Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 812

"Of course, I want to give you a surprise!" Dabao touched her head and started the car to leave.

A few minutes later, the car turned in the opposite direction from home.

"Brother, don't we go home?"

"Didn't you finish all the subjects today? I'll take you out to play Dabao is serious.

"But... Mommy said I'll wait for me to go home to cook." Niuniu is in conflict. She wants to live with Dabao, but she doesn't want to spoil mommy's mind.

"I told mommy that she and Daddy have been to the world tonight. Don't worry about them." How can Dabao not understand the reason why little girl hesitates?

Niu Niu, with a reassuring look on her face, bent down and half buried her head in the storage box for snacks.

"How was the exam? Is that all right? " Dabao glanced at the little girl who was eating potato chips, with a helpless but spoiled smile on her face.

"Well, it should be good. I'm not sure about mathematics, but I should be able to get an excellent in other subjects."

Little girl holding a big bag of potato chips to eat very happy, the mood is naturally wonderful.

"Brother, did you just buy these snacks?" Since Dabao took office in the branch office, Dabao hasn't come to pick up Niuniu for a long time.

"Yes, I bought it in the supermarket near your school just now."

In order to maximize the use of time, Dabao asked the driver to drive his car to the airport to meet him directly to the school, and then the driver took a taxi home by himself.

As for snacks, after Dabao arrived at the school gate, he saw that he still had some spare time, so he went to the supermarket not far away to buy them.

"What's for today? Are you going to eat seafood again? " Snack goods mouth is full of snacks, but thinking about the next dinner.

"I can't kill you!" Dabao stares at her.

Niuniu said to him with a smiley face, "Hey, don't you say that mental work consumes more calories?"?, So, it's normal for me to be hungry and greedy! But don't worry, I can't help you. "

"If you want to eat me poor, you have to be able to eat!" Of course, Dabao is not narcissistic, but a fact.


Niu Niu is speechless, and then she just ignores him. She just indulges in snacks.

Dabao will not stop her from eating snacks, because her constitution seems to be born to eat fat, sweet candy, fried potato chips, which are too high in calories in other people's eyes. No matter how she eats them, she won't get angry. Her face is as bright and white as white jade.

"Dare you, I came back with a pig in my arms." But even though she knew that she was not fat and would not get angry, Dabao could not help teasing her.

Niu Niu rolled her eyes at him, didn't retort, and continued to eat!

"Do you want to eat seafood?" Dabao didn't answer her question.

He would ask, which naturally means that his original choice was something else rather than seafood.

"No, I thought you liked it." Niuniu doesn't matter. Of course, she is also picky about food, but compared with Dabao, a professional eater, her pickiness is not worth mentioning.

Dabao took a serious look at her. After confirming that she didn't lie, he said, "then we'll have western food tonight?"

"OK, I'm not bad. Anyway, my brother thinks it's delicious. I'm sure I'm full of praise." Dabao's appreciation of food has always been a leverage, Niuniu never doubted his choice.

Ten minutes later, Niuniu and Dabao took their seats in the top floor western restaurant of the tallest building in r city.

Niuniu just sat down, the opposite Dabao suddenly conjured a bright red rose and handed it to her.

"Girl, here you are!"

Niuniu looks at him in surprise. Dabao hands the rose again, and then she picks it up like a dream.

"Thank you, brother!"

This is the first time that a little girl has received flowers, except for those in the show. Although there is only one branch, but it makes the little girl very happy. The shy smile on her face is more beautiful than the flower in bud.

"Do you like it?"

Dabao once thought of picking up Niuniu at the school gate with a big bunch of red roses, but then she thought that she was still a little girl, so she shouldn't be so high-profile and extravagant, so just send one to show her heart.

"Of course I do!"

Little girl close to some smell the fragrance of flowers, crystal eyes stained with joy smile, it seems, is really like!

It seems that girls of any age have no immunity to beautiful flowers. On this point, Dabao secretly wrote it down.

"Put the flowers here first and take them away when you leave." Dabao pointed to the vase on the table.

Niuniu was reluctant to put the flowers into the vase. Several times, she couldn't help looking at the flowers. When Dabao found her, she would smile and feel the tip of her nose.

"I'm so happy to collect flowers for the first time..."

Dabao reached for her hand and pulled it over. He drew heart shapes on her palm with his fingertips.

"I'm sorry, I'm too self righteous. Whatever you want in the future, just ask. "

Dabao felt guilty. He didn't know more about her since then.

A lot of what he thought was actually self righteous judgment, which was not the real idea in her heart at all.

The main reason for this estrangement is that he is busy with his work, has less time to accompany her, and lacks communication with each other in many things. As she grows up day by day, many ideas and concepts are slowly changing.

Niuniu didn't find that he was suddenly depressed, because she was laughing and shaking her shoulders, "brother, don't... Itch..."

Said, want to pull back the palm.

Dabao raised his eyelids, gave her a resentful look, and released her hand angrily.

In fact, he also knows that with a little girl's temperament, even if she really wants something or wants him to do something for her, she will not really ask him.

Because, she is a considerate girl, she will not be willing to embarrass him, also will not be willing to force him.

So instead of letting her talk, he should spend more time to get to know her.

"What would you like to eat? Let me help you Dabao knows that little girl is greedy. She loves eating very much.

Dabao will choose to have dinner here, naturally because the warm and romantic atmosphere here is very suitable for couples to have dinner.

But the little girl obviously doesn't know much about romantic affairs. For her, the delicious food is more practical than the soothing romantic music and soft and ambiguous lighting here.

"Brother, can I have ice cream?" Niu Niu's eyes, however, can't be moved away from all kinds of new desserts.

"Yes, but you have to eat the staple food before you can have ice cream."