Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 741

"Daddy, I thought I wanted to learn from you. Now I find that I really overestimate you."

At this point, Dabao did not hide his high disdain for his father's poor Eq.

On this point, Ji Rui has always been very self-conscious“ Smelly boy, the skin itches, isn't it? "

After threatening, he couldn't help laughing.

"In fact, I've been secretly glad that you and Xiaobao are not like me in this respect. You are both like your mommy. Otherwise, when you two fall in love, both of you will suffer a lot. "

Dabao was amused by his father's words from the bottom of his heart. "Yes, Mommy often said, fortunately Xiaobao and I are not like you!"

"My son is so excellent, whose girl is so unruly, dare to let you suffer?"

Ji Rui didn't forget what his son meant to find himself.

Dabao almost didn't cry because of his father's short guard. Dabao really wants to see it. If he tells his father at this time that it is his baby daughter who makes his baby son suffer, he will help that one!

However, it's a big deal. I'd better discuss it with my mother first and then make a long-term plan. My father's side, let him keep in the dark for the time being.

"She didn't mean to make me suffer, but I haven't confessed yet."

At this time, Dabao was in a relaxed mood. Because, after a long talk in the park, he found that Niuniu was much more thoughtful and connotative than he thought.

Once upon a time, he underestimated her.

It can only be said that three years after Dabao's departure, Niuniu is transforming from a child into a teenager. She is gradually moving towards an adult in both thought and behavior. Naturally, she can no longer be as ignorant as she was three years ago.

Ji Rui's indignation faded.

"What are you worried about? Worried that she doesn't like you? "

Ji Rui is not happy in the heart secretly, whose wench eye is so high? My precious son of the Ji family, regardless of his family background, can make all kinds of beautiful women come forward one after another just by his smart head and excellent appearance. Is there anyone who is so illiterate and makes his son stick a hot face on a cold fart?

Dabao shook his head. "I'm not worried that she doesn't like me, but she's too young. Maybe it's not the time for me to express myself."

Ji Rui was curious and asked, "how small is it?"

"It's not 15 yet..." Dabao was amused and secretly bet that even if he said it so clearly, his father could not guess who was the main one.

"Well! Less than 15... "Ji Rui looks dignified," it's the same age as our Niuniu. Speaking of it, it's really not the time to express. "

Dabao finally couldn't help laughing. He finally stopped laughing and asked, "Daddy, what do you mean, I'll bear it for the moment? When she's a little older? "

Ji Rui nodded without hesitation, "of course! If any man dares to tell us Niuniu now, I won't break his leg! "

Speaking of later, Ji Rui is gnashing his teeth. It seems that he has directly put Niu Niu into this incident.

Just, he never thought, his baby son, the object of confession, is his family girl.

Dabao couldn't help laughing. He couldn't stand up straight.

He covered his stomach and assured his serious father, "OK, I'll wait for her to grow up a little more."

The conversation between father and son ended with great joy.

And Dabao is not without benefits.

Originally, he had made a plan when he decided to come back, and after he came back, he wanted to find out everything from Niuniu as soon as possible.

Because, he has had enough of this kind of suffocating in the heart what can't say what can't do bitter forced situation, more don't want two people ambiguous feelings suffered from Niuniu adolescent restless impact.

But after chatting with his father, he changed his mind and said what he had done. He decided to slow down for a while.

Anyway, I've been waiting for so many years, and I don't mind waiting for another year and a half. Moreover, he is right beside her now. If there is a slight disturbance, he can immediately change his strategy or even act immediately.

However, Dabao's idea of holding still for a while lasted only half a day. In the evening, Letong had a long talk with him, which overturned his decision again.

After dinner in the evening, Niuniu and Xiaobao said that they were too full, so they took two dogs out for a walk. Dabao was also very full, so she stood up and felt her stomach. She was just about to say that she would go for a walk with her younger brother and sister.

But Letong stopped him. "Dabao, mommy has a French document that she can't understand. Can you translate it for me?"

Dabao doesn't doubt him. He immediately tells his younger brother and sister that they don't have to wait for him. He turns around and follows Letong behind.

Unexpectedly, Letong did not lead him to the study, but led him into his bedroom.

Dabao looks confused, but he still sits down beside Letong.

"Dabao, there's something I have to tell you first."

Letong's expression is very serious, and her tone is also very serious.

Big treasure in the heart clap Deng for a while, faintly had bad premonition, lift an eye to stare at Yue Tong.

"Well?! Mommy, what do you want to say? " Reach over and hold Letong's hand on his thigh.

Le Tong patted the back of his hand, "life story, Niu Niu knows!"

Letong's words, like a bomb, exploded in Dabao's mind.

It took a long time for his brain to recover from the explosion.

"Mommy, how could she know? What did you tell her? Or did someone tell her? "

Dabao can't figure it out. Didn't he hide it well before? Why did you tell her all of a sudden?

Besides, didn't Mommy say that it was decided by his will?

"Mommy, don't you say, say or not, it's up to me to decide?"

Dabao is not strange Letong. He just can't figure it out. Then he comes up with another possibility.

Dabao's heart is very high. If Mommy takes the initiative to mention it to Niuniu, Niuniu will be the worst hit. But if Niuniu hears any idle words from others, she will be greatly hit.

Letong can't help sighing. If she can, she will never mention her life experience to Niuniu in such a hurry. However, at that time, it was the best choice.

"In fact, it's not a secret in our circle that Niuniu is adopted by us. At least, at that time, those people at your aunt yuan'er's wedding were all aware of it. Moreover, many people knew me at that time. Suddenly, a daughter came out. If you want to know, you just need to consider it carefully. It's just that the power of our family is here, and everyone knows it. No one has said it. "