Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 813

Dabao keeps his word. When Niuniu finishes the dinner, he orders her an extra portion of ice cream.

Niuniu scoops the delicious ice cream into her mouth with a happy face. Her face bulges like a little frog, which makes Dabao sitting opposite her want to pinch it.

Thinking of this in my heart, my hand has been stretched out and pinched her cheek, which is much thinner than before.

"Oh, I'm thin..." I haven't seen her for more than ten days. After a careful look, Dabao found that her chin was sharp.

"Well... The final review is tense..." Niuniu is very insipid to clarify the facts.

"It's sad to see. Fortunately, I've finished the exam. There's no place I want to go. My brother will take you to play tomorrow!"

Dabao is also very busy these days, because he has to finish all the work at hand, so that he can spare two days to accompany the little girl on Saturday and Sunday.

"I want to sleep!" Niuniu said it sincerely and pitifully. Her big eyes blinked and there was a bright light inside, which proved her determination to sleep.

Dabao was both sad and funny. He could not help holding her cheek more gently. He watched her happily finish a large portion of ice cream.

"On the way back, go to a special store and buy some ice cream and put it at home." Dabao soft voice proposed.

Letong doesn't care much about her children's affairs, but for ice cream, Letong never agrees that several children should eat more. And Dabao, knowing that this will definitely cause mummy to complain, but he wants to indulge Niuniu.

"Really? Thank you, brother Niu Niu's eyes were more shining. If there was not a table between them, she would jump over and kiss him to show her gratitude.

"Excuse me, are you miss Sihan?"

A rough voice suddenly came in, and Dabao and Niuniu raised their heads at the same time.

At the table stood a middle-aged man in his forties. The clothes are ordinary, but the eyes are shining. When you look at them, you can see that they are not ordinary people.

Niu Niu was surprised because she never thought that she would be recognized. After all, she has been a spokesperson for so long, and there has never been such a thing in China.

"Sihan? Who is that? " Just when Niuniu wants to say something, Dabao, who is sitting opposite her, takes the lead. Junlang's face is full of doubts, as if he really heard the name "Sihan" for the first time.

The middle-aged man focused on Niu Niu's face and muttered to himself, "am I wrong? It really seems like that!"

Dabao stood up and stood up in front of the middle-aged man. "This gentleman, I think you must have recognized the wrong person. We don't know Sihan or anything!"

Dabao's tone was extremely unhappy. One of the reasons was that the man recognized Niuniu. The bigger reason was that the man looked at Niuniu's red eyes, like looking at a product.

If you look at your baby in the eyes of others, you'll be upset. What's more, you're a young man with a strong desire for possession like Dabao!

The middle-aged man was not as tall as Dabao. He raised his head slightly and clearly felt the strong aura and oppression of the young man. He wanted to see the little girl's face again, but he was blocked by the tall young man and couldn't see anything.

"Ah... You must have misunderstood me, little brother. I'm not a bad person. I just think she looks like a model named Sihan..."

Dabao's eyes were as cold as freezing, and he squinted at the middle-aged man.

"She's not. Please don't disturb my nice date! Is that all right? " Dabao is not a barbarian. Although he is strong and domineering, he is still used to be polite before he can fight.

That middle-aged man touched a nose of ash and left bitterly.

This unpleasant episode did not have much impact on Dabao and Niuniu, because they were still immersed in the joy of reunion, endless whispers and endless new things.

Niuniu, the girl, didn't worry about it at all. She just thought that the person had seen her print ads abroad. Reluctantly, she was a fan.

And Dabao, although slightly uneasy, but after two days he put himself back into the busy work, this thing completely forgotten.

Until the day Niuniu returned to school to get her grades, when she came out, she unexpectedly found Zhang Ziwen standing next to her car.

"Sister Ziwen, why are you here?"

When she didn't have a job, Niuniu seldom contacted Zhang Ziwen. After all, as a high school student, her studies were very heavy.

"Well, some of them come to you for a chat and invite you to lunch, OK?"

It was not a Saturday. Letong and his wife were at work. Dabao was still in M City, while Xiaobao, who had already had a holiday, stayed in Beijing to help his uncle Yang Sheng manage his business. When Niu Niu came home, she was just on her own, taking a nap or playing with cats and dogs.

"OK, thank you, sister Ziwen."

Although Zhang Ziwen invited her to dinner, Niu Niu didn't take her car, but let the driver accompany her. Zhang Ziwen is used to this for a long time. He gets on the bus and goes to the appointed restaurant with Ji's car.

"Is it about advertising contracts?"

When she sat down, Niu Niu went straight to the subject. She remembers that her contract with the brand expired in October. Before that, Mr. Mai had already communicated with Niuniu and her family and would renew it for one year according to the original conditions.

But Niuniu also understood that it was just a verbal agreement. If the contract was not signed one day, there was the possibility of change.

"No!" But Zhang Ziwen immediately shook his head and denied her conjecture, "you're hungry. Let's eat first, and then chat slowly."

Although Zhang Ziwen is anxious, she doesn't dare to neglect Niu. After all, she can't afford to be hungry.

Niu Niu no longer asked, ordered a meal to finish as quickly as possible, then looked at Zhang Ziwen with a look of open ears.

Zhang Ziwen has been dealing with Niu Niu for four years. He knows that the girl looks simple, but the smart place is very smart.

After all, she is the daughter of the Ji family. Even though her brain is not as smart as her brother's, her shrewd and meticulous mind is unmatched by ordinary peers.

"Sihan, besides being a graphic model, are you interested in acting?"

Niu Niu is preparing to drink water with her hands on the table. "Acting?" she says

Although she doesn't know what she is going to do as clearly as Dabao and Xiaobao, she certainly doesn't have the "acting" as Zhang Ziwen said.

"Yes, I have a film about youth. I have seen the script. It's a good story. The heroine is a 16-year-old blooming girl, very similar to your image. Are you interested in having a try? "