Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 780

After seeing off Sijun and Xiaobao, Dabao and Niuniu return to their normal lives.

Niu Niu's score in the senior high school entrance examination is good, but entering this key high school, she still feels the pressure she never felt.

This matter, she did not dare with the family and dabaoti, but with Si Jun mentioned.

"You used to go to a noble school, and the teaching is more humanized. Here, the traditional way of education is used, so it's normal that you won't get used to it. In a few days, you will probably get used to it."

Si Jun's words really make Niu Niu feel at ease.

But she is at ease. The huge pressure makes her not relax. Other students finish school at five o'clock, but she often stays at school until nearly six o'clock. It's nothing else because she feels that she can't keep up with some subjects, especially mathematics.

The representative of mathematics in her class always stayed until six o'clock every day. When she found out, she also stayed and did the math homework of that day. If she didn't understand, she asked the representative for advice.

Since she went to high school, Dabao has been picking her up in person. On this day, Dabao was still waiting outside the school gate at five o'clock. Taking advantage of the waiting time, Dabao took out his laptop to deal with his work.

He's now in Ji's family. He's like a guerrilla. Where he needs help, he'll stay for a period of time. Letong and Ji Rui don't express any opinions on this. Obviously, they are confident enough about Dabao.

Dabao's current situation, in fact, is a very hard work, but he just enjoys it.

The mailbox file processing part, look at the time, already fast six o'clock, used to the girl six o'clock punctual out of Dabao, close the notebook, out of the car.

When she closed the door and looked up, she saw Niu Niu with her schoolbag on her back coming to the school gate. She came out with a strange boy that Dabao had never seen before.

This boy is half a head taller than Niuniu, he is gentle, wears rimless glasses, and his white face exudes a faint smell of books.

Dabao unconsciously raised his eyebrows and strode towards them.

"Han Han!"

I don't know why, Dabao changed his name subconsciously. This address spread out, not only Niu Niu, even Dabao himself also Leng for a while.


Niu Niu, who came back to herself in a moment, waved to him with a smile, and the rhythm at her feet was obviously accelerated.

The gentle boy beside her, seeing Dabao, smiles and nods politely.

"Who is this?"

Dabao's intuition has always been accurate, and the person who can make his radar start naturally is certainly not incompetent.

"Brother, he is Guo Yuhang, the representative of mathematics in our class." Said, introduced to Guo Yuhang, "Yuhang, this is my brother."

"Hello, brother Ji!"

Guo Yuhang politely said hello, raised his eyes to see his family waiting for him not far away, said goodbye to Dabao and Niuniu, and quickly ran to his family.

"Does he leave at six every day, just like you?"

Dabao naturally knows that Niuniu's normal school time is five o'clock, but Niuniu says that she wants to finish part of her homework in school. If she doesn't understand, she can ask her classmates who also stay in school for advice.

Dabao has no objection to Niuniu's progress, and has never doubted anything. But after seeing Guo Yuhang, Dabao's heart can't help murmuring. Little girl stays so late every day. In the end, is it really just for homework or for people?

"He should be a little late. Today his family arrived early, so he came out with me."

The little girl didn't know that her brother began to think carefully again. She answered frankly, opened the door and sat on the copilot.

Dabao shoves her schoolbag into the back seat, turns around, sits in the driver's seat, starts the car and leaves.

"Are there many hard-working people like you in the class?" Dabao asked very skillfully. With Niuniu now in such an unguarded state, it's impossible to feel his exploration and mind.

"Not much. Only a few are fixed."

Dabao is relatively satisfied with such an answer.

"You used to be very afraid of mathematics. Do you have a common language with Guo Yuhang?"

Look at the way she talked and laughed with that boy just now. It's more than having a common language?

"Brother, do you remember that I was afraid of mathematics? Alas... I'm still very afraid now, so I have the cheek to ask Guo Yuhang for advice. "

Niu Niu tilted her head and thought about it carefully, then said, "we don't have the same language. I don't think he wants to talk to me too much. However, his method of solving problems is really easy to understand, so I pester him to teach me!"

Niuniu thinks that Guo Yuhang is not willing to talk to her, because, just like just now, they left the classroom together, and all the way, she took the initiative to find words.

Of course, she doesn't like to ask for nothing, but he patiently solves the problem for her. If the scene is too cold, it's too embarrassing.

"Originally, he didn't want to pay attention to you..." Dabao glanced at the little girl thoughtfully.

Xindao, silly girl, you underestimate your own attraction!

"Of course, a bully like him doesn't like me!"

It's not that Niu Niu belittles herself, but that her math scores are really ugly compared with other subjects.

"Fool, how can a person who can be admitted to No.1 middle school be a scum? Since he doesn't want to talk to you, don't be shy and ask him to teach you. I'll teach you what you don't understand. "

No matter from the results or learning methods to problem-solving methods, we have the confidence of the representative of this subject. Naturally, we have Dabao.

And, to tell you the truth, his baby girl, just pester him. Why should the boy with glasses give his baby a cold face.

Just, he didn't understand. In the past, the girl didn't like to pester him and let him help her with her homework. Every day, she wanted to stay with him even when she was sleeping? Now that they have become more intimate, how can this dependence be gone instead?

"Brother, you are so busy that I always ask you to teach me. Anyway, these topics are not too difficult, and the students in the class can help me. "

Niuniu's dependence on Dabao is not gone. Instead, she is more compassionate than before. No longer as before, regardless of anything, as long as her big brother has been with her.

Since her brother had to take his work home every day, Niuniu knew that his work was a lot of messy, and there were also many difficult things. She thought she didn't have the ability to help him share, but she was embarrassed to give him any more trouble.

As a result, she didn't want to bring her brother home to make unnecessary troubles when learning the above problems that she could solve by herself.