Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 825

As for later, Niuniu didn't need to consider going to university in Beijing in order to take into account the wishes of the old master, because the old master didn't wait until she graduated from senior three.

In the year of Niuniu's third year of high school, the spring in R City, a southern city, was very long. The rainy days with continuous drizzle had lasted for nearly a month.

When Letong receives Yang Sheng's call, it is drizzling outside the car. Ji Rui Mingming, who had been keeping his eyes closed before, heard Letong's phone ring and called him brother. Then, he could no longer hear Letong's response. He opened his eyes and turned to have a look. For a moment, he only thought that the wet tears on Letong's face were the rain coming in out of the window.

When he reflected that it was not the rain, but the tears of his strong wife, his heart immediately pulled into a ball, and he put his arms around her in a panic, and helped her wipe away her tears.

"Wife, what happened? Don't scare me

Put the phone in the ear, but has been quietly tears of Le Tong, really scared Ji Rui!

Ji Rui's words and considerate actions eventually awaken Letong from great sadness.

"Ji Rui, my brother said, my grandfather... I'm afraid not..."

Ji Rui is surprised, but he doesn't say much. Without saying a word, he grabs her phone and rubs her face with Letong's tears.

"Yang Sheng, we'll get there right now. Please ask the doctor to delay as much as possible."

Ji Rui means that no matter what means and methods are used, at least let the old master and Letong meet for the last time.

Although there are many children and grandchildren in the Yang family, there is no doubt that Letong is the one whom the old master loves and cares most.

The old man is the closest elder to Letong. Therefore, Ji Rui doesn't want Letong to have regrets.

Although the old man is over one hundred years old, he is still strong and has a clear mind. During the Spring Festival, Letong's family went back to the capital to accompany him. Like a child, he made a lot of noise with Dabao's brothers and sisters and Yangliu's brothers and sisters. Therefore, this bad news is a bit unexpected and hard to accept for both Yang Sheng and Letong.

Ji Rui tells Yang Sheng a few words, hangs up the phone quickly, and orders the driver in front, "go back to the old house."

Then, Ji Rui informs Dabao and Niuniu to rush back to the old house immediately.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Letong family finally arrived in Beijing and arrived at the hospital.

The ward is very big. Except for the younger brothers and sisters of Yangliu who are abroad, they can't get back. All the other members of the Yang family are here.

Some of Le Tong's uncles and aunts, with their children and grandchildren, occupied almost all the sofas and chairs in the ward. The people standing around the sickbed were Yang Sheng and Xiao Bao.

As soon as Letong enters the door, red eyes nod to the other elders, and then quickly steps to the hospital bed. She became red because she saw the doctor in charge outside the door just now. The doctor said that the old man had a strong desire to survive, and almost didn't take any emergency measures. The old man insisted on it with his extraordinary willpower.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yang Sheng and Xiao Bao turned to see that it was le Tong. They immediately flashed aside and let Le Tong walk to the old man.

"Grandfather..." Letong is holding the old man's hand.

"Wench..." the old man's voice was very low, and his eyes were half open. I could see that he was very difficult to speak.

Letong put his ear close to him, and heard the old man say intermittently, "grandfather... I'm sorry... Your father... And you..."

Letong sucked his nose and tried to hold back the tears that came out of his eyes at any time.

"Grandfather, you didn't. Dad is happy, and so am I

If my father had not been angry with my grandfather and left home, I would not have known her mother. Naturally, she would not have been happy.

So, everything is life!

No one to blame, let alone blame.

Moreover, Letong still firmly believes that at the moment of her death, both her father and mother will be happy. Because they all got what they wanted most.

The old master tried to open his turbid eyes and stare at Letong. Letong looks at him with tears and a smile.

After looking at each other for more than ten seconds, the old man finally blinked, raised his lips slightly and tried to squeeze out a smile of relief. At this point, he finally put down the shackles of decades of pressure in his heart.

Because, said the granddaughter, she is very happy! Her father, also very happy!

So, as long as happiness, it's enough!

Letong trembled slightly and touched the wrinkled face of the old man. Seeing his mouth move, he leaned over and heard him saying "Dabao..."

Letong straightens up and pushes Dabao and Niuniu behind him to the old man.

The brother and sister hold the hand of the old man together. The old man's eyes have gradually become misty, but there is an obvious smile in his eyes.


"Master, Niuniu and I are together! Don't worry, I'll take good care of my mother! "

Of course, Dabao knows that mommy is the treasure in my heart. Even if Mommy is the vice president of Chi family, she will always be the little girl who needs to be taken good care of and protected in my heart.

The old man blinked happily, then his eyes moved to Niuniu. Dabao immediately understood, grabbed Niuniu's hand with his other hand, raised it in front of the old man and said, "old man, Niuniu and I will be fine all the time! When she graduated from University, I'll give her a big fat grandson to play with, OK? "

Of course, everyone present, including the old master, knew that it was just empty talk.

The old man nodded with a smile, "OK... Remember... Hold me..."

Finish saying, eyes slightly close, holding big treasure and Niu Niu's hand slowly loosen to open.


The Yang family is a big family in the capital, and the old man has been in business for decades. Naturally, the funeral is very grand, and there is an endless stream of mourners. On the day of burial, there was a drizzle in the sunny capital for some time.

Careful people are not difficult to find that the tombstone on a long list of names of the younger generation, one of which is, granddaughter: Yang Letong!

This name, looking at some strange, but it is the meaning of Letong himself.

Once upon a time, she felt that since her father gave her the name "Letong", she should respect her father. So, even though she has known her ancestors for so many years, she never thought about changing her family name back.

The old man naturally wanted her to change her name, but he knew that he had no position or right to ask her.

When the sculptor asked about the list of people on Yang Sheng's tombstone, Le Tong suddenly decided to change Le Tong into "Yang Le Tong".

After the funeral, Ji Rui and Letong stay in Beijing to help Yang Sheng deal with some affairs, while Dabao and Niuniu fly back to r city first.