Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 811

In the end, Dabao didn't take Niuniu to the teahouse to drink herbal tea. The reason, of course, is that a sleepy pig didn't wake up until more than 10 o'clock.

Niu Niu wakes up naturally in her warm and familiar arms. She is so satisfied that she rubs her face against the man who is holding the book in one hand.

"Good morning

The man threw the book away and touched her soft face.

"Good morning, baby!"

Niu Niu, who has been sleeping all night, has a red face and looks like a ripe tomato. The man can't help but lower his head and bite her in the face.

Niu Niu's brain hasn't been fully activated yet. She stubbles her neck foolishly and caters to the man's action of bullying her. Of course, even if her brain is overloaded, by calculation, she will not win the man.

"Did you sleep well?"

The man's voice is low but clear, magnetic with a bit lazy meaning, like a feather in Niuniu eardrum lifted a few times, the little girl suddenly feel itchy.


The little girl stretched herself lazily on him, but she didn't mean to get up.

"And you?" The soft little paw stretched out from the neckline of Dabao's pajamas, unconsciously touched it casually twice, but suddenly felt a little hard under the body and the body.

"Well, of course I sleep well!" Dabao grinds his teeth hard.

I don't know if it's a delusion. Niu Niu thinks that her brother seems to be biting her teeth?

Then, her paw was caught and Dabao pressed her backhand on the quilt.

"Get up and brush your teeth!" Dabao gave her a ferocious order, and in the twinkling of an eye he put her on the bed, while he got up and stood upright in front of the bed.

My brother, who was too gentle just now, suddenly changed her style. Niuniu was convinced that it was not her illusion just now.

"Brother... What's the matter with you?"

Niuniu is very aggrieved. I don't know how she suddenly offended this man.

At this time, Dabao was embarrassed and helpless. He was a normal adult man. Even without provocation, some physical instincts would be very energetic every morning.

But the little girl with simple thought didn't know this. No matter what she said or what she did, she ignited everywhere. The worst thing was that she didn't take charge of the fire after she ordered it!

"Nothing, I'll take a bath..." Dabao threw a word in a hurry and ran out of the bedroom with a stiff body.

Niu Niu is still young. Let alone let her put out the fire, he dare not even let her know!

Therefore, it is not too much for him to say that he ran away with his tail between his legs.

Niu Niu looked at his back innocently and got up slowly, muttering, "brother, did he take the wrong medicine? How did you wake up like a different person? "

Pure little girl with a full stomach of grievances put on slippers to wash, and so she washed out to take clothes for ready to go out, inadvertently saw the wall clock, is pointing to 11 o'clock.

Niuniu's first reaction was to jump to the bathroom door and shout to the man who was still bathing inside, "brother, is the clock broken?"


Just after taking a bath, Dabao pulled open the door of the bathroom, and her bare upper body was dripping with crystal water.

Niu Niu, whose eyes fell unimpeded on his strong and beautiful figure, had straight eyes! He swallowed his saliva difficultly and forgot the problem just now. He just instinctively stepped back a few steps, but his vision seemed to be glued to Dabao by strong dehydration.

Dabao was stunned for a moment, and then he put on a bad smile, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pushed toward her step by step. Niuniu had no choice but to retreat step by step. Finally, she leaned close to the wall to make a flower like wall, and then looked up at Dabao pitifully.

Dabao wanted to make fun of her, so as to punish her. She was so angry that she almost burned herself in the morning.

But at this time, her innocent eyes were as clear as a rabbit, and all his bad eyes could not be used.

Raise the arm, a support on the wall of her face side, head slowly close to go forward.

Little white rabbit's eyes swept panic, and vigorously swallowed saliva, stuttered to ask, "you... What do you want?"

Dabao handed the other hand to her and put it on the other side of her head. At the moment when she wanted to bend over and escape, she quickly stuck her face and whispered two words in her ear,


Then, four lips stick together, after all, is let Niuniu sit on the return flight, think back to still blushing French kiss!

In those two days in M City, although they didn't do anything to cross the border, the cuddle between the young lovers never stopped. Thanks to the intimacy of these two days, Dabao and Niuniu can spend more than ten days of separation with sweet memories.

When they meet again, Niuniu has finished her final exam. After the summer vacation, she will be promoted to senior two.

During the ten days of separation, Dabao was still very busy, but he kept in mind his promise to Niuniu. No matter how busy he was, he would go to bed before 11 o'clock every day. He would chat with Niuniu who climbed to bed at the same time on the phone, and then say good night to each other, so that each other could have a good sleep with the tender affection of each other transmitted by the telephone line.

Niuniu originally planned to fly to m city to visit Dabao the day after she finished the exam, but Dabao appeared at her school gate on the last day of the exam.


Niu Niu, who had finished her final exam, went to the school with her schoolbag on her back. Suddenly she saw a big treasure coming up in a suit. She thought she was dreaming.

"Have you finished?"

Dabao had already met her and carried her with her schoolbag into her arms.

"Well! It's over! "

Niu Niu raised her head, her shining eyes didn't know how to avoid suspicion at all, and glared at Dabao.

Dabao secretly breathed a sigh, raised her hand to cover her eyes, put her arms around someone, took her to the car, bent over to buckle her seat belt, Dabao could not help blaming her, "silly girl, did you forget that this is your school gate, you just looked at me like that, do you want me to give you a kiss on the spot?"

Where does Niuniu know that her passion is so obvious in other people's eyes?

This time, he was reminded by Dabao, and his face turned red immediately. "Where did I think of that?"

Looking at her innocent and wronged appearance, Dabao couldn't say anything more. He pinched her face, closed the door, and quickly walked around to the driver's seat.

"I thought I was going to m city tomorrow. How did you come back?" Niu Niu asked excitedly.

Forget the great little girl, in the blink of an eye, then forget the embarrassment and grievance just now.