr. Mai in person. Of course, she no longer acted as an agent of Xingtu, but as an agent of Sihan.

Sun Dao and Mr. Mai naturally got the news from Ji Yu. They were more polite to Tian Fang than when she was in Xingtu.

As a result, Tian Fang is more sure that his step in other people's eyes is desperate, dangerous chess is right.

Niu Niu hesitated for two days when she heard this. She called sun Dao and told him what Mr. Tan had said. Sun Dao pondered for a long time, patted her thigh and said, "that's right. Another ten pounds is perfect! I always think about what's wrong. Lao Tan's eyes are much more poisonous than mine

After listening to his roar, Niuniu realized that sun Dao and Mr. Tan were old friends.

Then, in the next performance class, Niu Niu unexpectedly meets sun Dao at Mr. Tan's home.

"Sun Dao, why are you here?"

"Sihan, come here quickly. I'm talking to Lao Tan about how to change this part of the play. Come and help me."

It turns out that after Niu Niu conveyed Miss Tan's words that day, sun Dao turned to Miss Tan. Today, sun Dao specially took the script to discuss some unsatisfactory details with Miss Tan.

Niuniu obediently dragged a chair to sit down, "Sun Dao, Mr. Tan, you talk, I listen!"

As a layman, she just wants to seize every opportunity to learn. As for opinions, she thinks she can't come up with them.

Because, in her eyes, there is no flaw in the script. She saw the high tide part of the play several times and then cried several times. Before the play started, she had already loved the heroine very much. Now, if you ask her what's wrong, where can she answer?

"Lao sun, I think the scene of the female owner crying in front of her parents is more in line with the personality of the female owner, and more in line with her heart for her parents and not for her parents to worry about..."

Niuniu has read the script several times, and she can almost recite the scenes and plots. Now, after listening to Mr. Tan's words, she thinks that the depiction in the script is more reasonable than her layman.

"Oh, yes, that's more appropriate!"

As a result, during the two performance classes, Niu Niu has been listening to two well-known elders arguing about the plot of the play. Some of them, she understands, some of them, she knows little about, but on the whole, she has benefited a lot.

As for weight loss, since Sun Dao also agrees with Mr. Tan's opinion, Niu Niu is determined to lose ten jin before shooting.

Of course, she didn't forget that she was also a brand spokesperson. Before putting weight loss into action, she called Mr. Mai, "Mr. Mai, in order to be more in line with the image of the characters in the film, I may need to lose ten pounds. Does it affect the shooting?"

Mr. Mai was like being hit by a big pie falling from the sky. He was elated and said repeatedly, "no matter what, you'll be more beautiful if you lose ten jin!"

Generally, models tend to be bony. After all, Niuniu is not a professional model. Therefore, the director and the brand are not as strict on her weight as they are on professional models. Moreover, they have always been in love with Niuniu because she has a unique temperament that other professional models do not have. It is her temperament that has captured many fans for her in the Asia Pacific market.

Of course, these things for the former girl, is not concerned about.

But now it's different!

If she wants to develop in this way, naturally, she should try her best to make herself the best!

After getting the approval of sun Dao and Mr. Mai, Niu Niu asked Tian Fang to find a dietitian to design a weight loss plan for her.

Seeing that there was no room for manoeuvre, Tian Fang had to promise Niu Niu first, then turn around and report the situation to Ji Da, who was on a business trip.

Ji Yu receives Tian Fang's call when he is in a meeting. He looks at the caller ID and signals others to continue. He picks up the phone and pushes open the balcony door and goes out.

At this time, it was early December, standing in the terrace of dozens of high-rise buildings, the north wind was blowing.

Ji Yu slightly shivered for a while, half leaning on the guardrail, connected the phone.

"Fangfang, what's the matter?"

"Ji Shao, director Sun asked Niu Niu to reduce her weight in that play. What do you think?"

Dabao's mind immediately flashed Niuniu's bony and miserable appearance, and he shivered again.

"Must it be reduced?"

After a period of contact, Tian Fang felt that if it was Sun Dao's request, but master Ji insisted on not letting Niu Niu reduce, then sun Dao would not dare to insist.

But the problem is, now is Niuniu from a request to reduce, this brother and sister wrestling, in the end who will win at the last moment?

Before making this call, Tian Fang bet master Ji to win!

It can only be said that Tian Fang doesn't know much about master Ji, or that she doesn't know much about how precious master Ji is to his precious sister!

"That's what director Sun proposed, but in the end, it should depend on Niu Niu's will, right? A little girl like her is the most greedy age. It's not easy to diet and lose weight. "

Young master Ji was silent for a while and said, "OK, I'll communicate with the little girl about this before making a decision."

After that, I don't know what the baby sister of master Ji said to him. Anyway, within a few minutes, he replied to Tian Fang, "Fangfang, I respect the director's opinion on weight loss. I'll find a special person to design Niu Niu's weight loss plan. Then I'll send a copy to you. You can help to urge her."

Tian Fang Leng for a long time, slowly back to God, only to realize that he has been, it seems too small to look at this little girl.