Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 778

At Dabao's insistence, Niuniu also left the store with a lot of autumn and winter clothes.

They walked back and forth two times again, and then brought all the clothes and accessories left at the front desk back to the car.

Fortunately, Dabao is driving a Hummer, and the car has enough space to contain these bags of goods.

"Brother, you listen to me all day. You can decide where to eat dinner, OK?"

Dabao looked at Niuniu with a smile, "are you sure?"

"Well!" Niu Niu nodded seriously.

My brother likes seafood best, so Niuniu thinks Dabao will take her to the seafood boat by the sea.

As everyone knows, not long after the car was driven, Dabao stopped the car by the side of the road and told her to get off.

Niuniu looked at the roadside. There was no other restaurant except a m-ji fast food restaurant, not even a bakery.

"Where to?"

Niuniu just thought that Dabao wanted to buy something else. Although she was confused, she got out of the car.

"Don't you mean to eat whatever I want? We'll have this tonight."

Niuniu doesn't dislike eating foreign fast food, but to be honest, she doesn't eat much, because her parents, including her brother, who is in charge of everything, always say that this kind of foreign fast food is junk food. Therefore, she doesn't patronize this kind of fast food restaurant except for coming with her classmates several times.

"Brother, don't you say these are junk food?"

Before entering the door, Niu Niu asked in a low voice.

"It's not too bad to eat once or twice."

Compared with Niuniu, dabaozui is very cunning. Under the circumstances of choice, he thinks that things that are not delicious will not be put into his mouth.

Niu Niu looked up at him and deeply doubted whether he had been with her for most of the day!

"Tut, what's your vision? Although the food here is not delicious, it can be used to cheat the stomach. "

Niu Niu didn't know that her brother, who was extremely fastidious about food, often had a meal with a hamburger and a glass of milk in order to save time as much as possible to speed up her study in those three years abroad.

Therefore, these foreign fast food, which he despised three years ago, have established a deep revolutionary friendship with him in the past three years.

Niuniu's demand for food is far less than that of Dabao. Therefore, since Dabao's elder brother says it's acceptable, she has no reason not to eat.

They went in and asked for two hamburgers and two fried chicken wings. Dabao asked Niuniu what else she wanted. The little girl waved her hand again and again, "enough, enough!"

To be honest, she was secretly controlling her heat intake during this time. Because she has to keep her best condition until the end of the month.

Of course, she didn't dare to mention it to her family. Especially in front of Dabao, she was very careful, for fear that she might slip her tongue.

If you really let Dabao know that she is on a diet to keep fit for this endorsement, he will definitely stop her job by various means.

It has to be said that Niuniu really knows some of Dabao's ideas like the back of her hand.

From m, they got into the car directly. After driving for about ten minutes, Dabao stopped the car on the side of the road and took Niuniu to the fruit shop on the side of the road to buy some fruit. He also asked the shop owner to wash it and pack it in a box.

Carrying fruit to get on the bus, until the seat belt is fastened, Niu Niu just thinks of one thing.

"Brother, where are we going?"

"Girl, I'm taking you to sell to the traffickers."

After Dabao teased her, she fell on the steering wheel and began to laugh.

Niu Niu's face turned green with laughter. When he finally stopped laughing, she gave him a white look, "brother, you are so strange today!"

Dabao also seems to think that he is too presumptuous to laugh, trying to suppress the smile, but the corner of his mouth betrays him.

"Well, I won't tease you. We're going to the suburbs. It should be hard to find a place for dinner there. So it's easier to buy some convenient foreign fast food in advance."

Niu Niu got the answer and sat down. She was not curious about where she was going next.

Dabao didn't seem to want to continue to reveal. The car went out of the city towards the north suburb and drove on a road that Niuniu was not familiar with for about half an hour. Dabao suddenly reminded Niuniu, "girl, hold on to the armrest, the road ahead may be a bit bumpy."

As soon as the voice fell, the car turned into a rugged yellow mud road. On both sides of the road, there was a lot of wild grass.

Niu Niu raised her eyes forward, only to see the weeds and the path extending in the middle of the weeds. For this expedition, she could not guess what was ahead at all. Niu Niu finally became curious.

"Brother, where are we going?"

Dabao was staring at the road ahead. After all, the road was not easy to walk. He had to be very careful to ensure safety.

"Why, I'm afraid I'll sell you to others as a concubine?"

Dabao's spirit is highly focused on driving, but his tone is very relaxed.

Niuniu didn't care about his teasing. She said, "as long as you are willing, I don't care!"

Dabao burst out laughing, "Niuniu, you mean you've eaten me to death?"

Niuniu shrugged, "of course, you even handed in your salary card. Where is the chance to turn over?"

They said with a smile, the car bumped for a while and got out of the weeds. The car drove onto a cement road, which was not wide, but at least smooth.

Niuniu listened to Dabao and breathed out, "in fact, there is another easy road, but it's a little far away. I think it's still early, so I'll take a shortcut here."

Dabao's so-called short cut is probably much closer than the road he said, because after she came out of the weeds, Niuniu saw a mountain not far ahead.

"Are we going up the mountain?"

Dabao reached over and patted her on the face. "Well, how clever!"

The mountain looks very high. It took half an hour for the car to reach the top.

Dabao parked his car on the lawn on the top of the mountain, took a look at the red sky on the other side of the mountain, and asked Niuniu to get out of the car quickly.

"Girl, hurry up, it's too late!"

Niuniu got out of the car quickly. Dabao took her hand and ran to a big stone on the side of the mountain to sit down.

"Niuniu, look!"

Niuniu looked in the direction of his hand and saw that the red sun was disappearing from the sea level.

Dabao held her hand tightly with her lips on her cheek.

"Girl, I hope that 70 years later, or even 80 years later, I will still have the opportunity to sit here and watch it sink. I hope that you will still be sitting beside me at that time!"