Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 751

Niuniu didn't speak very clearly, but with Dabao's intelligence, how could she not understand what she said?

But, understand to understand, habitual, or do not want her to suffer a little bit of pain and grievances.

"Well, let's wait until we see the results tomorrow."

Dabao thinks that if she really wants to go to No.1 middle school, even if she can't achieve the results, she should be able to enter a specialty class or something with the awards she has won in recent years.

Now, he wants to talk with her about endorsement.

It's just that he hasn't figured out how to speak, but Niuniu mentioned it first.

"Brother, I used to take over that brand. I hope Xiaobao and I can act as the spokesmen of their next year's" Youth Series ". In recent years, I have had a good cooperation with them, so I want to renew my contract with them. However, I'm afraid I'll trouble you to contact me for the specific details."

Before Niu Niu, no matter what things, more used to escape, until things can not be avoided, forced to face.

But now, she understands the importance of taking advantage. Many things, when you take the initiative to face, hold the initiative in the hands of more.

On the issue of endorsement, she can vaguely guess from Mommy's procrastinating attitude that her family probably doesn't agree with her renewal.

And brother Dabao, it's probably the same as his parents.

Therefore, she must state her position before they say no, and not in the tone of consultation, but in the tone of informing.

Dabao is used to Niuniu's always asking for his opinions first, and even, basically, taking his opinions first. Suddenly, he hears her tell her about the endorsement. Surprised, he can't help but smile and look at her carefully.

Niu Niu also raised her eyes, straight to meet his eyes.

"You have promised them?"

Dabao's words, can't hear what emotion, but Niu Niu's intuition tells her, brother seems to be a little angry.

Niu Niu is not familiar with such a reluctant brother, but she knows that she can't give in to this matter.

"Well, although it hasn't been confirmed clearly, after all, I haven't signed the contract yet, but verbally, I have promised sister Ziwen."

Even though she knew that it would make her brother angry, Niu Niu had the courage to tell the truth.

Dabao didn't rush to make a statement. Instead, he leaned over, picked her up, put her in front of him, and bent her legs to encircle her in front of him.

"Since there is no contract, it means there is still room for change. Even if they don't sign, they can't do anything to us."

Dabao's tone was very light, but the message was very clear: he didn't want her to accept the endorsement.

Niuniu turned to look at him, "brother..."

In fact, she attaches great importance to this endorsement.

In fact, when persuading her to accept the endorsement, Zhang Ziwen also said a lot to her in private, which she never mentioned to her parents.

Originally, I was going to talk to my brother first. Seeing that he was so tough, I couldn't help secretly congratulating him for not saying another thing from Zhang Ziwen.

"I'll tell Miss Zhang about it. Don't worry about it."

As an underage, Dabao naturally puts himself in the position of Niu Niu's legal guardian. Niu Niu's big and small things almost have to be seen by him personally. From what school he goes to, from what skirt he wears to what shoes he wears, he habitually breaks his heart.

Now he is 21 years old and Niuniu is 15 years old. Even though he has been repeatedly impacted by her growing up these days, in his eyes, he still habitually puts the little girl in the position that needs his protection and custody.

Dabao's tone was firm. If she changed the past, Niuniu would not dare to say anything more. But now she is really different from before.

"Brother, didn't you say that no matter what I wanted to do, I would respect my decision?"

The little girl completely lost her soft, kneaded look, and even puffed her cheeks with a look of indignation.

Dabao looked at the frog like girl in front of her. She had a big head. He has been in love with each other for so many years. It's not easy for him to survive until today. Naturally, he doesn't want to spoil each other's interest.

Around her waist, she dragged the man into her arms and gave her a kiss on her bulging cheek.

"Well, let's make an appointment with Miss Zhang to talk about this, OK?" Dabao has always been good at this circuitous delaying tactic.

Although Niu Niu wanted to get her brother's permission immediately, she understood that it was very difficult for her brother to nod her head. But if my brother nodded, my parents would not hinder me.

"Well, I'll ask her out tomorrow!"

Niuniu also learned to be smart. She was afraid that her brother would negotiate with Zhang Ziwen behind his back, so she took down the task of appointment.

How can her little trick deceive Dabao?

However, Niuniu is a minor, he is her brother, is her legal guardian, the weight of her speech is more useful than herself, so, even if she talked to Zhang Ziwen in advance, it was in vain.

What's more, Niu Niu is still too young to deal with these old people who have been struggling in society for so many years.

"OK, you make an appointment with her. I'll make an appointment with Zhihao the night after tomorrow. They'll go out for a drink. You can arrange any other time."

Niuniu thinks she has succeeded. Her unhappiness just now quickly subsides. She is very happy to be in Dabao's arms and asks about Dabao's experiences and living conditions in recent years.

"Why do you care about my brother all of a sudden?"

Niuniu's questions give Dabao the illusion that she is a spy sent by mummy.

Niuniu didn't answer him directly. She just leaned lazily against him, grasped his big hand with both hands, studied it, spread out his palm, and then closed it“ Brother, your hands are much bigger. "

Dabao compared, and found that she was right. When she looked at her slender hand, it was like a big Mac.

"It's you who are only tall but don't have hands. In the past three years, you have grown more than ten centimeters, but this palm hasn't grown at all."

The two heads met and studied for a long time. Niu Niu asked casually.

"Brother, you are abroad. Are there any girls chasing you?"

The corner of Dabao's mouth cocked up. Look, what she cares about is actually this!


Dabao laughs so badly that Niuniu really wants to slap him on the spot.

"I guess? There must be! Like you, even if you are not attracted by your intelligence, you will be attracted by your appearance. Even if you are not attracted by your appearance, you will be attracted by your eloquent mouth... "

Niu Niu pulled her fingers and counted, feeling sad for no reason.

Dabao's smile deepened. He sniffed and said with a smile, "it's so sour!"