Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 814

Niu Niu Wei opens her mouth and stares at Zhang Ziwen in consternation. It's obvious that the other party's words can't make her feel real.

She didn't say anything, but her face clearly said, "are you kidding me?" It's the words.

Zhang Ziwen seems to have known for a long time that she would not believe her own trend and pushed the script she just took out of her bag to Niu Niu.

"The director's surname is sun. He has a little friendship with director Cui. Maybe he has seen your advertisement or show performance, and then he went to director Cui to find out about you. You also know that director Cui is always full of praise for your performance. Therefore, director Sun insisted that you are the heroine of the play after watching some shooting GAGs in director Cui. He found Mr. Mai two days ago and wanted your contact information. As you know, it's our duty to protect you, so I'll show you the script first. Director Sun said that the shooting time can accommodate you. If you are interested, you might as well consider it. "

Niu Niu looks down at the book and opens the cover half doubtfully. It's only when she sees a few big words in it that she finally has a sense of reality.

"Sister Ziwen, what you said is true?"

Little girl's fingertips gently swept those words, still don't believe this is reality.

"Of course it is! You are not in a hurry to reply to us. You can finish reading the script first. If you like, you can talk about all other conditions. "

Zhang Ziwen's words reveal a message, that is, as long as Niu Niu's conditions are not too excessive, sun Dao will accept them.

This kind of thing is not like what a famous director like sun Dao would do.

Speaking of sun Dao, Niu Niu, who is in the circle but completely outside the circle, doesn't know her name, but no one in the circle doesn't know her name.

Starring in his plays is basically the guarantee of box office and winning prizes. Not to mention a newcomer, who is the king of heaven and queen of the film Empire level, he is also servile when he meets director Sun. He just wants to give him a good impression. If he asks for a role in his film, it will be a big pie falling from the sky.

However, this director Sun is a strange temper, the actors never extravagant big name, just for the right.

It is said that he has tried a film, in order to find a rough but with star appearance and temperament, he went to the major construction sites in the province, in order to find a fit man.

He spent more than two months wandering in construction sites, big and small, for this man No.1, who is both rude and star like. At last, he found such a man. When the film was released, the appearance and acting skills of man No.1 were quickly recognized by the audience. The film finally won the box office champion of the season with more than one billion box office, and also won the best film and best director award of that year's Film Festival, No. 1 won the best actor nomination. In the end, although he lost to the double movie king, he was still proud of his defeat.

Zhang Ziwen talked about sun's sharp history, which aroused Niu Niu's great interest.

"Sister Ziwen, which movie are you talking about? Who is this man number one? "

In addition to her enthusiasm for Zhou Lan, she doesn't pursue stars and doesn't usually go to the movies. However, she knows the names of several popular movie stars.

"Heat, the number one man is Fang Kai, have you ever heard of it?"

Niu Niu hasn't seen this [heat], but Fang Kai knows it, because this man is the idol of her monitor Du Xin.

"I've heard of Fang Kai. He looks healthy and sunny. I've heard that his acting skills are also very good?"

Fang Kai has a good appearance. Naturally, Du Xin gives her the impression of Fang Kai's photos from time to time. As for her good acting skills, Du Xin boasts.

"Yes, his acting is very good. But do you know that he just performed in the heat, not to mention his acting skills. After shooting the heat, sun insisted on sending him to study abroad for two years to perform. After he came back, his whole life was transformed. Many celebrities could not control the role. As a half rookie, he was able to control the essence of the role with ease. "

"So, director Sun is a good Bole?"

Niuniu is not stupid. Of course, I can hear what Zhang Ziwen wants to convey behind all this gossip.

"Of course, is that true? If you change another director, you will certainly take advantage of Fang Kai's success in making a hot play, which is becoming popular, to make money all over the world, but he doesn't! He spent a lot of money to send Fang Kai to a famous teacher to cultivate his mind and nature. After two years of performing, Fang Kai now has no rough air at all. His actions always give people the feeling of being a modest and noble childe. "

Seeing that Zhang Ziwen was so excited, Niu Niu said, "sister, you are Fang Kai's brain powder!"

Zhang Ziwen talks about Fang Kai's dynamic expression, which is too similar to Du Xin. Therefore, Niu Niu's intuition puts her in Du Xin's category.

"Ha ha, did you see that?"

Niu Niu glanced at her and said, "sister, I love Fang Kai on your face. Can't I see it? Unless I'm blind

Zhang Ziwen, in his thirties, was ridiculed by a teenage girl, but she didn't care. After laughing for a while, she reached over to hold Niu Niu's hand and said urgently, "Sihan, you really need to have a good look at the script. Although sun Dao didn't say anything, we all guess that he wants to make you the next Fang Kai."

It's false to say that Niuniu is not attracted.

After all, everyone has a desire and an idea to show themselves.

In the past, she thought that as long as she took pictures of print ads and went on the show, she could satisfy her desire.

But now after listening to Zhang Ziwen's persuasion, some agitation in her heart seems to have been strongly advocated. A desire that has been hidden in the hidden corner of her heart is breaking through the ground with great explosive force.

Her heart was shattered by this huge explosive force, and she couldn't find the right direction for a moment.

She took a deep breath to calm her restless heart.

"Sister, I'll take back the script first. Don't tell my brother and family about this. I'll finish reading the script and give you an answer as soon as possible."

Niuniu is actually very clear that this season's endorsement can still be signed. The big reason is that she only takes the endorsement of this brand, and the exposure is not high. Moreover, the media has let off several smoke bombs on her life experience. Therefore, few people who are familiar with her in reality connect her with the advertising model Sihan.

But the film is different. If she insists on taking the film, she will expose herself to the national audience, which is a great problem for her family who always want to protect herself.

Zhang Ziwen certainly knows that neither she nor Mr. Mai nor even sun Dao can persuade the Ji family to let Sihan take the film. Only Sihan herself can persuade the Ji family.