Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 827

"There's a new restaurant in Du Xin's family, but I heard that business is not very good and he's losing a lot."

"So, you want to patronize tonight and help her?" Dabao understood why the little girl suddenly wanted to visit Du Xin's house so urgently.

"Well!" Niu Niu nodded.

"Girl, if you want to help others, my brother doesn't object. But next time you can choose another way. "

This girl is too straightforward.

"It's not good that I did that just now, is it?"

Brother said so, Niu Niu recalled Du Xin just reaction, faintly some wake up to come, help their own way is not right.

Dabao felt the face of the little girl who had already returned to the passenger seat, "yes, it's really not very good. If I were Du Xin, I would be very upset. "

Niu Niu blinked and asked for advice.

"Then what should I do? She's been worried recently. I really want to help her."

Dabao knows little girl's mood very well. Du Xin is her best friend in her student career. Therefore, she cherishes this friendship very much.

But maybe she is really well protected by her family friends. She is more used to using a direct and straightforward way to treat her friends and classmates. But sometimes, directness and frankness can hurt people the most.

"Well, you can ask for the name or address of her restaurant secretly, and we'll try it tomorrow night."

Niu Niu tilted her head and looked at him, "don't you tell Du Xin?"

"Well, don't tell me."

Niu Niu looked down and thought, "brother, I hurt Du Xin's self-esteem, didn't I?"

Dabao didn't answer her directly. After all, this silly girl really wanted to help Du Xin, but she didn't expect that she did something wrong with her kindness.

"You and she are good friends, and she will certainly understand you."

The real answer is really a little cruel. Niuniu is very upset.

First of all, I am really worried that my friends will be hurt because of my careless actions. Secondly, her original intention is really good. Unexpectedly, she makes herself and the other party feel uncomfortable.

The next day, Niu Niu, who learned to be smart, didn't ask Du Xin directly. Instead, she took a math exercise and asked Guo Yuhang. When the other party finished solving the problem for her, she pretended to mention the restaurant of Du Xin's house by accident. Guo Yuhang, who was totally unsuspecting, explained the name, address and business status of the restaurant clearly.

In the evening, Dabao came to pick up Niuniu, and the brother and sister searched for her according to the address disclosed by Guo Yuhang.

This restaurant called "haokoufu" is located in the busy road, the upper and lower floors are very grand. The decoration of the shop is antique, and the elegant and quiet environment makes Dabao very satisfied.

As soon as they entered the door, miss Zike, who was tall and dressed in a fitting cheongsam, met them with a smile. She asked politely and led them to a small but very suitable room on the second floor.

A meal, whether from the environment or the quality of service to the taste of food, Dabao felt that he could give more than 90 points. But strange is, from he and Niu Niu into the door to leave, the shop is very cold.

Even Niu Niu also felt strange, "brother, I think the food here is delicious, the environment is clean and elegant, the service is very good, and the price is not expensive. Why are there so few customers?"

"Maybe the promotion is not in place." This is the conclusion drawn by Dabao for the time being. Whether there are other reasons remains to be studied.

"What shall we do?" Niu Niu knows nothing about business. Therefore, they worry about their friends.

"Isn't there a group buying website? At noon tomorrow, I'll invite Zhihao and Weiqi to have lunch. If they think it's worth promoting, let them talk to the boss. "

In this way, no matter Niu or Dabao, they don't need to show up, but they can help them solve their problems.

"Brother, do you mean to let them join the splendid gourmet group buying network?" Niuniu seems very surprised.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Of course, many of our classmates like to buy delicious food on the gourmet group buying website. If we add proper publicity, the business of Du Xin's restaurant will get better."

At the moment, Niu Niu's eyes were full of admiration and worship.

She wants to help Du Xin, but she only wants to patronize Du Xin's restaurant.

But the elder brother, actually thinks more long-term. His method is the real help.

Sure enough, it's different to have a smart brain. Others think only of the symptoms, but wise people think of both the symptoms and the root causes.

The next day, Dabao and Zhihao Weiqi visited the restaurant again. After that, they spent a few days talking with their boss. A week later, the restaurant named "haokoufu" was officially launched on the brilliant food group buying website.

In the first week, the restaurant sold nearly 500 sets of various kinds, with the amount of tens of thousands of yuan.

Du Xin's mood seems to have improved a lot. Talking about the restaurant at home with Niu Niu is also in high spirits. She is no longer as sad as before.

"Sihan, do you know? In recent days, the number of group buying is increasing day by day, because the customers who come to visit are highly praised. My mother is too busy to call me these two days... "

Du Xin did not know from the beginning to the end that the series of gratifying changes in his restaurant were actually pushed by his friends behind his back.

"Right, as I said, gold always shines. Don't worry about your family. Your parents will deal with it. Next, you should be at ease to review. Don't forget, your goal is big B! "

Since Dabao said those words to Niuniu that day, Niuniu never mentioned that she would patronize Du Xin's restaurant. Now, Du Xin remembers.

"Sihan, do you have time this week? Let me treat you to dinner!"

Sihan replied with a smile, "please don't use it. Give me a VIP card!"

The next day, Du Xin really put a 20% discount card into Niu Niu's hand.

On Saturday, Niuniu, Dabao and her parents visited haokoufu restaurant again. This time, it's quite different from the last time when they came here.

"Sir, I don't have a seat now. Would you please get the number plate and so on?" The pretty miss Zike has a gentle attitude and hands the card to Ji Rui.

Niuniu looked around and found that the lobby on the first floor was full. It must be the same on the second floor.

It seems that the promotion effect of gourmet group buying network is really gratifying.

"Shall we wait?" Ji Rui takes the card and asks Niu Niu.

Before Niu Niu could answer, she heard a familiar voice saying, "Sihan!"

Niu Niu follows the voice and looks over. The waiter who comes down the stairs is not Du Xin. Who else?

"Du Xin! Why are you here? " Niu Niu is very surprised to meet up.