Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 834

This evening, we played until more than two o'clock in the morning. We all enjoyed ourselves very much. Finally, for the sake of safety, Dabao took a rest in the guest room reserved by Dabao.

The next morning, a group of people went to have morning tea, and then left.

Niuniu and Dabao asked for leave one day ahead of time. As a result, when they came out of the hotel, Dabao asked, "where do you want to go?"

Xiaobao and his two friends went to play. In the car, there were only Dabao and Niuniu. Obviously, this is about Niuniu.

Niuniu usually has a very healthy lifestyle, and she doesn't go to bed more than 12 o'clock at the latest. Last night, she didn't go to bed until more than 3 o'clock. Today, she was woken up by Xiaobao's phone. She only slept for more than two hours. At this time, she was sleepy and had a headache.

"Will you go home? I'm so sleepy Niuniu looked at Dabao with sleepy eyes.

Since playing Niuniu to Ji's work study, she has been busy with Dabao. After the college entrance examination, she has hardly relaxed.

Dabao originally planned to spend the whole day eating, playing and shopping with this girl. In a word, no matter where she wants to go or what she wants, he will never say no.

But did not expect, at this time Niuniu only feel the biggest attraction of the bed, the most difficult to resist.


It's a pity that a rare day's holiday is used to sleep, but the poor little girl who can't open her eyes soon gives Dabao no choice.

Niuniu sleeps all the way in the car until the car stops at the door. She sleeps with her head tilted.

Dabao looked at her and laughed helplessly. He got out of the car and picked her up without saying a word.

"Well..." the sleeping girl dreamed that she was held by her brother in her arms and was lulled to sleep by humming beautiful children's songs. She put her hand around her brother's neck and drilled her head in her warm arms to continue her sweet sleep journey.

When she woke up, it was dark.

Niu Niu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and sat up. In this environment where she couldn't see her fingers, she was inexplicably flustered.

She clearly listened to her heart beating, thumping in the dark, her mind blank.

where's this?

Niuniu flurried to touch the edge of the bed and got out of bed. Her mind was still at a loss, and she wanted to do anything.

There was a click, as if the door lock had been unscrewed.

"Who?" Niu Niu asked in a trembling voice in the dark.


A low and pleasant voice came. It was very familiar and full of worry. Niuniu frowned slightly. Without waiting for her response, there was another "pa", and the room was bright.

Standing in front of the door, Dabao saw Niu Niu standing in front of the bed with her bare feet and panic face.


"Niuniu, what's the matter with you? Haven't you woken up yet? "

Dabao twisted his eyebrows and trotted over, pulling her close, his forehead against her forehead.

Until then, Niu Niu's brain gradually recovered a little.

"Didn't we just leave the hotel? How can I sleep in bed? "

Niu Niu's memory is finally connected with the image before she fell asleep.

"Fool, when you get home, you are still sleeping, so I will take you to bed. You sleep like a pig. I don't know if you are sold!"

Dabao's mouth hurt her, but the palm of his hand was gently pressed on her forehead. After confirming that the temperature was normal, he put his heart down a little.

Niuniu sleeps all day, but she has no strength. She is close to Dabao, "it's not worth selling it!"

Then, as if she had something on her mind, she looked around the room and asked uncertainly“ So it's evening now? "

"Well, you've been sleeping all day! I can imagine how tired you are these days

Dabao kisses her forehead painfully. It seems that it's a mistake to promise her to be a student of Jishi!

Niu Niu sniffs something unusual from Dabao's words, pushes him away and explains nervously.

"Brother, I'm not tired at all! Really, I don't lie to you. Sleeping all day is not because I'm tired, but because I know that I can finally get to r university. The big stone that has been pressing my heart for many years has finally been put down and completely relaxed. I didn't have the burden to sleep all day. "

Niu Niu's explanation didn't ease Dabao's heartache. On the contrary, it aggravated it.

He always knew that Niu Niu, who grew up in Ji's family, had more pressure than ordinary children.

Of course, if she is a Dou who has no ambition and can't support her, she will live happily in the Ji family.

But the problem is that she is very progressive and self demanding, which is destined to live in the shadow and comparison between him and Xiaobao. She will always work hard in the future.

"Girl, you are still young now. You should concentrate on your study. Otherwise, come back to Ji's for help when you are 20 years old, OK?"

Dabao only hopes that, as a brother and lover, he can persuade the stubborn Niuniu.

"I'm not young. Didn't you and Xiao Bao start to help the company at the age of thirteen or fourteen? Although I'm not as smart as you are, I'm still competent for chores and things like that. "

Dabao realized that in front of the girl's stubbornness, the strength of his brother and lover was extremely insignificant.

Seeing that Dabao didn't speak, Niuniu was also a little anxious, "brother, do you and sister Rong think I can't do it?"

"No, Miss Lei praised you many times in front of me." Dabao can't bear to erase her achievements.

This girl's self abasement is in her heart. If she beats her indiscriminately, she will be more self abased and can't lift her head.

In this way, Niu Niu has been working as a student in Ji's school until the end of August.

Dabao's plan has passed. In September, he took a ten day public holiday to play with Niuniu for a few days. After two days at home, Niuniu started school.

Just like Dabao before, after Niu Niu reported, she was directly told that she was going to be sent to the military camp for military training for half a month, and Dabao, who had been prepared, sent Niu Niu directly to the military camp.

On the first day when Ji returned to work after his vacation, in the morning, Miss Lei put her steaming tea in front of him.

"Good morning, general manager!"

Dabao suddenly raised his head from the file pile and looked at Miss Lei strangely.

"Why are you?"

Miss Lei was stunned for a moment. She quickly responded and laughed.

"General manager, don't you think I'm Sihan?"

After Miss Lei asked, Dabao remembered that Sihan had already gone to school. At this time, she should be in the barracks, holding the right step according to the officer's slogan.

He waved to miss Lei for her to go out and turned to look out of the window.

It's sunny outside. It's hot and sunny. Is that girl still used to practicing in such hot weather?

He only knew that after enjoying the close "service" of the little assistant for more than two months, he was not used to her now!