Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 750

Dabao came out after taking a bath, thinking that he was going out to accompany his younger brother and sister. He opened the bathroom door and was facing the bed in the bathroom, sitting Niu Niu, who was supposed to play games in the living room.

"Don't you team up with Xiaobao to fight monsters?" Dabao asked, and his eyes were hooked by Niuniu in front of him.

Niu Niu leaned against the pillow, her upper body was wearing a small T-shirt that fit her body, her lower body was wearing shorts, and her two long legs were folded and stretched on the bed.

Niuniu's eyes moved from the iPad on the bed to Dabao“ Oh, he doesn't want to play with me because he thinks I'm stupid. "

Niu Niu answered indifferently, holding her hand and sitting up.

She sat down neatly on her knees. The hem of her T-shirt tilted slightly, revealing a small piece of snow-white skin on her right waist.

Dabao's breath suddenly stagnated. He never knew that he was so "colorful".

But seeing such a small piece of skin, the heart beat disorderly.

It seems that his strong self-control has met the biggest challenger in history.

She is not only the person she likes, but also her nemesis!

"You'll know the score tomorrow, right?"

Dabao tosses the wet towel to one side of the sofa, climbs to bed, and sits cross knee beside Niuniu.

"Well, I've thought about it. If I reach the mark, I want to go to No.1 middle school."

Niuniu, besides thinking about Dabao, wants to go to higher school these days.

Of course, the school atmosphere is very good, and the way of learning is also very flexible. The teachers are also very polite and friendly to the students. After all, those who can study in this school are either the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people. These parents are not willing to spend money to let their princesses and princesses go to the school to suffer, and the school teachers can't afford such parents and students.

This kind of environment really protects Niuniu very well.

But Niuniu felt that she was well protected.

This is true at home and at school.

Before, she had no idea, so it didn't matter where she went according to her family's wishes.

But since Dabao went abroad, she gradually realized that she was too delicate. Without the protection of Ji family, she really didn't know how to survive.

Especially, at the moment when she knew that she was actually an adopted child, Niu Niu's stronger desire became more urgent and real.

This desire does not mean that Ji's attitude towards her has changed.

Instead, she secretly made a hypothesis.

If, one day, I have to leave Ji's family and live with my own parents, can she still live in such a comfortable and beautiful life?

You don't have to think that your own parents must be very bad. Otherwise, they wouldn't have left her in the place where birds don't lay eggs. So, can she live a normal life, the second miss of the Ji family, who has been wearing clothes and eating food since she was a child?

"If it's your decision, I support it. But can you tell me why? "

Although Niu Niu has repeatedly stressed that she and Si Jun are just good friends, it is impossible for her to go to No.1 middle school because of this good friend and let Dabao not care.

"Brother, do you remember what I said in the park that day?"

Niuniu has no intention of concealing this.

Of course, she would never think of it. She said that the first reason why she wanted to go to No.1 middle school was Si Jun.

"Well!" Dabao nodded.

"After Mommy told me about adoption, I can't help but imagine what I would be like if my biological parents hadn't abandoned me."

Big treasure heart a tight, this wench, isn't say not sad, how to mention this matter again?

Reach for her hand, regardless of her struggle, domineering to her hands in their own hands, and then nervously declare.

"Niuniu, there is no if in this kind of thing. You were brought back by me. That's the truth. You're a kid of the Ji family now. That's the truth. You're still Ji Yu's girlfriend. That's the truth. Do you understand? "

Niuniu raised her face and looked at him without blinking. Sure enough, as Xiaobao said, her brother was reluctant to leave her at all. How could she dislike her?

"Brother, I know! Don't worry, I don't want to leave. You love me so much, how can I give up? I just think that if I am in such an environment, I am not as smart as you and Xiaobao, no one protects me and hurts me like you and Xiaobao, and no one helps me arrange everything like you do now, then how can I survive? "

Niuniu's words make Dabao silent.

He wanted to say something nice to comfort her. He could even hold her willfully and tell her, "you can't do anything, you just need to stay with me forever."

But no matter how much he loved her, he had no right to trap her.

And he knows better than anyone else. Just like learning to walk, she has to learn all the skills and ways of survival.

No matter how much he loves her, he can't and can't give her these.

"In the three years since you left, I hate you very much at the beginning, but I have to say that my thoughts and behaviors have become a lot more independent because of your leaving. So, your leaving is actually the biggest stimulant for my growth. If you've never left, I'm afraid that I'm still as selfish, coquettish and cowardly as I was three years ago. No matter what happens, I'll just hide behind you and let you protect me and spoil me. "

When Dabao heard her remarks, his mood was very complicated.

Niuniu said this, which was the original intention of his leaving.

He really wants to give her a space to grow up and freedom and opportunity to choose.

But her growth has far exceeded his expectations.

"Niu Niu, you've really grown up."

A "grow up" includes too much meaning, but also contains too much sorrow and helplessness of Dabao.

"So, I hope I can get into the corresponding school with my own ability just like the children of ordinary families, and I also hope I can integrate into the surrounding society as soon as possible."

If Niu Niu didn't understand these things when she was still young, in recent years, she also wanted to be clear.

For example, she went out to perform with teacher fan. No matter how much mom and dad emphasized not to be special, she was always qualitatively different from other members in terms of travel, food and protection measures.

If she was not the second lady of the Ji family, how could the people around her be so friendly?

In the past, she didn't understand the seemingly nothingness of human connections. She only thought that whether she was performing or acting as a spokesperson, she got fame and respect by her own ability.

But now, she understands that most of the reasons why she got these are because she is the second miss of the Ji family.