Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 745

For this relationship, Dabao from the initial ignorance, confusion, negation, doubt, and finally to incomparably sure.

After he was absolutely sure of his feelings, he made the most difficult decision in his life.

Let go, leave!

Originally, it was said that coming back was also a psychological preparation for a long-term struggle.

Even, they are ready to snatch people from other boys.

Can this wench, but dull voice silent ground gave him a big surprise.

He not only accepted the relationship between her and his non biological brother and sister, but also understood what she liked about her. This is not only that, but also by the way, he understood what she liked about herself.

Dabao felt that he would wake up from his dreams tonight.

Bear the impulse to eat people on the ground, but the palm is no matter how can not bear, holding her face gnashing teeth tunnel.

"Ji Sihan, I thought I was forced to fall in love with you

I knew that she was so easy to understand and accept herself. What was the reason for her leaving and suffering for the past three years?!

Niu Niu was pinched a little painful by him. She broke off his claws and glared at him. She also gritted her teeth and said, "you! Live! It's time

Remembering his decision when he left three years ago, Niu Niu secretly scolded herself for being too soft hearted and confessed herself so quickly.

Mingming, don't you want to let him suffer a few more days?

He's had a hard time these years, and she's had a hard time these three years?

Dabao is urged by Niuniu to finish the meal, settle the bill and get on the bus.

"Niu'er, why don't you ask teacher fan for a leave and let's go to play!"

This kind of unreliable proposal, Dabao knew that he would not be accepted, but he put forward it willfully.

It is absolutely rare for him to live to the age of 21 to make such an unreliable and irresponsible proposal.

Niu Niu stares at him, "Ji Yu, what you just drank is the same as mine, is it grape juice?"

Dabao looked at her funny and shook his head. "No, I drank the overpowering drug you gave me. Now, I'm fascinated by you. What should I do?"

Niu Niu frowned, "brother, can you stop talking to me so disgustingly?"

Dabao leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt. "It's not disgusting, it's numbness..."

Niuniu rolled her eyes and wanted to turn back the clock and take back all the words she just said.

Compared with Ji Yu, who is disgusting, she prefers her tender and considerate brother Dabao.

Dabao stared at her with a smile, as if seeing through her inner thoughts. He gave her a kiss on her lips, which was regarded as a stamp.

"Ji Sihan, you are my girlfriend, not my sister, OK?"

Niu Niu closed her head and leaned back in her chair to pretend to be dead.

Dabao sat back to her seat with some pride. This silly girl is really too tender and easy to turn around!

After driving on the road for more than ten minutes, a silly girl opened her eyes later.

"Ji Yu, I didn't say I was your girlfriend!"

Dabao's lips were light, and his eyes narrowed with laughter.

"Niuniu, don't worry. I'm a responsible person. You've told me. Of course I have to give you a name!"

It's like Niuniu covets his girlfriend's name.

Niuniu felt that she was so stupid again that she not only dug a hole for herself, but also jumped in. Now, she buried herself with her own hands!

Dabao glanced at the little girl who was pursing her lips. At last, she was compassionate. She reached over to touch her face and resumed her old gentle tone.

"Well, my brother's mouth is too poor. Don't be angry. I'll wake you up when it's time

Niu Niu raised her eyelids, gouged out his eyes, turned over angrily, and closed her eyes on the back of the chair.

Niuniu, of course, is not really angry. It's just that after being a brother and sister for more than ten years, she suddenly becomes such a relationship because of her words. No matter how strong her heart is, it's hard to accept it. What's more, her heart is not strong at all.

If she had heard his sudden question before she knew her life experience, she would have scratched her head and could not understand the true meaning of that sentence.

"Niu Niu, you may not know that I like you for many years."

Dabao's gentle voice, gently sounded in the low music.

Niu Niu used to face him with her back. When she heard this, her back froze.

"When you were very young, I used to think, Niuniu, this little girl is so stupid and simple, what should she do when she grows up?

Mommy and Daddy are talking about sending you to kindergarten. I'm worried that you will be bullied. I don't agree to let you go.

You are often made to cry by Xiao Bao. I want to hang him on the longan tree with a rope and hang him in the yard all night.

On the first day you went to kindergarten, you cried so much that your eyes were swollen. I really want to tell mommy, don't let you go to school. I can teach you what you want to learn.

You don't remember that, do you? "

Niu Niu didn't say a word, just listened to him with breath.

"You don't know, when you were in primary school, I used to sneak to your playground to watch you go to PE class. If Xiaobao didn't accompany you, I probably wouldn't let you go to school at all.

I even envy Xiaobao, who can accompany you from kindergarten to primary school.

Every time, when you are not happy because other female classmates are close to me, my heart will be secretly happy. At that time, I still don't know the reason, only vaguely feel that my state of mind is a little abnormal.

When you get older, I'm afraid you'll find my strange thoughts on you. I'll pretend to encourage you to make friends. But when you really get closer to other boys, I'll imagine them as hooligans and watch out for them everywhere.

You must be surprised why you didn't receive little notes from boys in primary school. In fact, they were all made by Xiaobao under my direction.

Don't blame Xiaobao for this. "

Niuniu finally turned around when she heard this. She leaned on the chair, but her eyes were fixed on Dabao.

"At that time, I thought I was very annoying. It turned out that you were the one who did it!"

Niu Niu said in a stuffy voice. She couldn't help reaching over and pinching him in the thigh.

Of course, he was driving, and she didn't use much energy.

"No, you're lovely. How can you be annoying? I'm sorry! I was wrong at that time. I was too careful! "

Dabao never wanted to hide these things from Niuniu, and although he felt sorry, he didn't regret it. Even if he mentioned it now, he would only admit that he was careful, but if it happened again, he would still do so.