Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 826

After Niu Niu returned to r city, she continued to devote herself to the intensive review to meet the college entrance examination, while Dabao went back to Ji's family to deal with Ji's affairs temporarily on behalf of her parents.

In fact, it is not very accurate to say that it is a temporary agent.

Because since Niu Niu was officially promoted to senior three, Dabao applied to return to Ji's headquarters from the branch.

And his job, no longer like just returned home that will be in the Jishi headquarters as random conversion department, but directly sat on the position of general manager. The outstanding achievements he has made in Ji's family for many years are enough to make him firmly hold this position.

He ranks third in the ranking of Ji's group. However, both in the eyes of Ji's employees and members of the board of directors, Dabao has the same authority as Ji Rui and his wife.

Moreover, all of these people, without exception, think that Ji's successor in the future is not Ji Yu, and there is no doubt that Ji's younger master.

Of course, they don't look down on Ji Huan, the young master of the Ji family, but the two brothers have always had a good relationship, and it is impossible for them to compete for power in the future. Ji Yu, the eldest son of Ji's family, is sure to inherit Ji's family.

After all, those people or things are never in his care.

On the first day back from the capital, Dabao, in order to save time, had bread and milk for lunch.

The secretary sent in the papers several times and saw the high files piled on the desk. He was secretly weeping and prepared to work overtime with the general manager.

But at 5:30, the door of the general manager's office rings. The Secretary thinks it's a handsome man. The general manager asks for his own documents. Unexpectedly, he comes out with a bag.

"Miss ray, it's time to get off work."

Miss Lei was so surprised by the accident that she didn't respond. She just looked up at her boss, who was like a male model, and stepped into the elevator with vigorous steps. When the elevator door closed, she realized that she could get off work!

Why did Ji, the handsome general manager, leave work on time at 5:30 with a lot of urgent documents? The reason, of course, is that he is going to pick up his baby sister.

Originally, when Niu Niu started school, she mentioned to her family that she wanted to live in school, so that she could spend more time reviewing her lessons.

But her proposal was strongly opposed by Dabao, "no, you can't eat well and sleep well in school. How can you guarantee enough spirit to study? Besides, do you have a good tutor like me at school? "

The first reason for Dabao is Niuniu's sniffing. Because 80% of the senior three students in the school will choose to live in the school for the same reason as Niu Niu. Among the 80% of the students, I have never heard of anyone who can't eat well and sleep well, and then whose mental health affects their study.

Until she heard a reason from Dabao, Niuniu put away her disapproval.

In terms of Niu Niu's personal experience of more than ten years, there is no other tutor who can match Dabao's brother, except Xiaobao. Even those super teachers in the school are far behind Dabao's level of guidance.

Of course, it's unfair for Niuniu to think that way.

After all, the super teacher is aimed at countless students, but Dabao is only aimed at her. Moreover, Dabao's tutoring for her has started since she brought her back. It's almost 18 years since she took her back.


Dabao's car just stopped. Niu Niu with a schoolbag saw his car from a distance and ran out of the guard room.

"Have you been waiting long?"

There was a bit of traffic jam on the road. It was half an hour's drive, but it took an hour.

"No, I'm talking to Du Xin." Niuniu smiles and points back to the girl who is going to stick her face on the glass.

"Has Du Xin left yet? Would you like to drop her off? "

Dabao saw the face on the glass and nodded with a smile.

"I'll ask her!" Niuniu stuffed her schoolbag on Dabao, turned around and ran back to the guard room.

Soon, two little girls came out with two big suitcases

"Brother Yu, please!" Du Xin thanks Dabao with a smile.

Dabao has opened the back door. "No trouble, it's on the way anyway."

Du Xin's home is not far from Ji's home, about two or three stations away.

Since last semester, Du Xin chose to live in school. When she went home today, she seemed to have taken some quilts and other things to wash. So, her family agreed to come to pick her up, but she didn't know that her family had something to do and said that she would come later. Therefore, Du Xin, like Niu Niu, was waiting for her family to pick her up in the security room.

Dabao puts Du Xin's two large boxes of luggage into the back compartment. As soon as he gets on the bus, he sees two girls in the back seat, head to head, whispering and laughing.

Dabao shook his head with a smile, moved the rearview mirror, let Niuniu's face fill the mirror, and then started the car to leave.

Seeing that the speed of cars on the main road is still very slow, Dabao drives the car on the ring expressway. Although the distance is a little longer, it's smooth. In this way, it takes less time.

"Brother, shall we go to Du Xin's for dinner?"

It wasn't long after the car was on the high speed. Suddenly, Dabao heard Niu Niu in the back seat ask this question.

Dabao is very surprised. First of all, Niuniu has never offered to go to her classmate's home for dinner since she was young. Even though it's not a month or two since she has such a good relationship with Du Xin, it's the first time for her to have dinner in her home.

"But aunt Guan has prepared our dinner!"

Dabao refused very tactfully. He believed that Niuniu could understand.

"It's OK. Aunt Guan's dinner will be supper for us."

But Niu Niu didn't seem to receive his hint at all. She leaned up to the back of his chair and said softly.

Dabao was puzzled, but in front of Niuniu's classmates, he had to give Niuniu face.

"Well, Du Xin, please tell me the address."

Dabao only knows the approximate location of Du Xin's home, but the specific address is not clear.

Du Xin did not immediately answer him, but pulled Niu Niu's clothes, "Sihan, come back another day. Yu elder brother said, close aunt already prepared dinner, moreover, I also want to let my parents prepare some good for you, you come back another day, OK

Niuniu doesn't answer, but Dabao answers immediately.

"Yes, Du Xin is right. It's not good for us to rush to disturb our uncles and aunts like this. I'll make an appointment another day to pay a formal visit, OK? "

Before Niu Niu could answer, Du Xin said, "Sihan, let's make a decision like this. We'll make an appointment another day."

Dabao always thinks it's a bit strange. Niuniu doesn't seem to be such a person who doesn't know how to rush to other people's homes to eat.

Send Du Xin to her street. When she gets out of the car, Niu Niu explains the reason to Dabao.