Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 810

Dabao came over with his hands on the back of the sofa, his forehead against his forehead, and his dark eyes were as deep as a pool.

"Baby, there's so much we can do." The voice with some confusion rings in Niuniu's ear. There is electricity in the air. It sweeps Niuniu's skin and makes her feel numb.

"But..." Niuniu swallowed her saliva nervously. As for why she felt nervous, she didn't know. She only knew that her brother was so strange that he seemed to be a different person. She had some evil spirits and ghosts in her eyes.

"But what?"

Dabao pecked on her lips. She was nervous and a little bit flustered. Shengsheng stimulated the evil factors in his body to the extreme.

I really want to bully her!

I would like to, regardless of everything to ravage her!

Niuniu didn't know that her brother, who was very close at this time, was really another person psychologically, because at this time, there was a devil in his heart.

She just felt that the stranger in front of her was frightening, so she closed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and summoned up courage to speak timidly.

"But, didn't you say that you should give me a good account of your colleagues here?"

Because of the woman who approached Dabao with ulterior motives at noon, Niuniu was annoyed for a while afterwards, so her words were inevitably sour with a little bit of jealousy. In order to show her innocence, Dabao automatically said that he would explain his colleagues and interpersonal relationships to the girl one by one.

The demonized Dabao is imagining many wonderful things that he has thought for a long time but never dare to put into practice.

After listening to Niu Niu's warning, Da Bao suddenly woke up a lot. He scolded himself for being a beast in his heart. He left the sofa and stood on the edge of the sofa.

"Well, I'll take a bath first, and then I'll explain it slowly when I come out!"

Niu Niu's head is like pounding garlic. Looking at his tall figure hiding in the door of the sleeping room, she felt inexplicably relieved.

It's just a simple company dormitory, so there's only a small bathroom. They take a bath first and then. No one has any objection to the sleeping place.

Dabao takes a bath first, leans on the bed to read a book, and when Niuniu comes out from the bath, he naturally climbs onto the only big bed in the dormitory. He climbs to Dabao's side with hands and feet, and his upper body lies on his chest, curiously reading the book in his hand.

"What are you looking at, brother?" When she saw all the words she couldn't understand, she put away all her curiosity and frustration and buried her face in his neck.

"Do you want to read a book on management?" Dabao held the book in one hand and stroked her smooth back neck in the other.

"I don't understand..." Niu replied to him.

She didn't understand the words or management.

Dabao side face kiss her small and lovely earlobe, "you don't need to understand, I and Xiaobao understand enough, you just read those youth literature or music theory books you like."

Dabao is very natural. Even though his parents always said they would respect his choice, he always felt that it was his responsibility and a matter of course that he had to take over Ji's business and even take part in some of Yang's affairs in his busy schedule.

But Niuniu didn't think so, "brother, it's hard for you!"

"Fool, I like this life, so it's not hard!"

For Dabao, many things that others find extremely difficult to accomplish are easy for him. Therefore, busy and challenging work is more attractive to him.

Niuniu thought about the story that aunt sheguan said he slept four or five hours a day. She couldn't help but feel sad again.

"Brother, even if you like a challenging job, you can't be exhausted. Isn't Mommy always saying that Daddy's body is hers? You are the same. You should remember that your body is mine. You should treat it well. Don't make me look old, weak and disabled. In the future, I will work hard! "

Niuniu is a lot smarter now. Knowing that her words are not convincing, she moves them out. Sure enough, after listening to these words, Dabao is silent for a long time. Then she closes the book and places her head on her arm to make each other lie more comfortable.

"You're right. My body belongs to you. I'll protect it well in the future. You won't be affected."

Niuniu's words reminded Dabao of his illness when he was six years old.

At that time, because he was young, his thoughts and attitude towards life were extremely positive. His optimism and positivity, in addition to not wanting to worry about the sadness of his parents, to a large extent, is due to his ignorance of the future. Because of his ignorance, he is fearless.

But he clearly remembers how helpless and pitiful mommy was when she laughed in front of her and then shed tears.

If he wasn't ill, Mommy wouldn't have to bear the pain.

Therefore, for the sake of his family and Niu Niu, he really can't take care of his body for work.

"Although Dr. Dong said that your body is no different from that of ordinary people, you still need to pay attention, you know?"

Niu Niu couldn't have been unaware of Dabao's serious illness when she was a child. After all, for the next few years, Dabao had to take nutritional drugs and return to the hospital regularly for examination.

But Niu Niu never knew what the disease was.

It's not that she's not curious, but that all the people in the Ji family are taboo about it, and Niuniu is naturally not easy to find out.

"I know!"

Dabao pulled up the quilt to cover them. He bowed his head to kiss her face and lips. "Let's go to bed early. Anyway, you're sleepy."

For Dabao, it's really a little early to go to bed at this point. Moreover, it's not easy for them to meet each other and spend a lot of time sleeping. It's a waste of time.

But he is very clear, now what he said, can't immediately sleep to let the little girl at ease.

Sure enough, as soon as she heard that he was going to sleep, she immediately nestled in his arms. For a moment, she seemed to think of something. She rubbed up and kissed him on the lips, said good night, and immediately went back to his arms to wait for the call of Duke Zhou.

Dabao thought that it would take him a long time to fall asleep. There he knew that the little girl's good night kiss seemed to have hypnotic effect. Soon, he felt sleepy, his eyes closed slowly and his brain stopped working

As like as two peas in his room, he was still asleep. The little girl who slept in his arms last night still kept the same posture as last night.

Dabao looks up at the clock. It's almost seven o'clock.

I promised to take her to have morning tea this morning. Looking at her present situation, it seems that the attraction of Duke Zhou is more attractive than delicious snacks.