Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 744

Although Dabao had enough psychological preparation, he didn't expect to hear such a direct and powerful confession!

His brain exploded, and after a moment's fragmentation, he finally recovered his voice.

"Ji Sihan, are you sure that your liking is the same as mine?"

Originally, he had been psychologically prepared before returning to China. Next, he had to go a long way to turn the relationship between brother and sister into a relationship between men and women.

Unexpectedly, only a few days after returning home, the little girl gave him a big surprise!

After ecstasy, he could not help doubting whether the girl's love was just the love between brother and sister?

Niuniu nodded solemnly, "of course, I like you as much as you like me!"

There was a sly smile in her eyes. "That night, were you really drunk?"

She thought he was pretending to be drunk, and he knew her kiss.

Now it seems that he was really drunk that night.

Dabao's thoughts were still immersed in the ecstasy of being confessed. When she asked about that night, she didn't respond.

"What night?"

"On the night when you just returned home, you were drunk with daddy?"

Niu Niu is a little regretful. Why did she express herself so quickly? She knew that he was really drunk that night, so she wanted to be reserved!

Of course, the idea of pretending to be reserved is just a flash. With her care for Dabao, how could she let him continue to suffer?

Dabao was a little puzzled. "Well, I was really drunk that night. Why? What happened that night? "

Niu Niu blinked and shook her head. "No, nothing happened!"

But even though she looked calm on the surface, her face turned red a little bit.

How could she tell him that she could not help kissing him secretly that night?

What's more, it's still under the condition that he doesn't express anything and doesn't make it clear?

Dabao stares at her and her face turns red. He knows that she's hiding something from him, but he can't remember what happened that night.

It seems that you have to ask Mommy when you go home.

"It's all right?" Dabao said, got up, went to Niuniu and sat down beside her.

Before he came in, he just wanted to talk to her face to face.

But after knowing what she meant to him, he could no longer suppress the desire to get close to her and touch her.

"It's ok..." Niu shook her head and leaned to the side subconsciously for his sudden sitting.

How can Dabao let her escape again?

As soon as the long hand stretched out, he took her into his arms, and his hand was no longer extended to the shoulder as before, but put it accurately around her waist.

Niuniu struggled a little, but was bullied by Dabao.

"Good, don't move." Then he bowed his head and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Such a decent intimacy makes Dabao very comfortable.

The years of depression in my heart, like the open bottle of champagne, finally no bondage, "bang" to all the eruption, no depression, leaving only bursts of joy bubbles, in the heart, bang bang, toss.

"How did you figure it out?"

There are countless questions in Dabao's heart. He can't wait to know the answer.

Niuniu looks up with bright eyes.

"Think about what? You like me? Or do I like you? "

Niuniu's directness surprised Dabao. Can be unexpected, but secretly happy, I like the girl, is not awkward affectation, otherwise, I do not know how much suffering.

"I want to know, but first, how do you think I like you?"

Dabao felt that although the little girl directly admitted that she liked him, she was thin skinned after all. If I had to go into the things she likes in public, maybe I would annoy her.

Niuniu moved her lips and was about to open her mouth. Seeing the waiter coming with a tray, she covered her lips. When the waiter put down the juice and toast, and walked away, she pushed toast to Dabao. "Aren't you hungry? Eat first."

Dabao held her hand pushing the dish and said with a smile, "I'm not hungry. I'm just flustered. I want to know if you prefer to call me brother or Ji Yu."

Niu Niu Bai glanced at him and said, "I'm so hopeless."

Dabao put his face to her and rubbed her face gently.

"Girl, I'm not hopeless. I just don't want to scare you. Well, tell me, how did you figure it out? "

Niu Niu tilted her head and thought, "actually, it can't be thought through. It's just that after Mommy told me about my life experience, I didn't feel very sad. I've been puzzling about it for two or three days. After that, I've been thinking about you all the time."

Dabao was very curious. "What about me? What do you think? " He also thought that these years, only he was suffering in missing, but it turned out that this little girl was not much better than himself.

"Don't you know, brother? In the past three years, what worries me most is that you are making girlfriends behind our backs abroad. I even secretly asked Xiaobao if you had a girlfriend after you went abroad. Xiaobao told me definitely that you didn't! I thought, you are very handsome and smart, people are considerate and gentle, but why have you never had a girlfriend? After I knew that you and I were not brothers and sisters, I felt suddenly enlightened. One day, when I thought about it, I suddenly said, "Oh, that's it!"

Big treasure mouth corner slightly Yang rise, it seems that the little girl is not as dull as oneself think of, a thought then thought of the idea go up.

"My family is so smart!" Dabao gave Niuniu a kiss.

"You have been very kind to me since you were a child. Whether you are a family member or an outsider, you are generally recognized as a good brother. Even when you are old enough to make a girlfriend, you still don't have a girlfriend around you. When I look back on your connivance to me, I think it has surpassed that of my brother to my sister."

Niuniu is not stupid. She is just blinded by the relationship between brother and sister.

And the pain and suffering she felt in the past three years because of her brother's departure has really gone beyond the scope that her sister should have for her brother.

After knowing that they were not related by blood, she finally found the real source of her suffering.

"I haven't liked anyone in these years, but I think you and I are in love!"

The 16-year-old girl has no doubt and hesitation about her feelings. Obviously, she thinks a lot these days.

As soon as Dabao's hand was tight, he wanted to insert the person in his arms into his body. He repressed the feelings in his heart for such a long time, and was almost crazy by Niu Niu's straightforward words!

If it's not a cafe, if it's not for fear of scaring her, he'll knock her down immediately!