Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 794

Ji Yu's heart seems to stop, and his brain is full of the naughty and beautiful mermaid on the stage. Looking back, he has a bright and charming smile!

The applause under the stage was again as rough as the tide, and the mermaid, after leaving a smile, hid in the deep sea!

People in the audience cheered, but Ji Yu stood up uncontrollably and ran to the backstage.

In the backstage, Sihan is surrounded by the designers and staff of the organizer. Ji Yu's impulse to hold the mermaid in her arms is blocked by people who have nothing to do with him. She is not happy in her heart, but helpless.

Seeing Sihan being pushed to remove her make-up and change her clothes to prepare for the next press conference, Ji Yu has the first unpleasant feeling of being excluded from Sihan's life.

The sharp eyed Mr. Mai ran over to appease him.

"Ji Shao, Sihan, we'll watch. You can wait in the front hall. We have something to explain. Don't worry. I'll take good care of her. "

Mr. Mai repeatedly guarantees that even if Ji Yu is upset, he knows that it's Niu Niu's job. As an outsider, he insists on squeezing in, but it's very easy to be criticized. For Niu Niu's future work, Dabao finally chooses to compromise, and obediently turns from being led by others to the auditorium of the celebration party.

More than half an hour later, when Sihan, dressed in white, was led to the rostrum by sister Zhou, Dabao was chatting with a customer who was also from China.

Obviously, the other party didn't know that the beauty of the finale was the younger sister of master Ji. She was just curious about how Ji Shaodong, who has never been involved in fashion, suddenly became interested in the show.

"Ji Shao, I didn't expect that you are also interested in fashion and luxury goods. How about Ji's development in this field?"

Ji Yu's line of sight has been watching Sihan sitting on the rostrum ready to be interviewed, but his mouth should be the customer, "no, just received the invitation from the organizer, thinking that it's just free, then come to have a look."

For this customer about Ji's trend speculation, Dabao flatly denied.

"Is that so? I often come to the show, but it's the first time that I see such a young Chinese model so outstanding. That little beauty should be a compatriot. It's really a rare person! I don't know if the interview later will disclose the information of that beauty. "

The customer's attention also falls on Sihan.

Dabao's hand holding the wine cup tightened and frowned slightly. His baby was so blatantly coveted and peeped. He was very uncomfortable. It took a lot of effort to drag this man aside and beat him hard.

Dabao side body without trace, deliberately use his tall body to block the customer's sight.

"Certainly not!" Dabao gritted his teeth and came to the conclusion.

"What a pity!" The man's feeling of regret is beyond expression, "such a beautiful girl, just a few more eyes, it's very pleasant."

Dabao secretly put up his middle finger in his heart and passed the information of this man in his mind. In a word, it's probably difficult for this man to do business with Ji in the future!

"Mr. Luo, your secretary seems to be looking for you."

Dabao points to the woman in the corner of the auditorium. That person is indeed Mr. Luo's secretary and Xiaomi.

Mr. Luo glanced over there in a hurry, with a flurry on his face.

The embarrassment that is recognized to wear floats on the face, say goodbye to Ji Yu in a hurry, turn round to run to his secretary.

Dabao's blocked heart is slightly loose. He turns around and finds a perfect position. He holds a glass in one hand and inserts it in his pants pocket in the other. He quietly looks at Sihan who is sitting on the rostrum and communicating with the designer in a low voice.

To be honest, Sihan's spoken English is not very good, but several of the designers of this brand are Chinese. The one sitting next to Sihan at this time is the one who was always around when she shot the print advertisement last time.

Ji Yu's impression of the designer was ok, so he just looked at it quietly from a distance.

After the main designer on the stage finished his speech, the person in charge of the brand business also made a simple speech. After that, the host announced that it was time for reporters to ask questions.

Dabao doesn't have much contact with the media, but he can't be unaware of the signs of several major media in China.

Dabao is slightly surprised to see the microphones with familiar signs in front of Sihan.

"We all know that Sihan is only 15 years old. He is a newcomer. Mr. Ning Yan, as your partner and predecessor, what do you think of Sihan's performance today?"

A microphone holding a domestic media logo is delivered between Ning Yan and Sihan. Sihan smiles at the reporters without looking at Ning Yan at all. Ning Yan, on the other hand, takes a deep look at Sihan with an eye that is incomparably affectionate to everyone, and then says to the reporter with a smile.

"Sihan's performance just now is obvious to all. What do you think of her performance?"

Ning Yan, it seems, is also used to playing Tai Chi with the media. He doesn't offend people and doesn't stand in the cold, but he also gives reporters a lot of imagination.

"As a layman, of course it's very good! I want to know, as an expert, how do you evaluate Sihan's performance today? " The reporter asked persistently.

Sihan smiles without saying anything. After all, although the question is aimed at her, it's not about her. She just needs to maintain her demeanor.

Ning Yan, however, didn't answer immediately. He tilted his head slightly and looked at Sihan seriously. After a short silence, he suddenly raised his hand and rubbed it gently on her head, saying in a very gentle tone, "she's great! The most talented person I've ever met

Ning Yan's tone is very light and soft. In other people's ears, he vaguely takes on the ambiguous meaning. Coupled with his doting eyes and the action that makes people reverie, he immediately makes the reporters on the scene stir up like chicken blood.

Sihan obviously didn't expect that he would suddenly make such a move. His neck is stiff, but it's hard to clap his hand in front of so many people.

Had to pull lip to smile to smile, the body leaned to the designer body of the other side in the past, avoided Ning Yan's hand, pretended to act coquettishly and generally leaned on the designer's shoulder.

"Talent is deceitful. I'd like to thank brother Dai for his help and kindness."

As a matter of fact, Sihan is only familiar with the designer named Dai, but she has never been able to help or know what she has met, let alone have such intimate interaction in the eyes of reporters.

The reporters seemed a little confused about this trend. There was a commotion on the scene again. Standing not far away from Dabao, he was not calm at all!

If this is not a press conference, he will definitely rush up and beat Ning Yan on the ground!