Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 749

Being said by his wife, President Ji, who was still a little tangled in his heart, immediately gave up his arms.

Speaking of the guilt for Dabao, Ji Rui has more than Letong.

Letong entrusted her new born son to others in those years. It was forced by life, but it was all forced.

However, he ignored his son so irresponsibly that his son suffered so much in the mansion, but he didn't know it. Ji Rui couldn't imagine the cruel consequences if it wasn't for Le Tong's bone marrow match with his son's.

So, as Le Tong said, what Dabao wants is that they really have no position or face to obstruct him when they are parents.

"I don't have a problem with it. Anyway, they just like it."

What's more, even if you throw away your guilt for Dabao, Niuniu is the daughter he has been spoiling for so many years, but it's no big deal to pay more attention to the identity of future daughter-in-law.

At first, Letong didn't believe that he turned the corner so quickly and looked at people carefully. Only then did she confirm that President Ji really accepted this fact.

"Bo" ground once, Le Tong rare initiative once, in Ji big president's lips loud ground kiss once.

In this way, Ji Dabao thought that the major problems he had to face when he returned home were easily broken one by one. Both Niu Niu and his family accepted the matter between him and Niu Niu in a surprising way.

Of course, Letong is a mother. Although she has no objection to the change of their relationship, it's worth mentioning that she is in decline.

While Niuniu is practicing, Letong asks Dabao to accompany her to prune roses in the yard.

Dabao is so clever that he knows that his mother has something to tell herself in private.

Over there, Letong, who is bending her head and tossing flowers, is still organizing her language. Over here, she has already cut off some big treasures that grow out of the branches, and she asks.

"Mommy, do you have something to tell me?"

At dinner, I don't know if it was Letong who told me or what. Anyway, the five members of the family sit together for dinner happily, which is the same as usual. No one mentions Dabao and Niuniu. Even Xiaobao, who is usually cheap, doesn't say anything about calling Niuniu his sister-in-law.

Dabao has always had a mirror in his heart. Things are clear. I think that my mother must have considered Niu Niu's thin skin, so I specially told my father and Xiao Bao not to talk.

This time, they separated, and his mother carried him out alone. I think there must be something very important to add or emphasize.

Letong looks at the buds all over the tree and asks her to pinch them off. She can't bear to pinch them off. I'm afraid few of them can bloom brightly.

Think of this, Letong ruthlessly down to pick some small buds pinch off, heart ponder good words, then slowly said.

"Baby, Niuniu is only 15 years old. You have to restrain yourself! Don't let me and your parents take out the broom and drive you out of the house

The implication is that you will not be allowed to do anything wrong just because you are my own son.

Obviously, Letong said this from Niuniu's mother's point of view. Ji Dabao was her daughter's new boyfriend, not her son.

"Mommy, I understand. It's the same as if you're not willing to pinch off these flowers, but you're still ruthless. There are so many nutrients, too many buds, and you'll use up all these nutrients early. When it's flowering, few flowers will be able to see it. "

In fact, Dabao is just anxious to confirm his relationship with Niuniu. As for the things that mommy suggests, he is confident that he has strong self-control and will not do anything animal before Niuniu is a minor.

In this world, if you ask who is the person who loves Niuniu the most, it's him. Ji Dabao is no doubt that he can't do anything to hurt her because he loves her so much. No matter whether it's psychological confirmation or physical confirmation, he will never be willing to force her.

Yue Tong nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, a child can be taught!

But Dabao's self-confidence was greatly shaken on the first night of exchanging his mind.

Letong and Dabao toss in the garden for more than an hour. When they return to the house, Niuniu, who has finished practicing, is sitting on the sofa with Xiaobao back to back, playing games with iPad.

See Dabao come in, Xiaobao immediately complain.

"Brother, come and play for your sister! Ah... I've lowered my IQ a lot by meeting my teammates like pigs. "

Dabao was too lazy to get involved in the two little things. He pointed to the bedroom, "you two play. I'll take a bath. I'm so sweaty that I feel like vomiting."

Niu Niu raised her eyelids and looked at his back as he strode away. She said to Xiao Bao, "Xiao Bao, do you think my brother is stupid?"

Xiaobao rolled his eyes and said, "Ji Sihan, you have enough. In this room, no, no one in the world knows your IQ better than your brother. So, knowing that you are like this, I still have a deep love for you for many years. I can only say that my elder brother loves you badly. In his mind, if he can find a little dislike for you, he has already successfully got rid of the sea of bitterness. Can he still come back to coax you after three years away? "

Niuniu was stunned by Xiaobao's training. She held the iPad for a long time and then slowly digested Xiaobao's words.

"Xiaobao, are you really only 13 years old? How do you know so much? "

She always thought that what Xiaobao understood was more academic and theoretical knowledge. She never thought that he could understand people's hearts so well, even the feelings he had never experienced.

Sister's genuine praise, but let Xiaobao from a goose bumps.

"I'm not you, stupid!"

Xiaobao scolds Niuniu from time to time for being a fool, but he has learned a lot from Dabao. Therefore, for a long time, he has scolded Niuniu like this. Three years after Dabao left, he scolded him without fear.

But Niu Niu, who was scolded as a fool, was unexpectedly calmed down.

She didn't understand that her brother would scold him for being a fool, but he was just worried.

"Ji Sihan, listen, all the men in our Ji family are good men who love women. My father is my brother, and so am I. no matter who bullies you, I won't make him feel better!"

Xiaobao, facing his sister, is a typical bean curd heart.

Hearing his sister's uneasiness about this feeling, he subconsciously assumed the posture of a flower protector.

Niuniu chuckled, "Xiaobao, if my brother bullies me, you won't let him have a good time?"

Xiaobao's desire to protect her moved Niuniu. She also understood that what he said was from the bottom of her heart, not just to comfort herself, but all this desire for protection came from precious family affection.

"Of course!" Xiao Bao did not hesitate.