Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 844

"What happened?"

What a smart person Letong is, and she knows her children very well. It only takes a glance to know that the two children are not right.

Dabao also conceals the meaning, looked at Niuniu and motioned to herself to say it again.

Letong takes off her apron and sits down in the living room with the two children. She listens to Niuniu carefully and repeats the story calmly.

Throughout the process, Letong has been solemn and silent. When Niuniu has finished, Letong leans over and gently hugs her in her arms and kisses her on the forehead.

"Honey, you did a good job. Next thing, we'll solve it. You don't have to worry about it. "

Letong's words are similar to Dabao's. Niuniu was worried that her father, mother and brother would blame her for not dealing with it well. Now listening to Letong's words, she scratched her head with embarrassment. "If it's my brother and my brother, she can deal with it better than me."

No way. She has lived in the shadow of two geniuses for so many years, and it's normal for her to always be suspicious of herself.

She never felt inferior in music, or in the fields where she was good at going on stage and taking pictures in front of the camera. Even when she met a strong opponent, she knew that her level was inferior to others, and she had the courage and confidence to catch up.

"Fool, even if it's me, I will choose the same way as you. I will protect myself and avoid hurting other innocent people. Mommy didn't say it, you did a good job! Our girl is really grown up! "

After talking to her brother and Mommy, Niuniu's worries are finally put down. Letong continues to cook dinner in the kitchen. Niuniu follows her to the kitchen to help her.

Dabao got up and went into the study. First, he called Zhao school and asked him to transfer the monitoring records of Niuniu in class. The other party soon passed all the video surveillance related to the man according to his requirements.

From the video alone, Dabao doesn't know this man. From the patchwork footage taken from different monitoring points, it can be inferred that the man who came and went by bus was acting alone.

When Ji Rui comes back, several people sit down with Letong and watch the video carefully. No matter Letong or Ji Rui, they say they don't know this man. However, Ji Rui and Letong know the man who threatened Mr. Ji and Ji Rui a few years ago, and they have a thorough grasp of his information. Now we can be sure that this man is not that man.

"Is it possible that the man came to intimidate Niuniu?"

Letong intuitively feels that the two men are probably related.

"Well, you can try to think about it first. Let's start with that man." Ji Rui also agrees with Letong.

So, three people began to discuss how to carry out, the whole process, Niuniu this party is also present.

It was impossible before.

But Niuniu's performance today makes Dabao and Letong understand that little girl has really grown up and many things should not exclude her.

Because, no matter how powerful they are, they can't protect her all the time. She must learn to protect herself and learn to deal with emergencies. She must also have a strong psychological quality to withstand changes and pressure.

The person in charge of investigating the man a few years ago sent the results the next day.

A few years ago, the man's business plummeted because he had committed crimes against the Ji family and the Yang family. In other words, before that, his business was already in the signs of decline, so he took the risk to blackmail Ji Rui for a large sum of money and wanted to take the opportunity to turn over.

However, Ji Rui and his wife are famous for protecting the calf. After that, they let out some news with Yang Sheng. In the end, the man got worse and worse. Later, in order to avoid the creditor, he went to the remote mountainous area to hide. Once he hid, he hid until now.

As for the man who appeared in r university, the investigators couldn't find any clues to show that he was related to the previous man. Even though they spent several days investigating what his background was, where he came from and where he went, they still found nothing.

There is no progress in the investigation. Several adults of the Ji family dare not take it lightly. They arrange two bodyguards to follow Niu Niu secretly.

Niuniu has no objection to this. From childhood to adulthood, her parents are very concerned about the personal safety of their brother and sister. She is not stupid enough to show off in this respect in order to prove her ability.

With bodyguards secretly protecting her, if she is more careful, the possibility of others trying to get close to her and hurt her will be reduced a lot.

In principle, she should be relieved.

But in fact, when she is alone in private these days, she always seems to have a lot on her mind.

I have to say that although the man didn't touch her a hair, he hurt her a lot. What hurt her so much, of course, was what the man said

Everything you have is fake!

This, obviously with a strong sense of provocation, Niu Niu tried to persuade herself countless times, take this as nonsense.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't deny the correctness of this.

It can be said that the man's words hurt and frustrated her more than his blatant stabbing.

Her brother brought her back from the woods and gave her a chance to live. Daddy and mummy gave her name and gave her a good living environment and full of love, so that she could grow up healthily and happily.

Up to now, apart from this face and this body, what is not given by the Ji family?

If, put aside the heavy protective clothing of Ji's children, what is Ji Sihan?

Since she was a child of the Ji family, she lived in a big house. She went out in a luxury car and was followed by bodyguards everywhere. She ate and dressed better than others. She went to a school where one year's tuition could enable ordinary people's children to go from primary school to University

All these things, she has always taken for granted, but never thought, if she is not surnamed Ji, if she is just the original she, what kind of life will she lead?

If she is now separated from the Ji family, and is 18 years old and fully grown up, can she live a good life?

These problems perplexed Niuniu for many days. Then, one day, she suddenly made up her mind to call Zhang Ziwen.

"Sister Ziwen, I want to meet with director Sun. Can you make an appointment with him for me and accompany me?"

Zhang Ziwen, who had already lost all hope on the other side of the phone, had no reason to refuse. After he promised, he turned around and soon sent the time and place of meeting with sun Dao to Niu Niu's mobile phone.