Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 792

Even though she knew that her brother was under the stage, Niuniu didn't have the sense of being lazy. After greeting Dabao, she seriously put herself into the training again.

Dabao has no objection to this. His eyes still follow Niuniu, but he says to Mr. Mai on one side.

"Mr. Mai, go and help yourself. I'll just stay here myself."

Of course, Mr. Mai didn't have so much free time to accompany him. Hearing what he said, he left to deal with his own affairs.

Niuniu walked on the stage for more than two hours until supper time.

Dinner is a takeout that Dabao asked brother Zhang to buy. Of course, the staff and models present are also included.

Dabao sits under the stage with Niuniu for dinner. The little girl insists on training for another hour or two before she leaves. Dabao feels sorry for her, but she doesn't say anything to stop her.

On the contrary, he appreciated her conscientiousness and professionalism. However, after dinner, he insisted that she take off her shoes, put her calf on his leg, and gently kneaded her for about ten minutes, until the tight muscles of her calf relaxed, so that she could continue to train on the stage.

Niuniu thought that Dabao would go out early in the morning to deal with his official business. She must be tired too. Naturally, she felt sorry for him.

"Brother, you can leave me alone, go to the lounge or go back to the bus for a rest and wait for me."

Dabao kisses her on the cheek and gently pushes her out.

She cares, he understands, but he is not used to, do not have the heart to let her a person suffer.

The training models left one after another. At last, only Niuniu and the elder who accompanied her in training, and Ning Yan.

Originally, Ning Yan didn't need to strengthen training, but he said that he was Sihan's partner, and training with Sihan helped to increase mutual understanding.

Dabao doesn't say a word about Ning Yan's dedication or ulterior motives. Niuniu, with the consent of Mr. Mai, doesn't object.

Niu Niu believes that in front of her brother, Ning Yan never dares to move beyond the distance.

As Niu Niu thought, after dinner, Ning Yan did accompany her in training, but they kept a normal distance and didn't even talk much. Only when Niu Niu's rhythm was not right, he would pause a little to cooperate with her, and then gently remind her that some things need to be improved.

Dabao, sitting in the audience, silently holds his cheek and looks at the more and more tacit pace from the beginning to the end. His eyes are more and more deep.

Nearly nine o'clock, leading Sihan training master finally can't help but speak.

"Sihan, let's call it a day. You've been walking for several hours today, and now you don't feel anything. It's estimated that you will be miserable early tomorrow morning."

Sihan just stops, thanks to the master, and then makes an appointment for tomorrow's training. Then she says goodbye to each other and leaves.

Dabao goes to the stage and reaches out to help Sihan step down. If it wasn't for the staff around, Dabao will probably take Sihan back to the car.

And now, even if it's not holding, it's holding the whole person in its arms, half holding and half supporting her to the car.

"Brother, I don't have anything to do. You're making a mountain out of a molehill..." Sihan complains in a low voice and buckle her seat belt.

Dabao didn't explain much, but he drove the car very fast. Twenty minutes later, the car drove back to the house.

Dabao didn't mention anything to Niuniu about Mr. Mai's words. To tell you the truth, he didn't want Niuniu to hear those words, no matter what way.

It's just that he doesn't want to, but it doesn't mean that he can change the development of the situation.

"Brother, the main designer of this show praised me backstage!"

Niuniu thought it was a happy event, so as soon as she got home and sat in the living room, she showed off with Dabao.


Dabao seemed a little absent-minded. He poured a glass of water for the little girl, watched her drink, and urged her to take a bath.

Niu Niu didn't get her brother's response. She was disappointed, but she went into the bathroom obediently and took a hot bath comfortably.

When I came out, I unexpectedly saw a basin of warm water in front of the small sofa in front of the bed.

Just then, Dabao came in.

His hair was wet. Obviously, he had just taken a bath.

"Niu Niu, sit down." Dabao pointed to the sofa.

Niu Niu, with a question mark on her face, sat down obediently.

"You've been walking for most of the day, aren't you? I asked Mommy, and she said that bubble Chinese medicine can relax the tendons and collaterals. "

Niu Niu was not happy at first. Now, she quickly forgot everything.

"Thank you, brother. Don't you soak it?"

Niu Niu feels strange. If it's hard work, my brother should be very tired after running all day. Isn't it better to soak together?

"I'll massage the soles of your feet to help you recover. Otherwise, you'll have to train for a few days. Can you stand it?"

Dabao said as he sat down on the carpet with his knees crossed, reached for her feet and put them into the hot water.

Niuniu looks down at Dabao and massages her toes first. Then she puts her feet on her knees and puts her fingers on the acupoints on the soles of her feet.

This kind of foot massage, usually very painful, and now, Niuniu is in tears, but she clenched her teeth and let Dabao press the acupoints under her feet one by one without saying a word.

"It's painful, isn't it? Bear it..."

Dabao looked at her pitifully, and saw a drop of Yingying tears hanging on her long eyelashes. His heart was in pain, but his hand strength was increased by two points.

"Well..." Niuniu murmured, biting her teeth and enduring the pain.

Both she and he know that if they don't show off, they don't have to suffer.

But she insisted on doing it, even if it hurt, she had to endure it.

And he, looking at her like this, is very distressed, but as long as it is her choice, he will support.


Maybe Dabao's massage worked. The next morning, although Niuniu's feet were a little sore, they were tolerable. So she got up early in the morning and came to the training ground with Dabao.

When sister Zhou saw her, she was slightly surprised.

"Sihan, I heard that you trained until 9 o'clock yesterday. Can you bear it?"

Then he looked Sihan up and down.

Sihan nodded, "well, although it's a little sore, it's not serious."

Sister Zhou is still a face of disbelief, "or, you rest half a day, anyway, time is not too tight."

Sihan shook her head. "Thank you, sister Zhou. I can hold on."

She just said, standing on one side of Ning Yan suddenly reached out to support her, "Sihan, or, today I'll take you?"

Before Sihan can say anything, a powerful arm pulls her over.

"Ning Yan, just do your own thing well, don't worry about it!"