Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 781

Niu Niu's over a month of dedicated study has greatly improved her acting skills and body expression. As a result, the new season's advertising shooting goes very smoothly.

Xiaobao and Dabao, who came back from the capital specially, accompanied her to shoot in the studio and location for one day respectively, and the shooting of the first phase ended perfectly.

Of course, the so-called smooth and perfect, is from the director and photographer's point of view.

For Yu Niuniu, the high-density shooting from morning to night for two consecutive days is far beyond the strength of her body.

So, when she heard the director yell, "OK, perfect, it's over!" The perfect shape that originally fitted the director's image was like a deflated inflatable model. The body swayed a few times without warning and then fell to one side.

She is not far from the stage, and her eyes have never been far away from her Dabao. Her face suddenly changes and she strides onto the stage.

When Niu Niu thought she was going to kiss the ground this time, her arm was suddenly caught, and a strong pull pulled her up.

Slightly a little trance of Niu Niu has not yet had time to respond, the body has heavily into a warm embrace.

Niu Niu intuitively thought that this person was an elder brother brother, but can enter her nose, is actually she does not know too much the perfume fragrance.

Niu Niu's memory, brother does not use perfume, but he always has a faint and almost Mint fresh breath, so it is certain that helping her to kiss off the ground is not her brother brother brother.

"Well, didn't you fall?" Not a strange voice into the ear, Niu Niu raised her head, into the purpose is a young handsome face.

This man is Ning Yan, her male partner in the new season.

Niu Niu, who is still in shock, takes a deep breath and just wants to say thanks. Her arm is caught again. In the blink of an eye, she has transferred from Ning Yan's arms to another embrace with a light breath of mint.

"Thank you for pulling my sister!" Above the thin air came her brother Dabao's polite thanks.

"You're welcome, Sihan. Are you ok?"

Ning Yan beautiful eyes, tightly staring at the previous second is still in his arms, here but against another man's arms that face.

Niu Niu flashed and blinked two times, covering up the disturbance in her eyes and smiling gratefully at Ning Yan.

"I'm fine, thank you!"

Then he struggled to get out of Dabao's arms and stood still.

Dabao's worried eyes stopped on her face, "are you hungry? Let's go and have something to eat first. Xiao Bao just went out to buy porridge and ate it while it was hot. "

Because the photographer is very strict, Niuniu and Ningyan both ate in the morning, but Ningyan is a boy after all, and is a little bit more hungry than Niuniu.

Before Niu Niu can express her opinion, she has been taken away from the photo studio by Dabao. Over there, two assistants are helping to distribute Xiaobao's takeout to the staff present.

Niuniu is pressed by Dabao to sit on the chair, and Xiaobao pushes the porridge in front of her.

Dabao takes out the wipes, picks up Niuniu's chin, and helps her wipe off the bright lipstick without saying a word under Niuniu's confused gaze.

"All right, you can eat."

Dabao's eyes are full of worry, but his tone is very gentle. He knew that Niuniu liked the job, so he tried his best to persuade her to understand and support her even though he couldn't bear her suffering.

Niuniu is really hungry. Otherwise, she would not have fallen to the ground as soon as she heard the director say it was over.

Xiao Bao handed her the spoon, but she picked up the bowl directly and drank half a bowl of rice porridge in one gulp.

"Sister, why are you suffering?"

In Xiaobao's opinion, taking over the advertisement more than three years ago was originally a kind of ticket playing. He thought that his sister's idea was the same as his, and taking over the endorsement was just for fun.

Looking at the shooting process these two days, Xiaobao deeply feels that compared with the shooting of the youth series at that time, the requirements now seem to be more stringent, and the shooting intensity is also much higher. Therefore, Xiaobao feels that his sister is asking for trouble.

Niuniu drank most of the bowl of porridge, empty stomach for most of the day, finally warm, hear Xiaobao doubt, but also lazy to explain.

"Xiao Bao, give me the snack." She pointed to the lunch box with a hotel logo on Xiaobao's hand, which should be her favorite snack.

Xiaobao is still angry with her. Seeing that she ignores her own problems, she makes a small temper. Don't ignore her. She pushes the lunch box away.

Dabao took a look at his awkward brother, raised his hand to fight on his head, and advised him.

"Well, it's not too late to denounce her until she has something to eat. It's hard for you and me to starve her, isn't it?"

Xiaobao's anger returned to Qi, but in fact, just like Dabao's, she was deeply distressed by the hungry girl in front of her.

"Pa" to throw lunch box in front of Niu Niu, continue to turn to ignore her.

Niuniu is so funny, but she is so hungry that she can't even laugh. Now she doesn't want to bother with the awkward boy. She opens her lunch box and smells the fragrance. She wants to eat it all together.

"Ji Shao, thank you for your snacks and food!"

A shadow flashed over. As soon as the voice fell, there were more people in the chair beside Xiaobao. That person was Ning Yan.

"You're welcome!" Dabao glanced at him faintly and quickly looked back at the little girl who was swallowing.

Big palm lightly caresses on her back, low voice reminds, "eat slowly, careful choke."

Ning Yan looked at Niu Niu enviously, "Sihan, you are so lucky. You can make an advertisement and let your brother and brother accompany you."

Ning Yan looked at Niu Niu's eyes, gradually from envy into full of interest.

Niuniu is still trying to cram snacks into her mouth. You know, she's not a professional model and can't stand the hunger

Ning Yan, sitting opposite her, is just a professional model, so it's common for him to shoot hungry. At this time, he is eating slowly with a piece of pizza and looking at Niu Niu's eyes, which is becoming more and more complicated.

Dabao's attention was originally all on Niuniu. Occasionally, he raised his eyes to Ningyan's thoughtful eyes.

"Mr. Ning, your assistant seems to be looking for you."

With sharp eyes, Dabao glimpses the anxious assistant not far away, who is the assistant of the little model.

Ning Yan Leng for a while, looking back, just to the little assistant's eyes.

"Mr. Ning, please come here!"

Dabao's idle excuse turned out to be true.

"Sihan, talk to me when you have time." Ning Yan takes a look at Niu Niu with extremely pitiful eyes, stands up in a hurry, throws a word to Niu Niu, then spreads oil on the soles of his feet and runs towards the little assistant quickly.