Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 761

Dabao also agrees with his mother's words. With his understanding of Si Jun, he is a very noble person. It is a last resort for him to accept help, so he will never ask for more.

"Mommy, I'll take care of Sijun."

Dabao thinks that he should have a private talk with Si Jun some time, but he will have to wait until his birthday.

At noon on Friday, the five members of the Letong family, together with Mr. Ji, flew to the capital to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Yang.

Yue Tong has been as like as two peas for fifteen years. Yang's residence looks exactly the same as it did fifteen years ago.

In addition to the old master of the Yang family, there are also Yang Sheng and his wife and a couple of their children.

Yang Sheng and Chu Ran's daughter is two years younger than Dabao, and their son is two years younger than Xiaobao.

"Cousin, long time no see!" Yang Sheng's daughter, Yang Liu, reached out to Dabao and gave him a big hug.

"Yes, I was a little girl three years ago. Now I'm a big girl in Tingting Yuli."

19-year-old Yang Liu also chose to study abroad a year ago, and it was only these two days that she flew back.

"Niuniu is called Tingtingyuli. I don't like this. Forget it!"

Willow is a little over 1.6 meters tall. In front of the tall men of the Yang family and the Ji family, she looks very delicate and delicate.

"Cousin, you are the most popular among boys, aren't you?"

Niu Niu, who is tall and stands with a group of female classmates, often feels that she is different.

Yang Liu has already let go of Dabao, instead of embracing Niu Niu's shoulder, biting her ear and running on her, "you already have a cousin, how do you want to be popular? Are you not afraid of your cousin's jealousy

It's obvious that Yang Liu already knows about the relationship between Dabao and Niuniu.

Niu Niu's face was flushed. She didn't know that she and big brother Dabao had been exchanging ideas for a few days. Even her cousin on the other side of the ocean had received the news.

It must be mommy who did it!

"My mommy told you that?"

Yang Liu shook his head with a smile, "of course not. It's the master who told me..."

Niu Niu, even her neck can't help reddening. A quick glance around, found that everyone's attention is on the white haired man, who did not pay attention to the two girls, embarrassed mood just calmed down.

"Tut Tut, how happy I am to be able to get my cousin's high-quality stock?"

Yang Liu spoke in a manner similar to her father Yang Sheng.

"Cousin, if you laugh at me again, I will ignore you!"

Niuniu uses her trump card. She grows up. As soon as she says this, Yangliu will stop immediately.

"No, I want to get the master limited edition dress from you."

Yes, Yang Liu, a real girl, has always been eyeing Niu Niu's brand of clothing. In particular, Niu Niu can always get styles that are not available on the market. So, after Niuniu said nothing to her, Miss Yang immediately shut up.

"Actually, I think it's very good for my little aunt."

Willow changed a serious face, while talking, pulling Niuniu to the terrace to speak to herself.

Because of the good relationship between their parents, dabaoniuxiaobao and Yangliu are also very close. Although they don't have much time to meet each other, the children are in close contact with each other on the Internet and regard each other as brothers, sisters and intimate friends.

As the only two girls, they usually say a lot of personal things in private, including emotional things.

Yangliu is four years older than Niuniu. She doesn't have a very rich love life, but she is an experienced person. Niuniu is embarrassed to talk to her brother about some things, so she will talk to Yangliu.

Therefore, during the three years when Dabao went abroad to study, Yang Liu also heard Niu Niu's complaints and worries.

Of course, at that time, none of the sisters thought that this simple brother sister relationship could evolve into the present relationship.


Niuniu knows that when her cousin says it's good, it means that mommy tells her that she is an adopted daughter and that she has changed her relationship with her brother.

But after all, her mind was pure, and she couldn't figure out what was good in the middle?

"My little aunt was afraid that you and your cousin would have some scruples, so she told me the truth about you two. After hearing this, my father was silent for a long time. He was worried that he would object. Who knows, it took me more than half an hour to figure this out, and told my father that it was all your destiny with your cousin. Otherwise, my cousin would not have picked you up on that island more than ten years ago. "

Yang Liu felt that these elders in his family were all strange people. Acceptance of the world, compared with ordinary people to tolerate too much.

And Niuniu, after listening to Yang Liu's analysis, she realized that there was a lot of interest in it.

In fact, no wonder she didn't think so deeply. Since she revealed her heart to Dabao, Dabao gave her a hint that it was the reaction of her family. She didn't care.

And she subconsciously believes that as long as her brother is there, she doesn't need to worry about the reaction of her elders.

It can also be said that from the moment when she blurted out "I like you" to Dabao, she never considered whether the elders would accept it or not.

After listening to her cousin's words, Niu Niu's palms were in a cold sweat.

It turns out that in addition to confirming whether you like it or not, there are so many obstacles to be removed.

Fortunately, brother Dabao and her mother have already helped her to remove these obstacles.

"Cousin, after listening to what you said, I found that I was really naive!"

When she thought that she could still enjoy the love of her brother and family as usual, Niu Niu could not help but blush.

Yang Liu patted her on the shoulder, "silly girl, you are so naive all the time. Anyway, I'll leave it to my cousin Dabao."

Niuniu frowned, "cousin, my brother is not so crafty...", so many years, she still can't hear people say a little bit of bad things about Dabao.

Yang Liu apologized to her helplessly and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, your brother Dabao is not crafty, he is extremely clever, OK?"

Niu Niu's eyebrows just stretched out, "well."

"By the way, I heard that you are the spokesman of youth series now. In the future, will you become an advertising star?"

It has to be said that the news of willow is really well-informed.

Niuniu a little bit unnatural smile, "cousin, you don't laugh at me, I'm just a product spokesperson, far from the star!"

Yang Liu is completely convinced of Niu Niu's dullness and ignorance, or, it's not the girl's dullness, but her little aunt's family has protected her so well.

"Niuniu, don't you know that you are famous abroad?"