Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 836

After the military training, Niuniu had a good rest at home for two days, and then began her college career.

When choosing the Department before, Niuniu initially considered whether to choose a major similar to Dabao Xiaobao's. although she knew that she was not the material for business, she wanted to be able to advance and retreat with her brother in the future, just like mommy and daddy had been advancing and retreating together, both in family and career.

But as soon as her idea was put forward, she was unanimously opposed by the other four members of the Ji family.

"I already have two merchant sons who stink of copper. Can't I have a daughter who is elegant and artistic?"

Letong said that, not to force Niuniu to choose according to her ideas, but that she knows as well as Dabao that Niuniu is not smart, but the scope of her intelligence is different from that of Ji family.

Judging from the work performance of Niu Niu, who has been a work study student for more than two months, as an assistant and a handyman, she is absolutely competent. But if you let her like Dabao and Xiaobao face those treacherous faces full of scheming all day, with her character, she will never be able to adapt and do well.

In Letong's opinion, Niuniu should stand on the stage gracefully and play the violin gracefully. If she is good enough, she can become an artist who does not pursue fame and fortune in the future. If she is ordinary, she can sit in the classroom of art room and teach children to play the piano. It is also very suitable for her kind of gentle and easy-going person to be a teacher.

Niuniu hasn't completely digested Letong's words, and then Dabao, who knows her mind well, says.

"You just choose what you like and what you are good at. As for business, the four of us in our family, who you choose to teach you, should not be inferior to what the professors in the school teach you."

Dabao's words of retreating moved Niuniu very much, and she began to waver.

Xiaobao watched her waver when mummy and her brother talked about her, so she hugged her, put her head on her shoulder, and said in a coquettish tone, "I think my sister who plays violin is the most immortal and beautiful..."

Xiaobao is much bigger than Niuniu. At first glance, he looks like a promising young man. After all, he is the youngest in the Ji family, so it's not easy for him to be coquettish with anyone?

What's more, Niu Niu is the one who has the least immunity to his coquetry and is the one who is most likely to make him succeed.

Niuniu looks at this and then at that. Finally, her eyes fall on Ji Rui who hasn't expressed any opinions.

Ji Rui looks at her, points to Letong and hits Dabao Xiaobao again. "I think the same as your mommy and Dabao Xiaobao. Of course, you have to ask yourself how to choose in the end. I just want to tell you that in our family, we don't have to betray our inner thoughts for the sake of responsibility. "

Ji Rui has said this many times in front of his children.

Two sons choose to return to Ji's family. He and Letong don't stop them because they both know that their sons really like this challenging and adventurous lifestyle. However, Niuniu chooses to return to Ji's family for the sake of responsibility, not because she likes it.

Finally, Niu Niu thought about it all night, and finally decided to listen to her family's opinions and choose to enter the music school of r university.

After knowing Niu Niu's choice, teacher fan specially bought her a gift. On the first day of Niu Niu's professional class, she unexpectedly found that the teacher on the platform was teacher fan.

Niu Niu finally chose her favorite major, with mixed feelings. I'm glad that I can live according to my heart, but I'm worried that she can't really help me with Ji's business.

Dabao probably caught something from her daily words. This evening, after dinner and taking a bath, she flashed into her bedroom and asked her to play a soothing tune or two.

Niu Niu was very surprised, "brother, how can you suddenly fall in love with music?"

Dabao lay on his back on the bed with his head resting on his arm.

"Although I am not an elegant person, I also like to listen to good music, because music is regardless of age, national boundaries and gender."

Niu Niu can't ask any more questions. She turns around and goes into the cloakroom. Her cloakroom is divided into two parts, half of which is dedicated to playing her baby violin.

"What do you want to hear?" Although Niu Niu was in her pajamas, she came out with the piano, put it on her shoulder, and lifted the bow up, and the whole person immediately became elegant.

"I'm very tired. Is there any music that can help relax my nerves and relieve my fatigue?"

Dabao really doesn't know much about music. If it wasn't for watching Niu Niu play violin for so many years, he didn't even have the common sense that violin models are selected according to different ages and heights.

Niu Niu raised her bow, chin slightly raised, and looked at him from top to bottom like a proud princess. "Dream song, OK?"

Niuniu's eyes are very gentle. Dabao almost gets drunk in her attentive gaze. For a moment, she nods, "all right. Anyway, I don't know what music it is. Just listen to it."

The beautiful music that sweeps my heart like fluffy starts slowly. Dabao closes his eyes slightly. He remembers the scene of driving Niuniu up the mountain one day, and they cuddle up at the top of the mountain to watch the sunset. It's like he and Niuniu are the only two left

When the last note of the song falls, Dabao is not in a hurry to open his eyes, but slowly savors the romantic pictures between him and her in the melodious music.

Niu Niu also pauses for a while, and her mood is pulled out of the atmosphere of the music. She looks at the man lying on the bed, but he is still with his eyes closed. Does he actually hear that he is asleep?

Niuniu was a little heartbroken at first. When she put down the piano and lay down on the bed, she saw Dabao lying on his back in a completely relaxed posture. She couldn't help thinking that her music, as a lullaby, seemed to be good.

Niu Niu came up to him gently. Seeing that he was still lying still, she was sure that he was asleep. Her infatuated eyes swept back and forth on his handsome facial features several times. She pursed her lips and hesitated. Finally, she could not help but kiss him on the lips.

Kiss for a while, slightly leave a few, observe the change of the person in front of him, see him a little reaction, courage will grow up.

He lowered his head and gently held the corner of his lip, like a child looking for a funny toy, nibbling and sucking

These behaviors are usually done by Dabao to her openly and secretly.

At that time, she was too young to be shy. Even if she didn't resist, she seldom took the initiative.

In other words, never take the initiative.

Now she is 18 years old, and many things she didn't know before are gradually understood now.

Occasionally, she even sympathizes with her brother. She has been a lover with him for more than three years, and he hugs her at most. He has never done it or even tried to cross the bottom line.

He's been working hard these years, right?