Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 748

This time, it's Dabao's turn and Niuniu's turn.

However, Dabao responded earlier than Niuniu. He raised his hand and patted Xiaobao on the head, laughing and swearing.

"Smelly boy, call me sister!"

Xiaobao blinked, looked at Dabao, and looked at Niuniu with a red face. She said with disdain, "sister is sister. Anyway, it's not me who suffers the loss!"

Niu Niu was ashamed, turned to throw down big ash and brothers, and LED big black to the kennel.

Her brain has never been as good as that of Dabao Xiaobao. For more than a month, just digesting her life experience and feelings for Dabao has consumed all her brain power except her study.

She never thought about how to face her family after she and Dabao had a heart to heart relationship.

So, this time, in addition to feeling shy because of their relationship exposed in front of her brother, she was more at a loss.

Dabao didn't stop Niuniu from leaving. When she went away, he impolitely raised his foot to Xiaobao.

"Stinky boy, don't you know your sister is thin skinned?"

Xiaobao felt the pain of his leg and protested.

"Brother, do you think paper can hold fire?"

Mommy has seen her strange feelings for Niuniu for a long time. Dabao knows that.

But he didn't know that he was so special to Niuniu that even Xiaobao felt it.

"Well, why can't you wrap it up?"

He thought Xiaobao didn't know that Niuniu was not a child of Ji family.

"Since my sister knew that she was adopted, she had lost her soul. Mommy thought she was sad because of her life experience, but I know that she didn't care much about her life experience."

Xiaobao has been with Niuniu since kindergarten. She knows her well.

During the three years when Niuniu grew up from a child to a girl, it was Xiaobao who accompanied her. So, it's no surprise that he can understand Niu Niu's mind like this.

And Dabao, as one of the parties, even though he knows Niuniu, many things are not as clear as Xiaobao, which is normal.

"She told you that herself?"

Dabao doesn't doubt Xiaobao's EQ, but he still doubts the boy's ability.

Xiaobaobai glanced at him, "brother, are you stupid? How could my sister tell me that? You don't know how painful your sister has been for three years studying abroad. If you see it with your own eyes, you will know why I know so well. "

Dabao laughed in his heart. It turned out that the boy was settling accounts after the autumn, holding injustice for his dear sister!

"Well, I'm wrong. I've already apologized to your sister."

Xiaobao rolled his eyes again and wrote a look of disdain, "idiot, it's OK to fool around!"

It seems that he has taken Dabao's resentment of going abroad for three years into account.

Dabao put the nozzle, took Xiaobao's face and rubbed it hard for a while, "I'm sorry, brother is wrong, little prince, you have a lot of adults, forgive me, OK?"

Xiao Bao clapped his hand hard, raised the corner of his eye, glanced at him, and hummed, "forgive you, I can get your five out of print models!"

Dabao smiles in his heart. A child is a child. Bai has grown so tall!

"OK, here you are. In addition, I'll buy you three latest fighters!"

Xiaobao grinned and nuzzled at Niuniu's back. "You go to accompany your sister to give Dahei a bath. I'll wash Dahui."

Dabao answered, walked a few steps, thought of the unknown situation in the room, and came back to Xiaobao.

"Xiaobao, it seems that Daddy doesn't know about Niuniu and me. You keep it a secret for the time being."

Xiaobao answered "Oh", and when Dabao walked away, the little guy gave dabui shunmao a low Tut, "Tut, stupid Daddy!"

And Xiaobao mouth that stupid daddy, after hearing Letong that "Dabao and Niuniu like each other" of the words, full Leng dozens of seconds.

Then, the president of Ji Da, who seems to know nothing, stares at Letong and asks, "what do you mean?"

Dabao loves Niuniu very much. Niuniu is also very dependent and trusts Dabao. Ji Rui has always known that his son and daughter like each other very much. This is for sure.

But does his wife solemnly emphasize that the word "like each other" is different from the kind of love he has always understood?

Ji Rui vaguely knows something, but he is not sure. After all, Dabao is a son and Niuniu is a daughter. This concept has been rooted in his mind for more than ten years. It's understandable that he can't turn around immediately.

Letong had expected that Ji Rui could not accept the change all of a sudden, so she patiently explained it to him.

"I mean, the mutual love between Dabao and Niuniu is that between you and me, not that between brother and sister. Of course, they must have a brother sister relationship, but now it has developed from a brother sister relationship to a relationship between lovers. "

Ji Rui looks at Letong steadily. Over the years, Dabao's love for Niuniu and his desire for hegemony have all been in his eyes, but he has never thought much about it. He only thinks that his son has devoted a lot of love to Niuniu because of all kinds of unfortunate experiences in his childhood.

Yue Tong sees Ji Rui does not speak, thinks he cannot accept, then says again.

"You won't interfere, will you? I'll tell you, I'm on the side of Dabao and Niuniu. You should not know that Dabao has been fond of Niuniu for many years. Three years ago, he was forced to study abroad. "

If Dabao and Niuniu can only get along with each other as brothers and sisters, Letong will probably never tell Ji Rui the real reason why Dabao went abroad three years ago.

"Let me think about it..."

Ji Rui frowns slightly. To be honest, he is really tangled now. But if we can't accept it, there is no such thing as interference.

Just, Niu Niu's identity, from daughter to son's girlfriend, makes Ji Rui feel strange.

Yue Tong looks at him and frowns. She can't help worrying about her children.

If, even Ji Rui, the father, can't accept the change of this relationship, then it seems more difficult for him and his grandfather to accept it.

"Ji Rui, I don't care what you think in your heart. Dabao has been sensible since he was a child. Apart from asking for Mommy when he was a child, he has never let us worry for so many years, let alone ask for anything from us. Now, he has what he wants. Even if we can't help him get it, at least we can't hold him back. "

Letong was very serious with a straight face.

Ji Rui is startled. She can't remember when she last talked to herself with such expression and tone.

"Well, I didn't say anything. What are you worried about?" Can't see his wife move a little bit gas of Ji big president, stretch out a hand to embrace a person into the bosom, soft voice pacify.