Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 746

Niuniu stared at Dabao silently for a long time. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"Really angry?"

Although Dabao doesn't regret what she did, it's selfish after all. Standing in his position, it's for her good. But standing in her position, it really makes her lose a lot of choices and memories of her childhood.

Niuniu shook her head, "no!"

Her answer surprised Dabao.

The slant head looks at her incredulously, "didn't cheat me?"

"Well." Niuniu nodded again.

"Brother, do you remember? In fact, I'm just like you. I don't like you to get close to the female students in your class. Even when my brother Zhihao asks you out to play ball and swim, I'll be sulky. "

After Niuniu became sensible, Niuniu gradually learned to hide her careful thinking of monopolizing Dabao's brother.

For a long time, in front of her brother's beautiful and smart female classmates, Niuniu had low self-esteem, which she had deliberately covered up.

Naturally, she didn't know that her brother Dabao actually saw all these things in his eyes.

Dabao didn't expect that she would be so frank, "right? It seems that I'm worried about it. It turns out that just like you in my heart, I'm the only one in your heart

Dabao is shameless, but Niuniu can't deny it.

Can want her in his jiongjiong under the gaze of the square to admit, she felt speechless.

Fortunately, Dabao didn't know much about her because of the separation of these three years. Seeing that she hesitated and didn't answer, and looking at her face of coyness, she was more sure of what she said.

All of a sudden, Dabao remembered that there was still a number one.

"Do you really have nothing to do with that Si Jun?"

Niu Niu looked at him strangely, "didn't I say that he and I are good friends?"

She didn't know that it was because of Si Jun that her big brother decided to leave for three years.

Dabao laughed silently. "Sure enough, as you said, I deserve it!"

To think about it, Niuniu is probably the same as him. She has a person in her heart. How to get along with other members of the opposite sex is the best. She is just a friend. Because, the most important position in my heart, has been occupied, others, want to come in again, there is no place at all!

Seeing that he was laughing strangely, Niuniu was puzzled, but her big hand suddenly covered her head and rubbed it hard.

"Sleep. Didn't you like sleeping in the car before?"

From childhood to adulthood, as long as you go far away, this little girl always gets on the bus and soon lies on him and sleeps. Although she is a little girl, this habit should not change.

"Well, I'll sleep for a while. If my brother is bored, wake me up and chat with you."

Niuniu is really sleepy, but she used to sleep when she got on the bus, mostly lying on her brother. Now, her brother is driving, so the idea that she wants to sleep on him is obviously unrealistic.

Besides, she is also afraid that she will fall asleep. He will be bored driving alone.

"Well, you can rest assured to sleep. I won't be bored. What you said just now is enough for me to savor for a long time!"

Dabao's casual words made Niu Niu's face turn red again.

Niuniu really wanted to stay with Dabao, but after she was silent, she closed her eyes slowly.

Dabao's car is very stable, but the speed is not slow. The car has been driving on the high speed for more than an hour, and it's lunch time. It's about half an hour's drive from L City.

Take a look at the girl who sleeps like a dead pig. Dabao struggles for a while and finally decides to go to L City for lunch.

Niu Niu had a deep sleep. In her dream, there was the sound of waves beating on the beach, and there was a lovely little boy, who ran out of the tree with a basket in her arm.

That little brother as like as two peas brother brother.

The handsome young man, holding a basket and panting, ran to a beautiful couple. It was strange that the beautiful couple had the same appearance as her father and mother.

The handsome boy happily raised the basket in front of the couple, pointed to the little baby in the basket and said, "Daddy, Mommy, this is my daughter-in-law!"


"Niuniu! Niu Niu! Here we are. Don't sleep! "

Niu Niu's ears, warm and familiar voice sounded. Before Niu Niu could open her eyes, her lips were pecked lightly.

Open eyes, to her big brother black bright smile eyes.


Niu Niu was still a little confused. She naturally put her hand on his neck and intimately drew them closer.

"Huh?" Dabao obviously realized that she was still in the middle of a dream. He was not in a hurry to disturb her, but he could not help kissing the tip of her nose again.

"When you found me, you said to mom and Dad, I'm your daughter-in-law?"

Niuniu's mind really didn't come to her full consciousness. Letong restored to her the story that she was picked up by Dabao from the woods. But it seems that Dabao said "this is my sister" at that time, not his daughter-in-law.

Niuniu, however, mixes what Letong said with what Dabao said just now to make a picture that she thought was real, but it was a dream.

Big treasure tiny Leng for a while, very quickly, then understand this wench is to mix a pile of dream and reality.

He bowed his head and pecked her lips, and replied in a low voice, "well, I did say to my parents that you are my daughter-in-law. How do you know that?"

Probably, from the moment he said he wanted to pee, he and she were doomed to have an inseparable life.


Niu Niu is still a little confused, her eyes are slightly narrowed with hazy mist, her thick eyelashes are shaking gently, which makes Dabao's heart tremble.


Dabao glances out. Obviously, it's not suitable for too much intimacy.

The car is parked in the parking lot of the restaurant. Outside the car, the restaurant receptionist is waiting for the guests to get off and patronize.

"Get out of the car. I've been waiting for a long time."

Dabao gently supported her waist and gently lifted her up.

Niuniu was sober at last. She didn't look over her face. She saw the receptionist standing outside the window, and her face turned red again.

"Brother, why didn't you call me earlier?" Niuniu quickly arranged her clothes and tried to get off by holding the doorknob.

Dabao stretched out his hand to pull her, straightened out her disordered hair, tied her ponytail again, and gave her a kiss. He felt that her hand obviously pushed on her body, understood her scruples, but didn't let her go. He just buried her head in her ear and said with a smile.

"Fool, I can't see the window outside."