Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 843

"You don't know? You are not Ji. Everything you have now is fake! "

Niuniu is shocked that she is not a child of Ji's family. It is Letong who tells her. After that, no one has mentioned this question except Dabao in front of her.

Of course, the Ji family and the Yang family all know about it, but no one has ever talked about it. Moreover, everyone has accepted and acquiesced in her relationship with Dabao in a calm and natural way,.

As far as outsiders are concerned, this man with a very bad attitude is the first one who mercilessly exposes the truth in front of Niu Niu!

Niuniu turns her head to ask the man, "who are you?", But the man had already got up, and even didn't look at her again. Without the slightest nostalgia, he turned and walked out.

Niuniu nervously stares at the person's back and disappears at the door. She has been trying to keep calm and support her all the time before. Finally, she can't hold on any longer. All of a sudden, she lies on the table with sweat on her back and hands.

Usually very serious, she couldn't hear the teacher's voice on the platform at this time. The man's creepy dry smile and his sentence "everything is fake!" rang out in her ear If you want to.

Instead of rushing to her family for help as before, she tried to calm herself down and analyze the strange man and his unpredictable behavior.

She didn't know who the man was. Naturally, she didn't know the purpose of his coming here, and what was the purpose of his words?

Niuniu was in a trance all afternoon. Until Dabao came to pick her up, she was still absent-minded. When she was young, she looked at Dabao, who had grown up with her. When she only looked at her, she realized that she was abnormal.

"Niuniu, are you sick?"

This is the school. People come and go. Dabao doesn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary. He just frowns and sticks the back of his hand to her forehead.

"No! I'm fine! " Niu Niu shook her head and took Dabao's hand down.

But she denied it, and her pale face and worried eyes told Dabao that she was not good at all.

Dabao was not in a hurry to break it. He opened the door and let her get on the car first. When the car started, he was not in a hurry to ask her, but she pursed her lips silently and looked straight ahead of the road.

If she does not have anything like what she said, Dabao is not stupid, but blind!

However, he wanted to give her enough psychological buffer period so that she could sort out how to talk to him.

Dabao waited patiently all the way, until the car drove to the gate of the yard, Niuniu didn't say a word.

Dabao originally thought that she might be excluded or criticized by her classmates at school, so she was not very happy, but now, he thinks things are not as simple as he thought.

He stopped the car, but didn't open the door. When Niu Niu wanted to open the door, she got out of the car but couldn't open it. When she turned her head and looked at him with confused eyes, he leaned over to kiss her lips, rubbed her head and said in a low voice.

"Let's talk!"

Niu Niu trembled slightly, raised her eyelids, and there was a look of confusion in her dark eyes.

"What's the matter?" Dabao asked gently.

Niuniu shakes her head. She thinks about it all afternoon, but she still hasn't figured out how to mention the man and his words to her family.

In fact, she really hopes that she can find a way to solve it. After all, she is 18 years old and can't rely on her parents and brother for everything.

When Dabao saw that she was silent, he could only exclude her one by one.

"I was bullied by my elder sister at school?"

"No!" Niu Niu's answer was very straightforward.

"Was the classmate beat small report, was the classmate crowded out?" Dabao asked again.

"No!" Niuniu shakes her head.

In fact, she is not so weak and incompetent as her brother.

Even if this happened, she would not take it back to her parents and brother. She is no longer a child, has learned to deal with such interpersonal conflicts and friction.

"Is that the TV reporter bothering you again?" Mentioning that reporter, Dabao's eyebrows slightly twisted.

"No, I've only met him once."

"Is that a problem in study?" Dabao asked one by one persistently.

Niuniu finally understood. If she didn't make it clear now, she probably didn't want to get off the bus.

"Brother, I met a strange man in class today!"

Dabao's heart was tight, "huh?! "Weirdo?"

Niu Niu nodded, before a little lax eyes, finally found the focus.

"Yes, I sat in the last row, and there was no one in the back seat. As soon as he came in, he called me in an interrogative tone. Obviously, he wanted to make sure that I was me."

Niuniu tries her best to look calm and rational. Even if this matter is to be solved with the help of her brother and parents, she must let them know that she can deal with such a person or emergency calmly and think rationally.

Dabao's heart is mentioned in the air, and his dark eyes are deep and unpredictable. However, seeing Niuniu's calmness, he also suppresses her nervous heart and encourages her to speak in a calm tone.

"Well, then?"

"Then I pretended he called the wrong person and ignored him. He was sitting two or three seats away from me and didn't move. I pretended to listen to the class seriously. He suddenly laughed a few times and said, "you don't know, do you? You are not Ji. Everything you have now is fake! "

Dabao's heart, which has been thrown to the cloud, nervously asked, "after that, did he trouble you?"

"No, he left after that. I've been thinking all afternoon, but I can't remember who this person is. "

In fact, Niuniu knows very few people. Although everyone outside knows that Ji family has three children, Ji Sihan, who ranks second, doesn't show up at ordinary parties. Therefore, after thinking about Niuniu all afternoon, she can be 100% sure that this man, she met for the first time.

Dabao intuitively thinks it's not easy, but he comforts Niuniu.

"It's OK. Let's go home first. You don't have to worry about it. My parents and I will solve it."

When hearing Niuniu say that man, Dabao's first reaction is whether that man is the man who threatened grandfather and daddy with Niuniu's life experience a few years ago?

However, these are only his guesses, all of which require evidence.

Niuniu got out of the car with him, and the brother and sister went home hand in hand.

Letong didn't work overtime today, so she went home early to prepare dinner. Hearing the sound, she ran out with a smile on her face. Seeing the dignified look of her son and daughter, she couldn't help but be stunned.