Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 835

At this time, Niu Niu, who was yelled slogans by officers on the fire like playground, was really not used to walking back and forth.

But the next day, Niuniu basically adapted to the high-intensity physical suffering. What she couldn't adapt to was the pain of leaving home and the mental suffering of missing her brother and family.

Despite Dabao's three years of separation, the longest time Niuniu and Dabao separated was when Dabao worked in M city.

But that kind of separation is still different from today. At that time, Niu Niu could buy a plane ticket and fly over to see Dabao when she couldn't help it. Moreover, even if she couldn't meet each other every day, she could still rely on modern high-tech tools to see each other's faces or listen to each other's voice, Also can look at the mobile phone through the warm breath of SMS to ease the mood of missing.

But now it's not the same. In addition to allowing them to call home on the first night to report their safety, half a month later, they are strictly carrying out the hard training of full closed type.

Half a month later, Dabao came to the camp nearly an hour ahead of time to wait for Niuniu. Although he had been prepared, he was still stunned when he saw the black and thin Niuniu. It was not until Niu Niu trotted to him with her luggage and threw herself into his arms that he recovered.

He rubbed the little girl's head hard, then forced her face up and examined it carefully.

When he clearly saw that the little girl's original white and clean face was like a change of face, he was very distressed.

The little girl not only became black and thin, but also had a few blains on her face, especially the two black circles under her eyes.

"Isn't it hard?"

Dabao has always known that if everyone wants to grow up, training and suffering are indispensable, and he has also experienced these before he grows up.

It's just that everyone knows the truth, but it's not true to see the people you like suffer.

Niu Niu, who usually has a hard tongue, nodded her head this time. She looked at Dabao with a small look of grievance. She almost couldn't resist kissing in public.

Niuniu, however, didn't give him the chance to act. She buried her head in his arms again, and her stuffy voice floated out of his chest, "brother, I miss you so much!"

Clearly is fine if mosquito fly's murmur, listens in the big treasure ear actually like thunder through the ear. Straight to Dabao's body and mind are full of bursts of numbness, this half a month of separation suffering and miss the pain, instantly cured by these short words.

Niuniu, it's been a hard half a month, and Dabao is no better. Knowing the source, he has tried countless ways to disperse the pain, such as asking Yin Zhihao to go out to drink to relieve pressure or to play a few games to squander his sweat. These methods, which were extremely effective in the past, have had little effect this time.

Until this moment, Da Bao, who was comforted by Niu Niu's words, always thought that he really realized what heart disease was and needed heart medicine.

"Me too!"

Dabao bowed his head and gently kissed her hair. He took her luggage in one hand and took her to the car in the other.

From the time Dabao got into the driver's seat to the time when the car was several kilometers away from the barracks gate, Niuniu didn't speak. She just leaned slightly and looked at Dabao with bold and straightforward eyes.

"What's the matter?"

No matter how cheeky Dabao was, he felt uncomfortable when he was looked at all the way with such hot and straightforward eyes.

"I got dirt on my face?" Slender fingers in the face touched twice, slightly side glance at the girl sitting around.

"No!" Niuniu shakes her head like a drum.

Even though she knew that her gaze caused Dabao's misunderstanding, Niuniu still couldn't take her eyes away from his face.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that she can't.

Now, she vaguely understands why some flower crazy women have heart-shaped eyes when they meet their male gods, a kind of flower crazy that can't eat each other. Because, now she probably with those flower crazy girl's eyes almost.

I haven't seen him for half a month. He seems to be more handsome than before. His new haircut shows most of his sagacious forehead, which is very handsome and suitable for him, and sets off his sunny temperament more dazzling. Her thick black eyebrows are still so heroic and sassy, her thin and good-looking lips are still so sexy, and her eyes focusing on driving still make her feel like a deer bumping around

Dabao is about to be ignited by her burning eyes. If he doesn't understand her situation, he will be an idiot and a headhunter!

Forced to pretend calm, smiling and glancing at Niu Niu, "baby, are you hungry?"

"Ah?" Niu Niu looks at Dabao with her eyes wide open in bewilderment.

Dabao touched the tip of his nose. "How do I feel like you want to come and eat me?" He thought he was very cheeky, but now he was somewhat embarrassed.

He is a 24-year-old man who is looked at by an 18-year-old girl with chiguoguo's "I want to eat you" eyes. He doesn't feel ashamed. On the contrary, he has a feeling of joy and secret.

Niu Niu was teased so straightly by him, her face turned red. She turned to his body rigidly, her waist was straight, her hands were on her legs, but her head turned 180 degrees. She turned out of the window and didn't dare to look at Dabao.

Dabaonaiken let go of such a good opportunity for molestation? Taking advantage of the car stop red light, get close to the past, a will be awkward girl's face forced to turn over, lips are printed on her lips.

The red light lasted for 90 seconds, until there was a "beep" sound when the red light was changing, Dabao put it on Niuniu, sat back in the driver's seat and drove the car across the zebra crossing in an orderly way.

Niu Niu, who blushed like an apple, was even more afraid to look at him. She turned to the window and looked around. She inadvertently looked at the young male driver in the next lane. The driver grinned at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Niuniu immediately understood that the other party's smile and thumbs were for that. She hurriedly took back her eyes and rolled up the wide open window.

Dabao seems to be concentrating on driving, but his eyes always pay attention to Niuniu's reaction. When he sees her blushing, rolling up the window in a hurry, and then drooping her head like a quail, he laughs shamelessly.

Niu Niu, who was depressed because she had made a free kiss show, raised her head and glared at him fiercely when she heard his laughter.

"It's all your fault!"

Dabao raised one hand to make a surrender and coaxed her with a smile, "OK, OK, it's all my fault! I promise that when I kiss you in the future, I will remember to roll up the window. "