Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 742

Da Bao naturally knows what Le Tong said.

If the people around were not afraid of the influence of Ji family, the truth of Niu Niu's life would have been flying all over the sky. How could she hide it from today?

But the influence of Ji family is stronger than before. People who used to be afraid of Ji family are only more afraid now. But why does Mommy sigh and act like she has to? Is there something wrong?

Letong seems to be able to see through the doubts in her son's heart, and then she says.

"Some time ago, someone came to us and said that he was Niuniu's uncle and wanted to take Niuniu away. Your father and I thought that he mostly wanted to cheat some money and ignored him. Later, he said that if he didn't take Niuniu away, we could give him some money. After discussing with your father, we felt that it was just like burying a bomb around us, Instead of letting the girl hear some gossip from outsiders, we'd better talk to her calmly. In addition, we also consider you... "

Dabao frowns and ponders. Does Niuniu's temperament change greatly because she learns that she is not the child of Ji family?

"After telling Niuniu about her life experience, he mentioned it to your grandfather. He told us that more than three years ago, before you went abroad, the man who claimed to be Niuniu's uncle had approached him and said the same thing to us. At that time, your grandfather quickly and simply asked someone to teach him some lessons. Your grandfather thought he gave up, He never mentioned it to us. Unexpectedly, he didn't give up. He came to us directly this time. "

In addition to Dabao himself, no one knows Dabao's feelings for Niuniu better than Letong, so Letong is actually ready to confess her life experience to Niuniu at any time.

But it's different from being forced to confess.

"What was that girl's reaction then?" Dabao's hands were sweaty.

What he cares about most is Niuniu. As for the fate and fate of the man who claims to be Niuniu's uncle, he doesn't bother to ask, because he knows that daddy will never make him feel better.

Letong face is also very dignified, even if the matter has passed, think of Niu Niu at that time, she is still very distressed.

"She was stupid at that time. No matter what I said, she didn't seem to hear it. She just like a puppet immersed in her own world, about a week later, she regained a little popularity, but obviously can feel that since that day, she has become more silent and introverted

Dabao extremely remorse, "Mommy, why don't you tell me about this?"

Le Tong patted him on the head, "silly son, you were preparing to go back to China at that time. Apart from telling us the time of your return, you haven't called back for several months. I know. You're busy! Besides, you're back now. There's plenty of time to coax her

Dabao had a lot of love in her eyes. If he had been with her at that time, would her pain have been less?

"But..." Dabao, who has always been eloquent, feels that his throat is dry now. He has a lot to say, but he can't say it.

Letong seems to be very clear about her son's mood, glancing at the big boy who is in agony.

"Fool, Niuniu is not as weak as you think. She is stronger than we think."

Letong pats her son's shoulder, saying nothing more. She turns and retreats silently, leaving the huge space for her son alone.

As for the endorsement, Letong believes that Xiaobao, the little kid who loves her sister like fate, has already mentioned it to her eldest son. Whether she can change Niuniu's decision depends on her eldest son's means.

Letong gently closes the door, but she knows better than anyone. If Niuniu insists on doing it, Dabao is the one who can't bear to stop her.


As Letong expected, Dabao would not move for the next two or three days. He just accompanied his younger brother and sister to go shopping and eat delicious food every day, and the three brothers soon returned to their old state of intimacy.

Dabao didn't mention anything about Niuniu's life experience and endorsement.

The three brothers and sisters have been eating, drinking and playing for two days, and it's the day Niuniu is going to perform in L City.

Dabao seems to have forgotten what Niuniu said about the special bus. When he took Niuniu out, he put her violin directly in the back of the car.

"Brother, teacher Fan said the car would pick me up at the front bus stop." Niuniu saw her violin being taken as a "hostage" to the car and stood beside the car in a hurry.

Dabao didn't seem to hear her. He opened the door of the co driver and pushed her to sit on it.

Niu Niu passively sat on the car and looked down at her brother and gave her a seat belt.

"I have told Mr. fan that we will meet at the cultural square of L City at three o'clock."

Dabao gently helped her fasten her seat belt, closed the door, and went around to the other side to sit in the cab.

"You drive?"

Niu Niu was surprised to see her brother start the car familiarly. For the time being, she forgot to ask her brother to change her way of travel.

"Why, is it strange?" Dabao glanced at her with a smile. Her surprise made him feel bright.

Niuniuna whispered, "I thought... You can't drive."

It's no wonder Niuniu feels strange. In the past two or three days when Dabao came back, every time he went out to play, he was picked up by Ji's driver.

In fact, it has been nearly three years since Dabao obtained an international driving license. Although it is the first time for Dabao to drive in China, his driving skills are absolutely excellent.

"Fool, my brother is twenty-one years old." Dabao's eyes were full of smiles to remind her.

In her mind, her impression of him probably stayed before he went abroad.

Niu Niu's eyes flashed a little dazed, "yes... I almost forgot..."

Even though Dabao has been back for a few days, she always feels unreal like a dream.

In her eyes, there are subtle complex emotions passing by, but they are accurately captured by Dabao who is waiting for the green light.

"Niuniu, brother is back, not a dream!"

Dabao's hand on the steering wheel suddenly stretched out. First, he rubbed her head. Then, he held her back and took people to his side.

Approaching the distance, Dabao clearly saw her big eyes flickering with panic.

The hand tightly clasps her head, does not allow her to have the slightest flinch, the face approaches, the lip extremely quickly grasps her nose tip, then gently falls on her lip.

"Brother..." Niuniu called vaguely, like a frightened fawn, with her hand on his chest, trying to push him away.

Dabao answered with a "um". His lips just touched lightly and left her quickly.