Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 837

He never said when he was attracted to her. And she didn't know how long he was waiting.

She didn't know what it was like to wait for someone to grow up.

Now she still does not understand, but she tried to transpose thinking. If now she loves him deeply, but for some reason can't find out and express for the time being, the waiting process must be very hard.

The more Niu Niu thought about it, the more distressed she felt. She couldn't help reaching over and touching his face.

For fear of waking him, the palm of his hand was lightly pressed against his face.

His skin is very good, and his pores are very thin and elastic. If he didn't stay with him every day, and knew that he was as simple as possible in his living habits, he might think that this man usually didn't know how to maintain his skin carefully, so that he could develop his skin like this.

I'm sorry, Niu Niu said in her heart.

Sorry to keep you waiting!

Sorry for the pain!


Niu Niu's hand from the straight nose to the stretched eyebrows, looking at his handsome face, I feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

She is so big that she knows what it's like to be miserable.

But this time, the pain is different from any other time.

She felt aggrieved and oppressed.

But these grievances and grievances are not for her, but for him!

For this reason, she even hated the unknowingly and happily growing up in the past.

How could she be so dull when she was young?

How can we blindly enjoy him beyond the brother and sister's doting and love, but not aware of his inner feelings and pain, and never give him any response?

If she is a little sensitive and smart, she can see his heart and her own heart early, even if she says to him, "brother, wait for me to grow up!", Then he doesn't have to suffer so much in vain.

Niu Niu, whose chest is full of complicated emotions, bows down and lies on his warm body. Her face is buried in his neck. She murmurs, "brother, you always say I'm a fool. In fact, you are the most stupid fool!"

The man pretending to be a corpse sleeping on the bed heard her whispering so passionately. His heart was like the snow on the withered branch in winter. It was blown by the wind and trembled a few times before falling.

Dabao's soft heart became a pool of water. One hand supported her back waist, the other hand gently raised her face and pecked her lips.

"You are stupid! I am the greatest genius

There was a flash of surprise in Niu Niu's eyes. Soon, she realized that he was not asleep at all, just pretending to be asleep.

But now she doesn't care about his little actions.

"Brother, you are wrong! Because I'm a fool, but you fall in love with me. Aren't you the most stupid fool? "

Dabao put his forehead against hers, and his lips were slightly crooked. He looked at her with interest.

"Oh? Let me put it another way. If I am smart, then you are smarter than me. Because you chose me and fell in love with me, you are smarter than me. Is that right? "

Niu Niu, it seems that there is some truth in what he said!

"So a fool, like me, is destined to work hard. If you are smart, you are destined to save me

Dabao pointed at her with her fingertips, who was still thinking intently, "thank you for master Sihan's dream song. It's very nice to hear. It makes me tired as a common man!"

Niuniu was dazed by Dabao. Although she didn't understand the meaning of his last two words, her originally depressed mood got better unconsciously.

It was not until she lay on the bed, pondering over her brother's behavior tonight in the dark, and then pondering over his last two words that she slowly understood.

Probably, my brother's action tonight is actually premeditated.

Choosing her favorite major made her feel guilty. But she didn't mention it to anyone, and my brother should be aware of her mind, so I specially comfort her in this way tonight.

So, she is really right, he is the most stupid fool!


Dabao's well intentioned action really relieved Niuniu a lot.

Of course, she didn't really think that she was the one who saved her brother, but since he worked so hard to plan such a play, she naturally couldn't let his efforts be wasted, let alone let him worry any more.

After thinking about it, Niu Niu no longer worries about gains and losses, but turns guilt into motivation and becomes more actively involved in school life.

Not long after the beginning of school, r university's Mid Autumn Festival Party entered a tense preparatory stage.

As the backbone of literature and art in the Department, Sihan has his own solo as well as his ensemble repertoire with the new orchestra.

After her repertoire was published, teacher fan told her privately that he would play a duet with her.

Because she has to prepare these songs, Niu Niu often stays in school to train until evening. Dabao, who is still in charge of transportation every day, mostly works overtime until the appointed time to pick her up.

But on this day, he arrived early, sitting in the audience with his laptop, Niu Niu rehearsing on the stage, while he was busy with his work.

Niuniu didn't see him because she turned her back to him. Until the end of a song, the girl standing beside her bumped her and raised her chin to remind her.

"Sihan, the handsome guy who comes to pick you up every day is here again."

Niuniu is not very familiar with the alumni of the band, so people only know that a handsome guy comes to pick her up every day, but they don't know that he is her brother. Most people default that he is her boyfriend.

Of course, this kind of acquiescence is not a misunderstanding, but for Niuniu, Dabao is her brother first, and then her boyfriend.

Moreover, from the moment she bravely confessed to Dabao, she never thought that she and Dabao would be separated one day.

So, in her heart, Dabao is actually a combination of brother and boyfriend, the two are inseparable.

Niu Niu was startled for a moment. She turned around and looked at the familiar figure. When she saw the familiar figure, she said thank you to the group friend and walked to the auditorium around the stairs on one side of the stage.

After sitting down, Dabao, who is quietly busy with her own affairs, feels the familiar breath floating close, looks up and looks into her dark eyes.

"Don't worry about me when you rehearse yours!"

Dabao waved to her and motioned her to go back quickly, "go back quickly, don't let others wait!"

Niuniu is a freshman. She was chosen as the chief violinist of the orchestra just a few days after she entered the school. She was easily criticized. Now, Dabao didn't want her to be talked about, so he signaled her to return to the team soon.