Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 838

Niuniu answered with a "well", but she came up to him, pulled his hand, put something in his palm, closed his palm with her own hand, and then she said, "wait for me!"

Then he turned and trotted back to the stage.

Dabao watched her swing the horsetail on her head and run back to the stage rhythmically. He saw that she was ready to play. Until he heard the music, he took his eyes back, bowed his head and opened his palm.

Palm, quietly lying a heart-shaped chocolate.

Dabao raised his lips slightly, picked up the chocolate with her upward temperature, opened the package and put it into his mouth. The sweet and mellow taste spread slowly in his tongue. It was clearly just the most common chocolate, but Dabao thought it was the best chocolate he had ever eaten.

At the end of the song, Niuniu on the stage picked up the water bottle and twisted it open to drink. The group friend's eyes glanced to the audience side intentionally or unintentionally.

"Sihan..." the group friend hesitated and called Niuniu.

"Well?" Niuniu answered casually, wiped the corners of her mouth gently with the back of her hand, and looked up at her.

"That handsome guy, is he your boyfriend?"

Niuniu turned to look at his brother who was busy with his own business, and naturally replied, "it's my brother!"

The group friend had a smile on his nervous face. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he heard Niu Niu say, "but my brother has a girlfriend."

The smile on tuanyou's face was fixed on his lips, and he coughed awkwardly. After a while, he said, "your brother is so handsome. At first sight, he is a young and promising career elite. It's strange that he doesn't have a girlfriend."

Niuniu nodded and said with a thick face, "yes, my brother is so handsome and capable. It's a wonder that there is no girlfriend in the world."

Before, when Niu Niu didn't know her true heart, she still had a strong possessive desire for Dabao. As long as a girl was close to him, she would be jealous and rebellious.

It's good to say that she's careful with her eyes, and that she's good at protecting food. Anyway, from childhood to adulthood, she can't accept Dabao's elder brother to look at other girls more.

What's more, now she and Dabao have exchanged their hearts. The status of her real girlfriend is unbreakable. Naturally, she can't tolerate any other girl's wrong ideas about him.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, she knows!

Therefore, when you see the suspicious spark of the star, you immediately give a large basin of cold water to water it out!

"Brother, if you arrive early in the future, you'd better wait for me in the car!"

So, in order to avoid the appearance of her handsome brother and boyfriend, Niu Niu, as soon as she got on the bus, told him to fasten her seat belt.

Dabao raised his head and looked at her inquisitively.

"Why? Did your friends talk about you? "

Niuniu is soft tempered. Dabao is always worried that she will be bullied. In particular, she won the position of chief of the orchestra as a freshman, which is very easy to arouse criticism and criticism, and is likely to be rejected and suppressed by the old group members.

Niu Niu looks at him strangely, but she doesn't understand. He is so smart at ordinary times, how can he misunderstand so absurdly.

But she didn't know that her mind was not on the same channel as Dabao, who was always worried about her being bullied.

"My group members do talk a lot, but not me, but you."

"Me?" Dabao was stunned for a moment.

If he remembers correctly, so far, he has nothing to do with Niu Niu's college classmates and group friends. How can he gossip?

"Yes, men are full of envy and hatred for your appearance and luxury cars. In private, they say that you must be an embroidered pillow, domineering and domineering depending on your father. Women say that you are handsome and handsome. Maybe you are a big star, or you are an elite in the workplace... "

Niuniu is not exaggerating at all. In private, she did hear the alumni of the regiment talk about Dabao like this.

Originally, people like Dabao, no matter where they go, will naturally become the imaginary enemy of same-sex attacks and the best boyfriend for heterosexual admiration.

Dabao was not in a hurry to drive. Instead, he leaned over and listened to her carefully. Vaguely, he felt a slight sour smell floating in the air.

He exaggerated with hand fan, heavy suction nose, smilingly squint at her way.

"Tut, why does the car smell sour?"

Niu Niu snorted and gave him a hard look. "Do you know how much you attract? Still sitting in the audience with such publicity, do you want to see beautiful women? "

With a smile on his lips, Dabao reached over and pinched her face.

"Of course, I'm going to see the beautiful women..." Dabao deliberately pauses and smiles. Seeing that the beautiful woman's face around him is slightly heavy, he goes on to say, "I'm not here to see Ji Sihan's beautiful woman? By the way, ask for a chocolate! "

Ji Sihan's face turned from cloudy to sunny. "In a word, you'll wait for me in the car. I'll come out immediately after rehearsal."

Compared with splashing cold water with a large basin of water every day, Niu Niu would rather hide the culprit who provokes bees and butterflies, so as to save her heart!

Dabao thinks that although he has graduated for many years, he used to be a man of the year in the school. Even now, many records and honor lists in the school still have his name and photos. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it's better to sit in the car and wait for her, just as Niuniu said.

"Well, I see." His starting point is different from Niuniu's, but the conclusion is the same.

For this decision, Dabao is very sorry, after all, he actually enjoyed the little girl jealous picture.

"When will your mid autumn festival get-together be held?"

The car started slowly and drove into the school road.

"On the 10th of next month, what's the matter with you that day?" Niuniu has known that her brother asked this question for a long time. The subtext is that something must have happened that day.

Sure enough, Dabao nodded.

"Well, I'm going to the branch office in M city for a few days next month. I'm not sure which day I'm going to spend. I'll try my best to adjust it then."

Niuniu doesn't want to embarrass him. Besides, it's just a party. Compared with his work, it's clear which is more important.

"It's OK. It's just an ordinary performance. It's not a big competition. Work matters. Don't embarrass others for such a small thing."

Niu Niu worked as a work study student under Dabao for more than two months. Naturally, she understood that the adjustment he was talking about was to let others change their original itinerary and plans to accommodate him.

Of course, as the general manager, there is nothing wrong with asking others to accommodate him.

But as the root of the incident, she doesn't want to bear the curse of beauty.