Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 828

"I'll help you!"

Du Xin answers, toward Ji Rui couple and big treasure smile to nod to say hello, "uncle aunt is good, Yu elder brother is good."

Du Xin holds Niu Niu's hand, but he sees Ji Rui's hand with a sharp eye.

"Sister, isn't there another elegant room?" Du Xin asked the standing guest over there.

"Isn't that the room for your second uncle?" Miss Zike is honest.

"My second uncle doesn't come until eight. It's just over six now. You'll leave another room for him later. This is my classmate. I'll show them the room number. "

Du Xin led Niuniu to the second floor and settled down. When she came down again, miss Zike pulled her aside.

"Xinxin, who was your classmate just now?"

Du Xin nodded, "yes, the other three are her brother and parents. What's the matter?"

Other students may not know that Ji Sihan's parents are the leaders of the famous Ji family, but Du Xin and Sihan are good friends. Of course, they know that Sihan's family is famous. Now, she thought that the elder sister also knew that Ji Rui and his wife were coming.

Pose guest obviously feel Du Xin alert, but do not understand why Du Xin with such a strange look at himself.

"If I remember correctly, that handsome guy should be visiting our restaurant for the third time."

Du Xin slightly frowned, "sister, do you recognize the wrong person? Business has been so good in recent days. Are you really right? "

"Xinxin, there are a lot of guests, but like that handsome guy, the figure is comparable to a model, the face is more beautiful than a star, and there are not many handsome guys with elegant temperament."

Pose guest insist that he did not remember wrong, Du Xin listen to her such an analysis, will also believe that Ji Yu is really once to patronize.

"Is he coming with my classmates?"

Du Xin asked, not doubting anything, just casually.

Zi Ke was a little at a loss. "I didn't notice what your classmate looked like. I only remember that he came here with a woman for the first time and two men for the second time."

Du Xin secretly make complaints about it: "it's a face to face era.

Brother make complaints about the brother, but he has to admit that his brother is really a handsome man who can't make complaints about him.

Moreover, no matter temperament or aura, ordinary men are not able to compare.

"Uncle and aunt, what would you like to eat?"

After listening to Zike's praise, Du Xin didn't dare to look at Ji Li directly, so he stood beside Ji Rui and his wife with a tablet computer and asked them about their tastes and preferences patiently and thoughtfully.

Ji Rui takes a look at Letong. The implication is that he has given her the power.

Letong looks at Niuniu and Dabao, "do you have anything to eat? If you don't know, let Xinxin serve the most famous dishes here. "

Finally, everyone agreed to order the signature dish here.

Du Xin quickly wrote several dishes on the computer, showed them and then returned them.

"Brother, you are so amazing that you can make the restaurant full of customers in less than a month."

After this incident, Dabao was omnipotent in Niuniu's mind.

"It's not that I'm strong, it's that the brilliant network platform is big enough, and it's also because of the excellent quality of all aspects of her shop that she can achieve such remarkable results in a short time."

Dabao didn't take credit either. He objectively evaluated this incident.

In recent years, brilliant network has not only become the largest online game operator, but also took the lead in building a group buying website a few years ago, which has long been well known by the general public, and its daily online sales are amazing.

Niuniu doesn't deny Dabao's statement, but with the same conditions, she never thought of using this resource to help Du Xin.

"I probably don't have business brains at all!"

In the past, Niuniu always thought she was stupid, but now, she knows that it's not that she is stupid, but that she doesn't have this genetic gene at all.

Dabao pinched her face. "I probably don't have the art cell."

Niuniu, of course, understood Dabao's meaning and gave him a smile.

Dabao thought that the little girl had let go and would not stick to this problem any more. Unexpectedly, in the middle of the meal, the little girl suddenly raised her head and asked solemnly.

"Daddy and Mommy, can I go to Ji's as an intern after the college entrance examination?"

Before Letong and Ji Rui speak, Dabao asks her, "don't you want to go out to play after the college entrance examination? To be an intern, there's no vacation. "

Niuniu seems to be determined, "I'm not going to play. Didn't you and Xiaobao go back to the company to help in the summer vacation? Besides, you all have to work. Who's going to play with me? "

Niu Niu feels that although she is not the child of her parents, they always treat her as their own daughter. In this case, she has to return to Ji's family to do her duty as a descendant of Ji's family, just like her brother.

Even though she can't do some difficult work like her brother, it's always OK to do chores and so on.

What else does Dabao want to say to stop her unrealistic idea, but Letong says, "Dabao, since Niuniu wants to help, let her come to the company for an internship this summer vacation. As for where to arrange, you decide for yourself. You don't have to ask me and your dad for advice!"

Niuniu's psychology, Letong can vaguely understand some, therefore, unconditionally support Niuniu's decision.

Dabao saw that mummy said the same thing. If she could not say anything more, she had to pray that the little girl was just on a whim. When it was really summer vacation, she would forget about it.

However, Dabao's prayer was finally lost.

On the night after the college entrance examination, Niu Niu mentioned it again.

"Brother, I'll go back to the company with you after two days' rest. Have you arranged the position for me?"

Dabao wanted to pretend to be a fool, but his parents just sat by and knew that Mommy would support Niuniu, so he didn't dare to make a mistake.

"You're a handyman. How do you want me to arrange the position?" Dabao is not easy to confront, but his tone is very unhappy.

Niuniu grinned and hugged his arm. "Does that brother arrange me to do chores for daddy and mummy, or for you?"

Ji Rui takes a look at his angry son and says with a smile, "your mom and I don't lack any chores. Should the general manager? If he is not short, I'll have to take you back tomorrow and let the personnel department arrange for you. "

Letong listens to Ji Rui's words, biting her lips and laughing.

Dabao glared at his father and said to Niuniu, "OK, you can go back with me the day after tomorrow and be an assistant to miss Lei."

Niu Niu, who succeeded, threw a grateful look at her father, and then doggedly said to Dabao, "thank you for the support of the general manager!"

Dabao was so amused by her that he gave her a cold glance and hummed, "be serious and don't make mistakes. If you can't, I'll let you go home and have a rest."