Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 845

Niuniu called Zhang Ziwen. That night, after dinner, she was supposed to go to the study to practice piano. However, with a cup of hot tea, she walked slowly to the living room and sat down on the sofa opposite her parents and Dabao.

The three looked at her strangely at the same time, especially Dabao.

Because Niuniu has always been very clingy since she was a child, especially Dabao.

This time, she sat quietly on the opposite sofa holding the cup. If Dabao was right, the expression on the little girl's face was very nervous, and her hands holding the cup were tightly twisted together.

Niuniu's tension, dabaocha feel, Letong naturally also found out, but she, like her husband and son, quietly looked at Niuniu, waiting for her to take the initiative to speak.

Niu Niu was staring at by her parents and brother, and almost wanted to escape. But reason told her that she was not a child, and she had to fight for what she wanted.

What's more, these are the families who love her most. The whole world may hurt her, crowd her out or point out her behavior. Only the three in front of her, as long as she thinks, they will tolerate her and support her.

Niu Niu looked down at the heat coming out of the cup. After a while, she raised her eyelids and bit her teeth.

"Daddy, Mommy, brother, there's something I want to discuss with you."

Dabao heart flutter, strong intuition told him, not good!

Letong, as the real head of the family, also has a premonition in her heart that what the girl wants to discuss will never be a trivial matter.

"Well, tell me! Maybe we can give you some advice! "

Letong and Dabao look at each other. She knows her child best. The girl said that she was discussing. In fact, she has made up her mind, right?

Even with Le Tong's encouragement, Niu Niu still looks at Dabao nervously. Seeing that Dabao's expression is flat, she doesn't seem to resist much. Then she licks her lips and says.

"I'm sorry, daddy and mummy. I want to try to develop into the entertainment industry."

Her words, in exchange for a long silence and six bright eyes.

Their reaction was the best in Niu Niu's expectation. She had imagined that they might kill her when they heard that.

And now, she can't deny that they didn't want to kill her heart. But at least, they seem calm on the surface, and neither brother nor daddy shows any signs of getting angry.

Letong is the first of the three people to respond and give a response, "do you really think about it?"

Her tone is very calm, which makes Niu Niu's delicate heart hanging in the air slowly return to the flat.

Niuniu nodded firmly and glanced at Dabao again. "Well, I think so!"

Letong sits in the middle of two men, one old and one young, and looks at the old and the few. The two men, whose faces are more and more similar, are pursing their lips.

It seems that the two men haven't turned the corner yet. But, never children and parents of confrontation, concession is not always parents?

In their family, it's the same.

Whether it's Dabao or Xiaobao, or Niuniu at the moment, what they decide is not something that parents can control and change at will.

As a mother for so many years, she knows very well that, in a sense, family affection is a kind of fetter.

Every child, when self-consciousness is mature, will have the idea and desire to break free from his parents' arms and face the world alone.

But all parents have an instinct to keep their children in their arms. Most of the time, they don't realize that their children have grown up.

Therefore, parents want to keep people in their arms, but children want to break away from the pull and go to the outside world. Two opposite forces are tugging at each other. If no one knows how to let go and give in, it is inevitable to hurt.

And understand this truth of Le Tong, generously chose to let go. In fact, for Dabao and Xiaobao, she and Ji Rui let go earlier. And to Niu Niu, no matter she and Ji Rui or Dabao, what they have been doing is desperately trying to pull her into their arms.

They just think it's love Niu Niu, but they all ignore it. Even if Niu Niu is not as smart as Dabao and Xiaobao, she will grow up eventually.

"Since this is what you like, do it boldly. Even if we are ordinary families, as long as you like a few children, we as parents will support you unconditionally. What's more, your father has a little bit of money and status, so he always has the ability to let his children do what they like without worry! "

Letong is the quickest one among the three people to figure it out. After thinking it out, Letong's decision is no longer to pull Niuniu back, but to try to push her behind the little girl, so that she can walk more easily in the world she wants.

Compared with Letong's approval and strong support, Dabao is silent.

Niu Niu was a little relieved at first, and when she saw the big treasure, she looked nervous again.


She knew that her decision was very difficult for her family, and that her family didn't like it.

But now she is eager to be strong. This power is not necessarily to become a powerful entrepreneur like daddy and Mommy, but just to become an independent and successful person!

She just hopes that she can become a proud person for her parents and brother with her own ability. Instead of, like now, no matter what happens, you will subconsciously hide behind your parents and brother to seek shelter.

But she doesn't have the brains of her brother and brother. It's not easy for her to make some achievements to prove herself.

Therefore, she must choose the direction she is best at to develop. With this idea, she first thought of violin, a skill she had learned for more than ten years.

To be honest, both teacher fan and other professional teachers feel that she has no talent in this field. If she works harder, she may become an excellent performer, but she will never become an artist.

Besides violin, what other skills or skills does she have?

As a result, she thought of Zhang Ziwen and the famous director Sun Dao, who was rejected by herself and still insisted on cooperating with her.

Is it possible for such a great director to think that she is very talented in this respect?

If she tries to develop in this way, does she have a chance to become an outstanding person in a certain way like her brother?

"Brother..." Niuniu called again.

Dabao gave her a meaningful look and then let out a long breath.

"OK, you can do it if you like. I'll be your strongest backup like daddy and Mommy."