Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 743

Dabao let go of her, straightened up and sat in the driver's seat. It seemed that he had calculated the time. The green light in front of him was on, and the car moved slowly along with the traffic.

"Niuniu!" Dabao's eyes fell on the front, but his mind was tied to the man who was the co driver.

"Huh?" Niu Niu answers vaguely. She hasn't recovered from the "fright" just now. Don't open her red face and stare at the traffic outside.

"Do you prefer to call me Ji Yu?" Dabao's eyes glanced at her side and saw her red ear lobes, which looked like blood dripping. In a good mood, he could not help bending his fingers and beating rhythmically on the steering wheel.

Niuniu suddenly turns her head and stares at him, but Dabao doesn't look at her. She just reaches out her hand and touches her soft and smooth face accurately. She pats it gently and then draws back to put it on the steering wheel.

This seems to be a casual question, but the essence of it has been in his mind for two days.

Mummy said that Niuniu already knew about her brother and sister. If she had been with him three years ago, she would have been in tears.

But Mommy said she didn't cry, she just became silent.

In the days when he came back, she didn't mention it at all. If it wasn't for mummy's initiative, wouldn't she tell him?

Or does she, like him, look forward to more possibilities of developing other relationships after getting rid of the sibling relationship than the sibling relationship?

Dabao didn't get any response from Niuniu. He looked left and right, switched lanes, drove to the side of the road and stopped. Anyway, there were still several hours to go before the appointed time. He and her had plenty of time.

Niuniu was still thinking about how to answer Dabao's sudden question when the car suddenly changed lanes and stopped. She couldn't help but be surprised.

Dabao put out the fire, pulled out the key, and raised his chin to the cafe by the side of the road.

"I haven't had enough breakfast. Go and have something with me."

Niu Niu turned to look at the sign on the side of the road, nodded silently, and obediently went underground.

"Two glasses of fresh grape juice and one order of avocado, please." As if to prove that he didn't lie, Dabao sat down and said to the waiter.

The side head asks Niu Niu again, "how about you? What would you like to eat? "

"I'm not hungry. I'm full for breakfast." Niuniu shook her head, still thinking about how to answer the question just now.

She is not stupid, naturally understand that her brother is not full, but want to ask her something face to face.

He took a drink from the cup and raised his head to Dabao's black and shining eyes.

"Brother..." Niuniu gently put down the cup, was staring at him all over uncomfortable.


Dabao was still staring at her, dark and bright.

Such a pair of eyes alone can make many girls fall in love with him instantly, right?

Niuniu thought so.

"Mommy told me that I'm not a kid of the Ji family."

I learned the shocking truth about a month ago.

Niu Niu is a fool. Her first reaction is to have a good chat with her brother.

However, her big brother Dabao is far away from the other side of the earth. He is very busy, so he hasn't called home for two or three months.

Niuniu has his contact information, but in the past three years, she has almost never taken the initiative to contact her brother through these ways.

Maybe, deep in her heart, she really hated him.

"Niuniu, do you understand wrong? I think Mommy should tell you that you just don't have the blood of daddy and Mommy, but you are the child of our Ji family. "

Dabao corrects Niuniu's words persistently and seriously.

After so many years together, he believes that no one in the whole Ji family has ever treated Niuniu as an outsider. Even grandfather, who seems to be a cold old man, has always treated Niuniu as a married granddaughter.

Niu Niu was stunned for a moment. Soon, she reached out to hold Dabao's hand on the table.

"Brother, that's not what I mean. What I want to express is the same meaning as what you said, but my ability to express is limited, which makes you misunderstand. "

Niu Niu laughs at Dabao apologetically, "to tell you the truth, even if Mommy tells the truth, I don't feel like I'm not a kid of Ji family. As you said, I just don't have the blood of daddy and Mommy. For the rest, I'm the same as you and Xiaobao."

Niu Niu's expression is quite calm. Obviously, she didn't lie.

In fact, it only took Niu Niu a day or two to figure out this problem. After all, even though she knew that she was not born by Letong, the warmth and love she felt from her parents and Ji's family from childhood to adulthood was by no means smaller than Xiaobao and her brother. Therefore, she didn't get to the top of the issue.

And then for a long time, more, she actually used to think about the things between her and her big brother.

Before, she always regarded her brother Dabao as her sister's worship and dependence on him.

But after she knew that she was not the child of the Ji family, she couldn't help recalling the scenes when she was with her brother.

The scenes and pictures that she always firmly believed that her brother loved her sister, when she looked back from a different relationship and perspective, seemed to derive many possibilities.

And these possibilities, in the end, all point uniformly to the same possibility.

Just now, Dabao's light and shallow kiss on her in the car just turned the possibility she had guessed into reality.

Niu Niu picked her eyebrows, her bright eyes filled with smile.

"You just asked me, do you prefer to call you Ji Yu?"

"Well, have you thought about it?" Dabao was a little surprised. He thought that the little ostrich had to wait until he had finished a whole meal before he had to give him an answer.

To his surprise, Niu Niu nodded her head generously.

"Well, think about it."

Almost in an instant, she made a decision for her hesitation and vacillation.

He has escaped for so many years without knowing it. He must have suffered a lot in these years, right?

Niuniu secretly loves her brother Dabao.

"And then?"

Dabao saw hope in her bright eyes. At the moment, her chest was like a soda shaken by force, and strings of bubbles puffed up.

"Ji Yu, I like you!" As soon as the words came out, those sullen feelings that were pressing on my heart during this period of time disappeared.

Niuniu looks at the man in front of her without blinking. From this moment on, this man is not her brother, but the man she likes.

Although Dabao had enough psychological preparation, he didn't expect to hear such a direct and powerful confession!