Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 793

It was Dabao who came back from greeting Mr. Mai.

At this time, Niu Niu has been hugged by Dabao as a possessor, and Dabao looks at Ning Yan's eyes, as if he can freeze things into ice at any time.

Ning Yan doesn't know the specific origin of Dabao. He just learns from Mr. Mai that he can't provoke him.

But how can it be?

After that, Ning Yan actually intentionally or unintentionally tested Mr. Mai, but the other side's mouth was so tight that he refused to disclose half of the story about Sihan and her brother.

Originally, Ning Yan was really afraid of Ji Shao, but with his growing liking for Sihan, this fear was gradually offset by his determination to return home.

Dabao cold words, this is like a basin of cold water in front of Ning Yan's head. However, people who are dazzled by the so-called love are like huge automatic heaters. No matter how they are attacked by others, they have a way to make the zero degree cold water pouring on their heart boil in the blink of an eye.

Ning Yan secretly clenched his fist, gritted his teeth to meet Ji Yu's eyes, "Mr. Ji, I didn't!"

Though, it's a lie to say that he didn't do anything else. But his intention is really to help Sihan adapt to the rhythm of the show early and help her master the relevant skills. He doesn't think the motivation behind the help is dirty.

After all, he is single, Sihan should also be single. As a senior and partner, it is human nature for him to help her express his good feelings and cultivate his feelings.

"Yes or no, I'll see. I don't need you to tell me!" Dabao pushes Niuniu to sister Zhou behind her. Sister Zhou immediately takes Niuniu to the front desk. Dabao stands upright and looks at Ningyan leisurely.

Ning Yan instinctively straightens up, and it is clear that they are not much different in height or physique, but standing face to face, it is obvious that Ji Yu's aura is overwhelming.

Ning Yan is thrilled and subconsciously wants to step back, but his reason reminds him that if this man is really Sihan's elder brother, he will not consider giving his sister to a Wimpy man.

After such a thought, Ning Yan clenched his fist again, straightened his waist and stiffened his scalp to meet Dabao's examination eyes.

"Mr. Ji, Sihan and I are partners. No one is more suitable to lead her to this show than me."

Ning Yan's way of getting endorsement is different from that of Si Han. He is the best one among a lot of models selected by designers and brands. Therefore, in other aspects, he may not be confident that he can win Si Han, but on the T-stage, he has enough confidence to help Si Han and gain his brother's recognition.

However, for Dabao, not to mention things like Ning Yan, it's not difficult to get the top supermodel to train with Sihan.

"Oh? In fact, I don't mind changing an interesting person to be Sihan's partner. I believe Sihan, who likes to work quietly and undisturbed, has the same idea with me. "

In the eyes of outsiders, Dabao is a rich man with excellent temper and excellent cultivation. In the course of these two days, he was very friendly to the staff here. Moreover, yesterday or today, he was very generous to bring all the staff rich dinner and exquisite breakfast.

Even now, in front of Ning Yan, in addition to Ning Yan's strong oppression, in the eyes of outsiders, they see Ji Yu saying something to Ning Yan with a gentle smile on his face. People who don't know think they are friends and are familiar with each other.

Only Ning Yan this client, looking at a face of light smile Ji Yu, inexplicably feel the chill from the sole of the foot quickly up.

"Mr. Ji..."

Ji Yu takes a surprise step forward. He stretches out his long arm and claps his palm on Ning Yan's shoulder. The corner of his mouth still contains a smile. His bright eyes give him a meaningful look. Sheng Sheng blocks Ning Yan's explanation and words to fight for.

Dabao ignores Ning Yan and quickly turns to Sihan.

To deal with Ning Yan, who has the heart of thieves but not the courage of thieves, Dabao thinks that just a few words is enough to let him recognize the reality.

Sure enough, in the next two days, Ning Yan obviously settled down a lot. Until the formal rehearsal, he and Sihan cooperate with the show, unless necessary, Dabao rarely see him take the initiative to chat up and communicate with Sihan.

After several days of intensive training, Sihan has made great progress, but Mr. Mai's argument that Sihan is a good material has been heard by Ji Yu several times.

However, Ji Yu turns a deaf ear to this, and comes to watch Sihan's training silently after finishing her work every day. From time to time, she takes some beautiful photos and videos to pass on to her parents and Xiaobao, so that they can see Sihan's increasingly international style.

On the day of the show, Sihan, who had been in the middle of the rehearsal, turned out to be the last one.

Although Ji Yu had been watching Sihan training and even rehearsal for several times before, they were all shows without makeup. So when he saw Sihan coming out with makeup and the latest fashion designed by the designer, for a moment, he thought he saw the mermaid swimming out of the blue sea.

When the whole show reached its climax, the background of t-channel became a colorful underwater world. The light blue waves are flowing on the stage, and the music is replaced by the sound of the sea tide. Under the flashing light of blue and purple scales, Sihan, with flowing curly hair and golden Mermaid evening dress, walks out from the backstage barefoot.

Her makeup is very light. Unlike other models with a cold face, she walks out with a cheerful rhythm, with a bright and playful smile on her face. Her expression is like a mermaid who has never seen the world before. She suddenly comes to the world, full of wonder and yearning

There were still people whispering about something under the stage. When they saw that the little mermaid was swimming to herself, the whole audience suddenly quieted down.

Ji Yu is holding his breath, obsessed with the line of vision tightly glue in the smart and lively Mermaid.

"Good! Beautiful

Under the stage, I do not know who suddenly burst out a sentence, followed by thunderous applause, magnesium lights flashing frequently. The mermaid on the stage, who was playing leisurely, turned and walked back half way, suddenly stopped. The people under the stage were quiet again, thinking that something had happened.

However, she bent slightly and pulled up the long tail of the fish with her slender hands, revealing half of her white and slender legs. There was a big breath from the stage. Then, the mermaid turned her head, didn't know who to look at, threw down a naughty smile, and ran back to the back stage happily with her skirt.

Ji Yu under the stage, the heart seems to stop, in the brain, is all mermaid that look back smile!