Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 760

"Daddy and Mommy, I promised Niuniu to take over the endorsement."

After dinner, Dabao took advantage of Niuniu's time to practice piano and confessed to her parents about her rebellious behavior. Niuniu, however, never mentioned it in front of her parents. It seems that she entrusted Dabao with the burden of persuading her parents.

"Why?" Letong was shocked at first, and then instantly realized that she was smiling brightly at Dabao. "Oh... Did Niuniu use a trick on you?"

Dabao blushed from small to small. Suddenly, she was teased by her mother, and her handsome face turned pale red.

Although the picture in my mother's mind must be a little different from the actual situation, the theme center is correct!

He can't pass the beauty pass. What else can he be?

"Mommy Dabao is a little annoyed and turns to glare at Ji Rui. "Mr. Ji, look at your wife. You don't care what she says."

Ji Rui is looking at the trend of the stock market with his laptop. He glances at his son.

"I also agree with your mommy's point of view. It must be Niuniu who used some improper means to make you turn around in an instant."

Dabao sighed helplessly. Compared with his mother's beauty trick, his father's improper means are more likely to make people think askew.

"Forget it, I don't want to be poor with you!" Dabao, who was obviously at a disadvantage, didn't want to play word games with his parents. "Well, Niuniu asked Mr. Mai for an audition. At noon, she was on my grandfather's side and suddenly told me that she wanted to audition in the afternoon."

Dabao said that this matter was thoroughly used by Niuniu.

"With her audition, it was the model Mr. Mai was going to sign. The director didn't have any specific requirements, but only required Niuniu and the model to wear the same clothes and show freely on the stage. As a result, Niuniu was unanimously recognized by Mr. Mai, the director, the photographer and the designer."

Letong looks at her son's proud face and runs him with a smile, "including you, you are also very recognized, right?"

Dabao stall, "that's right, so I promised Niuniu to let her take over the endorsement again. Daddy and Mommy, you didn't see Niu Niu with your own eyes. She was as beautiful as a fairy who didn't eat fireworks. "

Letong just laughs, but Ji Rui takes a deep look at Dabao, "my baby daughter must be beautiful! Of course, I have to admit that for you, there is a beauty in the eye of the beholder. "

"Mom and Dad, are you two wrong? What we are talking about now is the issue of endorsement, not the issue of beauty trick or beauty. If I remember correctly, when you didn't want her to accept this endorsement, the starting point should be the same as me. Now why don't you feel strange? "

Dabao was convinced by his parents and changed others. In such a sudden change, he had to frown and fret. But they, as if nothing had happened, still talked and laughed freely.

No wonder their looks haven't changed much in the past ten years. Maybe it's because it's nothing to them.

Yue Tong took a sip of tea, with a determined face.

"Silly son, after listening to Niuniu's heroic words that night, your father and I have already got psychological preparation. As long as Mr. Mai is willing to sign Niuniu, you will definitely be the first one who nods and agrees."

For his parents' foresight, Dabao had to write a word of service!

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. Why don't he have such a mind as mommy.

Dabao had prepared a lot of words to persuade his parents, but they were very happy. Obviously, his speeches were invalid.

"Mommy, you don't want to stop Niuniu anymore, do you?" Dabao is very responsible to confirm.

Letong looked at Dabao seriously. "Baby, Niuniu is your girlfriend. We have no doubt about your boyfriend Li. Therefore, your decision is our decision."

Letong and Ji Rui have never been able to compete for Dabao on the issue of Niuniu. Moreover, it has to be said that Niu Niu, who made a passionate speech that night, has completely convinced Le Tong.

"Well, that's settled. I'll make arrangements for the future."

What Dabao said after that was a bunch of follow-up protection measures after Niuniu signed the contract.

"Well, let me know where I need to go." Ji Rui is very conscious of being a father.

"Daddy, you don't pay much attention to the name of Prince Ji. Don't worry. You and Mommy don't have to worry about this kind of thing."

Ji Rui and Letong look at each other. It's not necessarily the name of Ji's Prince, but Ji Yu. In recent years, Ji Yu has been hailed as a new business star by many people in the industry and the media.

Therefore, when he goes out to work, what he sells may not be his own face.

Finish saying Niu Niu's matter, Le Tong suddenly thinks of another matter.

"Dabao, the Dean called me back in the afternoon and asked me if I knew there was a plan for exchange students in the second semester of No.1 middle school."

"Si Jun wants to go?"

"It's probably because he has to take care of part of the expenses, so when he signed up at the end of the school term, Si Jun didn't report."

This matter, Letong didn't hear Si Jun mention, of course, also didn't hear Niu Niu mention.

Dabao pondered for a while, raised his hand, took his laptop, opened it, and entered the official website of No.1 Middle School of r city.

Above, there is a notice about the exchange students of senior two.

Then click on the detailed requirements inside, take a brief look, and ask Letong to come and have a look.

"Mommy, let's see if Si Junfu meets these requirements."

Because the dean will report the learning situation of several children to Letong regularly, Letong has a clear understanding of Sijun's school situation.

Including all kinds of performance in school, as well as academic performance.

Letong contrasted the requirements one by one, and saw that in the end, none of them did not meet the requirements.

"100% pass! Strange, why didn't the Dean mention this to me before? "

Dabao also finds it strange that according to the importance attached by the dean to Sijun, it is impossible for him to miss such a good opportunity.

"I'll call the dean and ask..."

Letong is an activist. She has already taken out the phone and pulled it out.

"Hello, Dean. I'm Letong."

"Well, yes! I want to ask, is the information about the exchange students in No.1 Middle School reliable? Did the school inform you? "

"Oh, so it is. OK, I'll make sure again."

Letong hangs up and looks at Dabao.

"The dean said it was said by two other children who were also in high school, but Si Jun never mentioned it. When the president asked him today, he also said that he would not go. I think it is because of the part of the expenses at his own expense. "