Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 839

In the end, Dabao failed to adjust the time, so he missed Niu Niu's debut in University.

However, he did not see Niu Niu's performance live, but saw her solo and duet video with teacher fan on the Internet.

Originally, he had no idea about it.

It's the break between him and his subordinates during the overtime meeting. I've seen a senior executive of Niuniu inadvertently open one of the hot topics when he was brushing the website. In the video, the beauty standing on the stage solo is not Prince Ji, who is the baby sister of the general manager?

"General manager, come and have a look, Miss Sihan is on the hot topic search list!"

Dabao originally wanted to make a phone call to his home during the break. When he heard what his subordinates said, he came over. As his subordinates said, the girl in the video, wearing a white suspender dress and playing beautiful music, was Niuniu.

Several other colleagues, Wen Yan, also came to watch. After watching, they praised Sihan for her elegant temperament and superb piano skills. Among them, there was exaggeration, but it was very pleasant to listen to in Dabao's ears.

"Wow, general manager, Miss Sihan, this is the rhythm of fire! Video upload less than an hour, forwarding and comments have been nearly 10000

Dabao, who was in a good mood, frowned slightly when he heard this.

Just now, he just listened to the praise of others, but forgot that he and his parents never wanted Niu Niu to be over exposed.

Especially before she has the ability to protect herself.

When Dabao opens the web page, he clicks on the video posted by r university students' Association microblog. The number of comments and forwards has exceeded 10000, and the number of likes has exceeded 20000. When he clicks on the comment and goes on, the frown that he originally slightly frowned becomes tighter and tighter.

"Half an hour's rest!"

Dabao told the colleagues in the meeting room, and he took the phone back to the office.

"Hello, principal Zhao, I'm Ji Yu!"

Although Dabao has graduated from r university for several years, he still has close contact with the university after graduation. First, he won many awards for the research projects he participated in before, and then he was often invited back to give lectures by the University. Secondly, every year, he will subsidize some needy students and donate teaching facilities and funds.

For this reason, president Zhao of r university on the other side of the phone heard Dabao's name. He politely replied, "it's Ji Shao, how are you!"

If the usual, Dabao will be polite a few words, but at this time he did not even polite mood, so straight to the theme.

"Headmaster Zhao, at the Mid Autumn Festival party held by our school today, one of the violin soloists, Ji Sihan, is my sister. Does headmaster Zhao know?"

Dabao's tone is very ordinary, but he is usually a person with excellent manners. After listening to these words in the ears of president Zhao, we can hear the smell of asking the guilty.

"I know, Mr. Ji called to take care of it in person. He also said that Sihan, like Xiaoyu, should be a child of ordinary people. Don't make anything special. "

President Zhao's tone is very attentive, but Dabao is so clever that he can't hear his intention to shirk responsibility.

"Headmaster Zhao, my father really never wanted us to engage in the principle of privilege. While I was in school, I didn't do anything to shame the school by relying on my father's identity and status. My sister was also a good card. But when we are equally divided, should the school respect us? "

Dabao is looking at the messy comments in the video. Apart from a small part of real appreciation, most of them are boring and shameless comments asking for people's meat, asking for a phone call and asking for a date. The more Dabao sees these comments, the more angry he is. As a result, his voice becomes colder and colder.

Headmaster Zhao over there seemed to be at a loss. He pondered for a moment, "Ji Shao, I'm busy these two days. Maybe I don't take care of the school's affairs comprehensively. Dare to ask, what's the matter that makes Ji Shao difficult?"

Dabao didn't want to play the game of diction with headmaster Zhao, and he didn't have time to play Tai Chi with him. He frowned, changed the page of the comment and replied impolitely.

"Headmaster Zhao, the video of violin solo released on the microblog of the student union obviously takes Sihan as a gimmick. Even if the Conservatory of music wants to use Sihan as an advertisement, it has to seek the opinions of her and our Ji family first, doesn't it? I admit that r university is very famous, but a video on the micro blog of the University Student Union has been forwarded and commented by more than 10000 people in less than an hour. Do you think it's normal? I believe president Zhao knows better than me why this video is so popular. I hope that this is the end of the matter, and the driving force behind it is to ask president Zhao to find out as soon as possible. "

The sound of "crackling" on the keyboard came from the microphone. It is estimated that it is searching for the microblog and video that Dabao said.

"Don't worry, Ji Shao. I'll have people delete microblogs and videos immediately. As for the behind the scenes, there should be no one, right?"

President Zhao is not clear about Sihan's position in Ji Yu's mind, so he often bargains.

Dabao squinted slightly and looked at the increasing number of forwarding and comments under the microblog.

"Since president Zhao doesn't think so, I'll check it out."

This matter, if really let him Ji Yu to check, follow-up processing matters, turn not to the school to intervene.

It is obvious that president Zhao knows this well.

"No, Ji Shao is so busy. We will deal with such a small matter. Please rest assured."

Dabao hesitated and said, "OK."

Principal Zhao nagged and said a lot of good things, but Dabao was not in the mood to listen to his nonsense. He patiently and reluctantly listened to him for three or two sentences, then interrupted him, "principal Zhao, I'm sorry, I have to go to a meeting, and I'll call you later."

The implication is to inform president Zhao that he will follow up all the time.

After that, the meeting did not go smoothly. Many of the parts that had differences were still different from each other, and no one could persuade them. When Dabao saw that there was no way to have a result in a short time, he dropped the sentence "you have a good discussion, I'll make a phone call."

Back in his office, Dabao didn't rush to check the microblog. Instead, he called president Zhao again.

When the phone was connected, without waiting for Dabao to open his mouth, principal Zhao over there first opened his mouth to report, "Ji Shao, that microblog has been deleted. I'm very sorry for the trouble you caused!"

Dabao gave a faint "um" and waited quietly for the following.

If he remembers correctly, in addition to asking for the deletion of Weibo, he also asked the school to find out the backhand.

President Zhao was silent for a long time, probably thinking of Dabao's other responses.

Dabao didn't say a word until he heard president Zhao say, "Ji Shao, who is behind the scenes? We don't know yet. Can you give me some time?"

Dabao is very straightforward, "OK, one day!", But they didn't give each other a chance to bargain.