Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 779

As for Dabao's 70 years and 80 years, Niuniu admits that she has never thought about such a long term, and even has no such long-term concept in her mind.

But she knew that her life had been filled with Ji Yu since she was a child. Before, he was a brother, now he is a lover.

If 10, 20, even 70 or 80 years later, she thinks that his identity may change, but the fact that he will always be by her side will never change, just as she will always be by his side.

"I will!"

15-year-old Niu Niu has not experienced any twists and turns.

For her, being abandoned by her parents should be a turning point in her life, but at that time, she was too young to feel her poor situation. She only chewed her mouth and blinked at the beautiful face with black eyes in the shadowy woods.

And the magic of fate is that it's just a little baby who inadvertently turns on the gears of the two children's life paths.

Fifteen year old Niuniu knows very well that she and he met by fate 15 years ago.

And now she and he, can be together, rely on, but is no longer fate.

For the next 10, 20, or even 70 or 80 years, it is impossible to rely on fate to maintain.

So she said, "I will!" These three seemingly simple words, in fact, clearly convey her determination and attitude to go on with him.

What Dabao said is more a kind of expectation and good wish. To be honest, he didn't dare to expect that 15-year-old she would have the same determination and thought as him.

So, when he heard that she gave him the answer of three words very firmly, his heart was instantly overjoyed.

"Niuniu, don't you think it's unfair for you that we are like this now?"

Although Dabao was so happy that he almost couldn't hold on to himself, the little bit of reason he had left still allowed him to reveal his uneasy mind hidden in the bottom of his heart.

Niu Niu looked up at him slightly, the red sunset reflected in her dark pupil, like two clusters of fire in the jump.

"Ji Yu, I don't know how many generations of virtue I have accumulated to meet you in this life. I don't understand why you think it's unfair to me. For me, even in ten or twenty years, even if I meet a hundred times more boys than I do now, I will never meet another person who can love me as much as you do. "

Fifteen year old Niuniu admits that her world is very small and that she doesn't have much contact with many boys. However, she firmly believes that the man who has been protecting herself is the best one for her.

Dabao's little uneasiness in his heart was placated by Niuniu's heartfelt words. He lowered his head and put his lips on her beautiful eyes which made him addicted and infatuated.

The rosy clouds all over the sky gradually disperse between the two people's murmurs and whispers. In the silent night, they change their dark gray clothes, and the stars twinkle in the endless sky. The two people close to each other, sometimes talking about the fun of childhood, and sometimes talking about the depression and brilliance of those separate days.

There are unknown insects singing in my ears, accompanied by the "Wuwu" mountain wind, playing the most beautiful Concerto in the world.

Until I don't know whose stomach is murmuring first, I think of their rich dinner and stay in the car.

However, they spent dozens of yuan on the hamburger set meal in M Ji, but they seemed to have eaten the most delicious food in the world. In the dim light, the hungry two wolfed down their dinner.

Look at each other, like two different poles of the magnet, naturally close together.

"Well, it's all beef..."

After kissing, the little girl frowned and chewed her mouth.

With a smile, Dabao hugged the man again and gave him a deep kiss. Then he thought about it carefully and made a thoughtful statement.

"No, and the taste of salad dressing..."

The two hugged each other, wearing the thin blanket they took out of the car, and looking at the slanting crescent moon, slowly climbed into the air from the East


Early the next morning, Niu Niu, who was still dreaming, was awakened by a clap on the door.

"Niu Niu, you promised to send Si Jun to the airport. It's time to get up."

With the sound of clapping the door, it was the sound of Letong.

Niu Niu wakes up from her dream, gets up and shakes her head, then pulls herself back to reality from the dreamlike beauty of last night.

"Mommy, I'll accompany Niuniu to see Sijun off. You and daddy go back to work."

Dabao handed the peanut butter coated bread to Niu Niu, who just sat down, and naturally arranged the next thing.

"OK, let's go back to the company, Xiaobao. How about you? Do you want to go back to the company with us? I'll take you to the airport with your dad at noon. "

Xiaobao shook his head and rejected Letong's proposal. "I'll go to the airport with my brother and sister to save running on both sides."

Letong has no objection to this. Anyway, the boy will fly back next Saturday. There's no need to make it look like a farewell.

While listening to the conversation between Mommy and his brother, Dabao looked carefully at Niuniu, who was eating bread quietly.

Last night, they came home in the middle of the night. Today, they got up so early again. He was a little worried about her lack of sleep.

However, the little girl seems to sleep well, three or four hours of sleep time, but enough to let her recover the look of playing chess.

At ease, Dabao took a sip of milk from his glass.

"Dabao, did you get enough sleep when you came back so late last night?" Letong smiles and looks at her eldest son and daughter.

Dabao raised his eyelids to mummy with a look of interest.

He also thought that Mommy would be wise. It seems that he underestimated the gossip factor of his mommy.

"Thanks for mommy's concern. We are young and recover quickly!"

Letong puts down the cup, covers her heart, looks like pain, and leans on Ji Rui.

"Mr. Ji, look at your precious son. We're old!"

Ji Rui knows that Letong is just joking, but he habitually stares at Dabao, pats Letong on the shoulder and soothes her in a soft voice.

"Don't worry about him. When they get married, they have to beg us!"

Dabao picked his eyebrows and looked at his father in a funny way. "Daddy, what time is it now? You can't be the master of our marriage."

On hearing this, Letong sighed again, "Alas, I can't help my mother!"