Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 846

Niu Niu's eyes were slightly red. She stared at Dabao and muttered, "thank you, brother..."

At this moment, she even thanks her parents for abandoning her, for throwing her in the desolate woods, and then letting her brother find her. Only in this way can she love her and do everything for her family and lovers.

Although, this kind of thought is very disrespectful to her biological parents, but she still can't stop this kind of thought, desperately to go out.

Dabao stared at her red eyes for a few seconds, sighed gently, stood up, took three long legs and stepped in front of her. He put his big hand on her head and rubbed it hard. It seemed that just in this way, he could crush all the depressed soldiers in his heart and throw them away.

Niu Niu lets him rub her head and stare at his feet. The corner of her eyes is getting hotter and hotter. She doesn't want to cry in front of her parents to look too ugly. Subconsciously, she raises her face and sniffs hard.

With fog eyes straight into the top-down overlooking her concern eyes, Niu Niu's heart is not struggling to "thump" crazy jump, like a sudden fast forward music, rhythm chaos in a mess.

And the big treasure standing high on the ground, looking at the little girl red eyes covered with tears, face scarlet appearance, had been chaotic heart lake, this is stirred into a huge whirlpool, accidentally, he swallowed up the whole.

"After that, do you have any ideas? Do you need us to help you find your way In the heart is still turning the wind and waves of Dabao, the words are very rational, the tone is also very gentle, deeply staring at Niuniu's dark eyes, calm and deep.

It is undeniable that when he heard that she wanted to develop into the entertainment industry, he really had the heart to kill her.

She is the treasure that he carefully protected and spoiled since childhood, holding it in the palm of his hand for fear of holding it, holding it in his mouth for fear of melting. Never, as long as she left his sight and control, he was always afraid that she would be bullied and that she would cry when she was wronged.

When he realized that he not only loved her family, but also men's love for women, his idea of monopolizing her became more and more abnormal. Little girl may not know, but he himself is clear, he has been using his way to prevent her from making too close contact with the opposite sex outside the Ji family.

Mingming often thinks selfishly and darkly, or she should be tucked in her pocket, so that no one can see or touch her.

But now he has to accept that her smile, which originally belonged to him alone, will keep shaking in front of the people all over the country. It felt like a precious candy that he was not willing to eat, but now it was going to be melted in a big pot of water and given to unrelated people according to their heads.

Yes, he admits that he doesn't like it and doesn't want to share her beauty with anyone, even if it's just a toss without a sincere smile!

But when he heard what Mommy said to Niuniu, his thoughts were greatly impacted.

If he has enough confidence in their relationship, he doesn't need to worry about the temptation of the outside world to shake her!

If he thinks he is strong enough, why can't he let her do what she likes with her own strength like her parents?

In other words, if a man doesn't even have the mind and tolerance to support and tolerate his lover to do what she likes, what else can he talk about?

Mummy's words not only changed his mind, but also made him blush!

Niuniu is not a pet he keeps. She is an independent person. She has her own thoughts and pursuits. He may or may not support her, but how can he stop her?

Just like daddy and mummy, there is no doubt that daddy has enough ability to let mummy live a superior life, but daddy has never stopped mummy from having her own career and pursuit. Instead, he has always supported and respected her until she becomes a strong woman who can advance and retreat together with Daddy. Of course, if Mommy is at home these years, he will love her as well. But he also has to admit that now this excellent mother in all aspects must have more personal charm than an ordinary housewife. For Mommy, her life must be more complete and wonderful.

And Niuniu, what she wants is probably the same as what Mommy wants.

What's wrong with her like this?

Since that's right, why can't he support Mommy with the kind of bearing and tolerance that a man should have?

Niuniu finally recovered her steady heartbeat rhythm from his affectionate and doting eyes, sniffed and shook her head.

"I don't need you to do anything for the time being."

Her confidence once again surprised Dabao and Letong.

"What are you going to do?" Dabao was so close that his parents asked them what they thought.

"Sister Ziwen came to see me. She said that Mr. Mai hoped that I could continue to speak for their brand next year. In addition, there was a famous director named sun, whose name I forgot. Anyway, this director Sun wanted to find me to play the heroine of his new play. I haven't talked about the details yet. Brother, please accompany me to meet him when you arrive. I'm afraid you need to help me with the specific things."

Although Niu Niu has a certain plan for her future life, she has no idea of fighting alone. She is very self-conscious. She is too young to go to a new environment. The support and escort of her family is essential.

Dabao nods and agrees. Even if Niuniu doesn't mention it, he won't trust her to contact those directors or investors alone.

Ji Rui and Letong look at each other, and Qi Qi remembers what happened to sun Dao at his birthday party. The little girl is talking about sun Dao now. Isn't that sun Dao?

"Sun Dao? Does he have any famous films? " Yue Tong asks tentatively.

Niu Niu didn't mention sun Dao to them at all, but when Le Tong and Ji Rui saw that she didn't mention sun Dao, they naturally didn't know.

Niu Niu tilts her head and thinks about it. She searches out several hot films directed by sun, including two films "fire" and "flower season" starring Fang Kai. The latter is the film that sun invited her to join in for the first time.

Le Tong and Ji Rui got a positive answer. When Mommy said, "girl, what time did you make an appointment with sun Dao? Can your dad and I go to listen to what the director said?"

Two years ago, sun Dao naturally didn't get any investment from Ji Rui, and Ji Rui didn't mention that the little girl Sihan he loved was Ji Sihan, Ji Rui's daughter.

"Well, thank you, mom and Dad!"