Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 762

Niuniu's brand, which has only been vigorously promoted in recent years in China, is becoming popular in the upper class circles. But abroad, it is an old brand with a history of nearly 100 years.

This brand can stand up for nearly a century, which means that its relative users are very large and stable.

As a rare yellow skin model of the brand, Sihan's appearance quickly attracted the attention of the upper class in Europe and America.

In those people's eyes, this is a pure to almost spotless angel face, coupled with her natural as the spirit of extraordinary physical expression, compared with the ordinary supermodel can attract their eyes and attention.

With the growth of Sihan, the elf gradually brings a little girl's charm and sexuality. As long as she stands on the stage, she will shine like a piece of jade to be carved. People with a little professional vision can instantly find her dazzling point, which is different from ordinary people, and stimulate the desire of these talents to carve her.

This is why Mr. Mai, even at the risk of squabbling with Ji's family leader, also wants to renew his contract with Sihan.

But the little girl herself, obviously never knew that she had such a beautiful light on her body, always thought she was lucky and had aura, and even because she was Miss Ji, she could get the long-term favor of the brand.

"Cousin, you don't have to comfort me. I know how much weight you have."

Even if Yang Liu said so, Niu Niu still only thought she was comforting herself.

Yang Liu is too lazy to explain to her. She turns around and leaves the terrace. Soon, she pulls a face of big treasure to Niu Niu, who is also full of inexplicable faces.

"Cousin, you can tell this silly girl how famous she is abroad!"

Dabao took a deep look at Niuniu, and then patted Yangliu on the head, "Liuliu, what's wrong with your sister?"

Obviously, Dabao doesn't want to talk about this issue, otherwise, with his concern for Niuniu, he would not know that Niuniu has been called "Oriental elf" by many foreign fashion magazines in recent years.

"Cousin, good things are hidden for personal use, but they will suffer!"

Liu Liu instantly understood why Dabao wanted to avoid this problem, but it didn't mean that she would not take the opportunity to tease this omnipotent cousin.

After all, in the eyes of her father and other elders, he always existed like a God. It can be said that she and her brother grew up in the shadow of this God.

Now, it's not easy for her to catch this God's Achilles' heel. If she doesn't make good use of it, isn't it cheap for her big cousin who has made her "miserable" for so many years?

Dabao's temper is very good. He is so plainly exposed by his cousin in front of Niuniu, but he smiles and squints at her.

"I've suffered more than you think, so I don't care to add one or two."

In fact, Yang Liu didn't understand Dabao's words, but Niu Niu did.

By suffering, he refers to the suffering of secret love over the years, and the fact that he has to exile himself to a foreign country for the sake of this secret love. He clearly loves but can only endure

Niuniu's brain makes a long list of Dabao's sufferings over the years, and her heart twitches with each flash.

"Cousin, my brother is not so selfish as you said. No matter what he does, it's for my good!"

Like Dabao, who always protects her without asking for any reason, she is also blind to his protection.

She herself is not willing to blame him, and can't bear to see him sad. How can she let others slander him and hit him at will?

"OK, you two are willing to fight and one is willing to suffer. I shouldn't worry about it. Hum!"

Yang Liu looked at them with disdain, and the words "a pair of dogs * men and women" were written on her face.

Dabao rubbed her head and said, "Liuliu, when did you become a just warrior? Why don't I know? "

Yang Liu waved his hand and ran away in anger.

The girl thought she had offended her cousin, so she started to follow her.

Dabao pulled her, "let her go."

"But my cousin seems to be angry with me." Niu Niu was worried. She was very concerned about her cousin.

Dabao shook his head helplessly, "silly girl, your cousin's heart is very big. Will she be angry with you for this little thing?"

Dabao is clear, willow is just pretending to be angry, and then leave the terrace space for them to be alone.

Niu Niu is still a dubious look, Dabao can't help but sigh and lower her head to rub her face.

"Silly girl, your shrewdness and carefulness are all used on me, aren't they? Why don't you care about others? "

Niu Niu was not happy when Dabao said that.

"Brother, when did I use caution against you? You are clearly wronging me!"

The little girl pursed her lips slightly, then snorted twice to express her strong dissatisfaction and protest.

Dabao couldn't see her wronged appearance. He pecked at her slightly upturned lip and said to appease her.

"Princess your highness, I am sorry, but the little one should not use the heart of a villain to treat the belly of a gentleman. The highness of the princess has never concealed any way of concealing any tricks to the little ones."

This kind of soft voice comforts Niu Niu very much.

In fact, she was a little bit cautious about the audition. But didn't my brother always say that sometimes, in order to achieve the goal, it's harmless to play small tricks properly?

In the final analysis, Niu Niu's small means can succeed, largely because Dabao has too much trust in her and is unprepared.

Therefore, in a serious study, it also means that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

After a while, they went back to the big room to join in the fun.

However, the atmosphere in the room was a little strange. When Ming Dabao went out just now, there was a room full of people chatting. Now, the room was surprisingly quiet, and everyone's face was not a happy smile, but a dignified face.

Dabao was just about to go to his parents and ask what happened, but he heard the prince say sadly.

"I'm afraid I won't have a chance to see Wellcome again in my lifetime."

Dabao knew in a moment that the prince was thinking of his Yaozi, who had been missing for many years.

"My Lord, do you like the two paintings and calligraphy I chose?" Dabao pretended that he didn't hear the old man's lament, so he turned the topic aside.

The old man always has a special preference for the three brothers and sisters of Dabao. When he asked, he put away his worries and beckoned to Dabao and Niuniu to accompany him.